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i have read in many sanatan websites that Krishna is the eigth incarnation og Vishnu. i know that this is not true because Krishna came as himself in Dwaparyuge. is their anyway this can be clarified so that people can get a understanding of this

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Jai Shree Krishna.


Main point of confusion is, who is supreme god, Vishnu or Krishna. All avatars starting with very first avatar Matsya avatar up to the 7th avatar of Ram, all are Bhagavan Vishnu’s avatar. It is important to know here the duties of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shri Sankar Bhagvan). Brahma creates universe, Vishnu preserve it by taking avatars and Mahesh destroys it. This happens again and again in a circle. Shri Krishna is “par-brahm” meaning “above the Brahma”.


Shri Krishna said when he was on this earth in Dwaparyug “I am older than the Past, Present and Future and there is no one older than me”, in Hindi “me bhut, vartman aur bhavishya ka bhi aadi hu aur mera aadi koi nahi”. More, “I was there when no one was and I will be there when no one will be”

This and many more truth that is explained in Bhagvad and Gita reveals that there is no one equals to Krishna so there is no question there could be anyone beyond him. Krishna is “aviniashi” and his “vaikunth dhaam” is param dham, where he remains with Radhaji.


Back to the point, up to and including Brahma’s dham, “maya” could be main cause that bring us in this world and not give Moksh to our atma (remember we are not a body but we are atma). At the time of our death, if we (our mind, which is very sensitive) have ANY desire (maya) OTHER THAN “enjoying param & avinash sukh of Krishna’s bhakti in his avinash dham”, we certainly will go again in the circle of life and death from which we have come. Circle of life and death is “choryashi na phera”. It is not easy or I would say it is impossible to attain above said state-of-mind at the time of dying IF we DO NOT live our whole life doing Bhakti. This is because our “mann” is so powerful and sensitive that if we don’t engage in Bhakti during whole life, at the time of death, our “mann” will not engage in Shri Krishna, rather it will definitely think of something else, which is nothing but the maya. Bhakti could easily vanish with any of 5 “dosh”. Those are Kaam (lust), Kroth (enger), Lobh (grid), Moh (temptation) and Maya (attachments). Entry of any of these at any time during our life destroys our Bhakti, which takes us away from our desire of Moksh. To control above 5 “dosh”, ALL of our “indries” including Spursh (touch), Swad (taste), Sugandh (smell), Swar (vaani / speech / voice) and Sight (thru our eyes) should be in control. If any one of them does what it shouldn’t, engage us into the 5 “dosh”. Only being Krushnaparayan (means no desire of any “sukh” other than of Krishna’s bhakti and seva) give us victory over these 5 dosh, and there is no other option to overcome these 5 – read second “adhyay” of Gita to know more (Tip: If you don’t have “sradha” in Krishna, you should not read Gita. First become Krishna’s Bhakt and then read)


P.S. If you or anyone has their Guru, please confirm above with him before adopting it completely. I have tried to conclude here based on my readings and understanding those.


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