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The devotee who has been grooming from day 1 in my krsna conscious life said I am a liar and a flirt. That is bad karma associating with me. That I am asat sanga.

In this situation what should I do?

Do I associate less, as I dont want to pass my bad karma to others? If this is the case, how do I get sadhu sanga? How am I ever going to progress on my own?


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sory to hear about that. but i think u still associate with devotees.i think it's bad karma if devotees associate with nondevotees only.

No Offence to u or that devotee but i have to say that Some of Srila Prabhupad's disciple were taking drugs etc before they came to Krishna.they were not perfect.It is thru Krishna ,chanting and associating that u change so even if u r a liar or a flirt don't worry about it because no one is perfect.it is thru chanting that we become perfect.

that devotee should have taken care of u. u should seek association n don't worry about that devotee.

i am not perfect myself..everyday i do so many things wrong.i think of so many things which r against krishna.

so this means that we r not perfect.

that devotee is not perfect otherwise she would have taken care of u instead of rejecting.But then again it depends on her situation .Maybe she doesn't really think what she said.Anyways donot worry continue to associate. i hope this helps.Also consider whatever that devotee said as purification,u r getting blessings.

4give if i caused any offence. i am sure i have cos i went against that devotee so u see am not perfect myself.

ok take care associate and chant.

Lord Krishna will take care of u.

Hare Krishna.

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Hey, Haribol.

You should not limit your association with devotees at all !! By association with the Lord's purest devotees, we can purify our heart, by revealing bad qualities . In fact it is said, that Krishna's devotees are more merciful than Krishna Himself ! Because His devotees will go and talk to the demons, and try to put them on the path to liberation- but Krishna won't talk to the demons. Prahlad Maharaja is a perfect example- while he knew his place in Vaikuntha was secure, he was merely concerned for all of the other fallen souls. If some devotees sometimes don't show you such mercy, don't take offense.

A person's bad karma (to my knowledge) can't be passed onto another person. Our karma may intertwine, but it does not affect another person, unless its meant to. Everything happens for a reason. Don't be perturbed by what this devotee has said to you, but try to learn from it... If you feel that what they said has some truth, than KEEP associating with Krishna's devotees, and Srila Prabhupada- read his books, listen to his lectures. If you reveal to a pure, situated devotee the impurities within your heart, they will help to cleanse them for you. Sadly, we all have to go through this process- well, with exceptions- but keep chanting, and once you can chant with a pure heart it will be transcendtal bliss ! Chanting is bliss =D

So, keep associating

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