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Books on Religion & Philosophy(VOL.1)

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Books on Religion & Philosophy(VOL.1)


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Books on Religion & Philosophy Published by SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS under Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica series & Sri Garib Das Oriental Series.






1. The Buddha Mimansa-The Buddha's Relation to Vedic Religion/Ed. Swami Maharaja Yogiraja of Bodha Gaya 1982 [039-8] US$ 13


2 Analysis of Kanjur/Alexander Csoma de Koros, Preface by Professor J.W. De Jong 1982 [079-7] US$ 20


3. The Way to Nirvana:Six Lectures on Ancient Buddhism as a Discipline of Salvation/L. de L. Vallee Pousin 1982 [038-X] US$ 15


4. A Grammar of the Tibetan Language/Alexander Csoma de Koros 1983,[055-X],US$ 20


5. Sanskrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary/Alexander Csoma de Koros, Revised by Anil Gupta (Vol.1) 1980 [080-0] US$ 26


6. Sanskrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary/Alexander Csoma de Koros (Vol.II) 1982 [082-7] US$ 26


7. A Comparative Study of Jainism and Buddhism/Sital Prasad 1995 [82-7] US$ 12


8. Samgharakkita's Vuttodaya:A Study of Pali Metre/Pali Text, Translated i nto English by R. Siddhartha Preface by Prof. J.W. De Jong 1981 [083- 5] US$ 10


9. Buddhist Concepts: Old and New/Ed. Buddhadasa P. Kirthesinghe 1983 [084-3] [085-1] US$ 10


10. Ratnakirti's Udayananirakaranam:Deciphered and Critically Ed. R.N. Pandey 1984 [052-5] US$ 13


12. A Catalogue Index of the Tibetan Buddhist Canons 1983 [051-7] US$ 13


14-19,22-24. Gilgit Manuscripts/Nalinaksha Dutta, (4 Vols..9Parts) 1984 [086-X] US$ 266


20. Philosophy, Grammar and Indology:Prof. Gustav Roth Felicitation Volume/Ed. H.S. Prasad 1992 [362-1] US$ 60


21. Indian Studies:Volume in Honour of Edwad James Rapson/Ed. J. Bloch, J. Charpenter and R.L. Turner 1985 [045-2] US$ 16


25. A Glossary of Buddhist Terms/A.C. March 1986 [025-8] US$ 10


26. The History of Buddhist in India and Tibet/E. Obermiller 1999 [026-6] US$ 16


27. Indological and Buddhist Studies:Volume in Honour of Professor J.W. de Jong/L.A. Hercus et al. 1984 [046-1] US$ 53


28. Magadhan Literature/Harprasad Sastry 1986 [010-X] US$ 13


31. Insights into Buddhism/Ed. S.K. Gupta 1986 [022-3] US$ 10


32. Indian Studies-Selected Papers of Gustav Roth/Ed. Heinz Bechert 1986 [037-1] US$ 100


33. A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America/J.W. de Jong (2nd Rev. Ed.) 1987 [023-1] US$ 10


34. A Philosophical Analysis of Buddhist Notions-The Buddha and Wittgenstein/A.D.P. Kalansuriya 1987 [111-15] US$ 13


35. The Framework of Nagarjuna's Philosophy/ A.M. Padhya [124-6] US$ 20


36. Vadanyaya:The Nyaya-Buddhist Controversy/Mangla R. Chinchore [125-4] US$ 10


37. Folklores in Buddhist & Jaina Literature/S.C.Banerjee 1987 [116-5] US$ 10


38. The Buddhist Diet Book/L.C. Holloway 1991 [126-2] US$ 5


39. The Mission of Wong Hiuen-Tse's in India/B.C. Law 1987 [127-0] US$ 10


40. On the Chronicles of Ceylon/B.C. Law 1987 [128-9] US$ 6


41. Nyayapravesa of Dignaga/Ed. A.B. Dhruva 1987 [133-5] US$ 16


42. The Jewellery of Scriptures of Buston/E. Obermiller 1998 [129-6] US$ 16


43. Prakrit Dhammapad/B.M. Barua 1988 [137-8] US$ 20


44-45. Further Dialogues of Buddha/Lord Chalmers, 2 Vols.1988[129-6],US$ 40 Set


47. The Mahasudarsanavadana and the Mahasudarsanasutra/Hisashi Matsumura 1988 [143-2] US$ 33


48. Manuscripts Remains of Buddhist Literature Found in Eastern Turkistan- Facsimiles with Transcripts & Notes/(2 Parts with 22 plates) Ed. A.F. Rudolf-Hoernle 1988 [158-X] US$ 40


49. Eastern Monachism-Account of the Origin, Laws, Discipline, Sacred Writings, Mysterious Rites, Religious Ceremonies, and Present Circumstances of the Order of Mendicants founded by Gautama Buddha/R.Spence Hardy 1989 [159-9] US$ 40


50. Jataka Mala or a Garland of Birth Stories/Marie Musaeus Higgins 1989 [160- 2] US$ 26


51. The Legends and Theories of the Buddhists Compared with History & Science/R.Spence Hardy 1989 [161-2] US$ 26


52. Tibetan Tales-Derived from Indian Sources, Translated from the Tibetan of Kah-Gyur in German by F. Anto Von Schiefner, & from German into English by C.A.F. Rhys Davids [165-3] US$ 26


53-55. Hinduism and Buddhism/Charles Elliot,3Vols.1988 [173-4] (Set) US$ 100


56. Treatise on Buddhist Philosophy of Abhidhamma/C.L. De Silva 1988 [174-2] US$ 13


57-59. Aryamanjusrimulakalpa/Ed. T. Ganapati Sastri ,3 Vols.,1989 US$ 60 (Set)


60. Tibetan Grammar/H.A. Jaschke 1989 [187-4] US$ 10


61. The Imitation of Buddha/Ernest M. Bowden 1989 [185-8] US$ 13


62. A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures/Samuel Beal 1989 [183-1] US$ 33


63. Amala Prajna:Aspects of Buddhist Studies-Prof. P.V. Bapat Felicitation Volume/Eds. N.H. Samtani and H.S. Prasad 1989 [188-2] US$ 53


64. A Glossary of Pali Proper Name/Eduard Muller 1989 [210-2] US$ 6


65. Mahayanasutralankara-A Study in Vijnana-vada Buddhism/Y.S. Sastri 1989 [195-2] US$ 13


66. The Philosophy of Relations/V.N. Jha 1990 [208-2] US$ 5


67. Vastuvidyasasta ascribed to Manjusri/Text with Translation by E.W.Marasinghe, Vol.1, 1989 [199-8] US$ 20


68. A Tibettan-English Dictionary/Sarat Chandra Das, 1989 [200-5] US$ 10


69. Tibetan Buddhist Historical Glossary/S.C. Das 1989 [203-X] US$ 13


70. The Pioneers of Buddhist Revival in India/D.C. Ahir 1989 [212-9] US$ 8


71. Guide to Tipitaka/Comp. U.K. Lay 1990 9219-7] US$ 10


72. Twenty-Five Suttas from Mulapannasa / 1990 [220-X] US$ 26


73. The Dhammapada-Verses & Stories/Daw Mya Tin 1990 [221-8] US$ 26


74. The Comparative Catalogue of Chinese Agamas and pali Nikayas/Chizen Akanuma 1990 [231-5] US$ 26


75. The Sutta Nipata/Ed. P.V. Bapat 1990 [231-5] US$ 13


76. The Heart Sutra Explained-Indian and Tibetan Commentaries/Donald S. Lopez. Jr. 1990 [238-2] **


77. The History of Buddhism in Medieval Sri Lanka/H.B.M. Ilangashinghe 1991,[245-5] US$ 23


78. Essays on Time in Buddhism/Ed. H.S. Prasad 1991 [262-5] US$ 50


79. The Uttaratantra of Maitreya/Containing E.H.Johnston's Text, E.Obermiller's Translation and a new Comprehensive Introduction by H.S. Prasad 1997 [263-3] US$ 26


81 The Citrakarmasastra ascribed to Manjusri/E.W. Marasinghe, (Vol.2) 1991 [252-8] US$ 23


82. Buddhism in Modern India/D.C. Ahir 1991 [254-4] US$ 13


83. Me and Mine:Selected Essays of Bhikkhu Buddhadasa/Ed. And introduction by Donald K. Swearer 1991 [265-0] **


84. Twenty-Five Suttas from Majjhimapannasa/1991 [261-7] US$ 26


85. A Grammar of the Tibetan Language/H.B. Hannah 1991 [264-1] US$ 16


86. Kalynamitta:Professor Hajime Nakamura Felicitation Volume/Ed.V.N. Jha 1991 [253-6] US$ 50


87. Buddhism & American Thinkers/Kenneth K. Inada 1991 [276-5] **


88. Akshyanivi-Debala Mitra Felicitation Volume/Ed. Gouriswar Bhattacharya 1991 [275-7] US$ 200


89. Samadhi-Self Development in Zen Swordsmanship and Psychotherapy/ Mike Sayama 1991 [277-3] **


90. Buddhist Faith & Sudden Enlightenment/Sung Bae Park 1991 [278-1] **


91. The Central Conception of Buddhism/Th. Stcherbatsky 1991 [280-3] US$ 10


92. Buddhism as Presented by the Brahmanical Systems/C.V. Kher 1992 [293-5] US$ 50


93. Twenty-Five Suttas from Uparippanasa/1992 [294-3] US$ 26


94. Mahyanasutralankara by Asanga/Text, Eng. Trans. Surekha V. Limaye 2000, [347-8] US$ 50


95. Buddhist Symbolism of Wish-fulfilment/S.G. Senadeera 1992 [298-6] US$ 53


96 Madhyanta-Vibhanga/Trans. Th. Stcherbatsky 1992 [301-X] US$ 16


97. Prajna-Paramita-Ratna-Guna-Samccaya-Gatha/Sanskrit and Tibetan Text, Ed. E. Obermiller 1992 [302-8] US$ 13


98. Mahavyupatti/Ed. I.P. Minaev 1992 [303-6] US$ 14


99. Abhisamayalankara-Prajna-Paramita-Upadesa-Sastra-The Work of Boddhisattva Maitreya/Eds. Th. Stcherbatsky, E. Obermiller 1992 [304-4] US$ 13


100. Zen Buddhism and Mysticism/Surekha V. Limaye 1992 [327-3] US$ 20


101. A Study of Tao-Sheng Commentary on the Lotus Sutra/Young Ho Kim 1992 [306-0] **


102. Jewels of the Doctrine-Stories of the Saddharma Ratnavaliya of Dharmasena Thera/Tr. Ranjini Obeyesekera 1992 [307-9] **


103. Buddha Nature/Salle B. King 1992 [ 308-7] **


104. The Buddha Within:Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shen- tong Interpretation of the Ratnagota-Vibhaga/S.K. Hookham 1992 [309- 5] **


105. Madhyamika and Yogacara/Gadgin M. Nagao, Trans. Leslie S. Kawamura 1992 [310-9] **


106. Existence and Enlightenment in the Lankavatarasutra/Florin Giripescu Sutton 1992 [311-4] **


107. Inference and Fallacies as Discussed in Ancient Indian Logic/Pradeep P. Gokhale 1992 [319-2] US$ 23


108. Ethics of Tibet-Boddhisattva Section of Tsong-Khapa's Lam Rin Chin Mo/Trans. Alex Wayman, Foreword by the Dalai Lama 1992 [324-9] **


109. The Christ and the Boddhisattva/Ed. Donald S. Lopez Jr., Steven C. Rockfeller 1992 [323-0] **


110. The Principles of Buddhist Psychology/David J. Kalupahana 1992 [322-2] **


111. Buddhist Theory of Casuality and Einstein's Theory of Relativity/Filita Bharucha 1992 [331-1] US$ 20


112. Buddhism in South India/D.C. Ahir 1992 [332-X] US$ 13


113. Buddhism, Sexuality and Gender/Jose Ignacio Cabezon 1992 [342-7] **


114. Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha/Robert E. Buswell Jr. 1992 [341-9] **


115. Conversational English-Tibetan Dictionary/Anil Gupta 1992 [352-4] US$ 10


116. The Classical Tibetan Language/Stephen V. Beyar 1993 [357-5] **


117. Buddhist Sociology/N. Ratnapala 1993 [363-X] US$ 26


118. The Eternal Food/Ed. R.S. Khare 1993 [365-6] **


119. The Sovereign All Creating Mind-The Motherly Buddha/S. Dargay Neumair 1993 [366-4] **


120. Nidana Samyutta/English Translation 1993 [367-2] US$ 20


121. The Word Index of Abhidharma-Kosha/Comp. S. Pradhan 1993 [369-9] US$ 20


122. Himalayan Buddhism:Past and Present/D.C. Ahir 1993 [370-2] US$ 15


123. In the Mirror of Memory:Reflections on Mindfullness and Remembrance in Indian and Tibetan Buddhismb/Janet Gyatso 1993 [374-5] **


124. Tibetan Buddhism:Reason and Revelation/Steven D. Goodman, Ronald M. Davidson 1993 [376-1] **


125. A Dose of Emptiness:An Annotated Translation of the sTong thun chen mo of Mkhas Grub dGe legs dpal bzang/Jose Ignacio Cabezon 1993 [375-3] **


126. Vadanyaya-The Logic of Debate/Sanskrit Text and English Tr. Pradeep P. Gokhale 1993 [380-X] US$ 20


127. Nagarjuna:Mulamadhyamakakarika/Kenneth K. Inada 1993 [385-0] US$ 20


128. The Philosophical Glossary of Tibetan Buddhism/Sunil Gupta 1999 US$13


129. In Search of Dharma:Memoirs of Modern Chinese Buddhist Pilgrim/Chan Hua 1994 [392-3] **


130. A Dictionary of Buddhist Proper Terms/Chizen Akanuma 1994 [400-8] US$ 50


131. The Uttara Tantra:A Treatise on Buddha Nature/Trans. Ken and Katia Holmes 1994 [401-6] **


132. The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines and its Verse Summary/Edward Conze 1994 [405-9] **


133. DzogChen Meditation/Gareth Spartham 1994 [407-5] US$ 10


134. Buddha Gaya Through the Ages/D.C. Ahir 1994 [409-1] US$ 15


135. Craving and Salvation/Bruce Mathews 1994 [414-8] **


136. Hua-Yen Buddhism-The Jewel Net of Indra/Francis H. Cook 1994 [415-6] **


137. The Four Ordinary Foundations of Buddhist Practice/Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche,1994,[461-4], **


138. The Bimbamana:The Buddhist Iconometry/E.W. Marasinghe 1994 [417-2] US$ 8


139. Historical Dictionary of Buddhism/Charles S. Prebish 1994 [418-0] **


140. Buddhism:A Modern Perspective/Ed. Charles S. Prebish 1995 [419-9] **


141. The Dharma:That Illuminates All Beings Impartially like the Light of the Sun and the Moon/ Kalu Rinpoche 1995 [431-8] **


142. Ocean of Eloquence:Tsong Kha Pa's Commentary on the Yogacara Doctrine of Mind/Gareth Sparham 1995 [432-6] **


143. Wholeness Lost and Wholeness Regained:Forgotten Tales of Individuation from Ancient Tibet/H.V. Guenther 1995 [433-4] **


144. On Understanding Buddhists:Essays on the Theravada Traditions in Sri Lanka/John Ross Carter 1995 [434-4] **


145. The Law and Morality in Ancient India/R.P. Peernboom 1995 [429-6] **


146. Process Metaphysics and Hua-Yen Buddhism/ Steve Odin,1995 [424-5] **


147. Mongolian Living Buddha/Paul Heinz 1995 [423-7] **


148. Buddhism after Patriarchy/Rita M. Gross 1995 [422-9] **


149. Mutual Casuality in Buddhism and General System Theory/Joanna Macy 1995 [421-1] **


150-152. Gilgit Buddhist Manuscripts/Raghuvira and Lokesh Chandra, 3 Vols. 1995 [445-8] US$ 500 (Set)








1. Mantramahodadhi Of Mahidhara With The Author's Comm. Nauka/Ed. With a Critical Introduction in English by a Board of Scholar. Preface by J.W. de Jong 1981 [061-4] US$ 40


2-3 The Valmiki Ramayana-According to Southern Recensions/Ed. T.R. Krishnacharya (2 Vols) 1982 (V.I) [062-2] (V.II) [063-0] US$ 60


4-5 Studies in South Indian Jainism/M.S. Ramaswami Ayyangar and B. Seshagiri Rao, (2 Vols.) 1988 [144-0] , US$ 26 Set


6. Studies in Eastern Religions/Alfred S. Geden 1983 [066-5] US$ 20


7. Pancavimsa Brahman-The Brahmana of Twenty Five Chapters/English Trans by W. Caland 1982 [054-1] US$ 33


8. Slokavartika/Translated from the Original Sanskrit with Extract from the Commentaries Kasika of Sucarita Misra and Nyayaratnakara of Parthasarthi Misra. Trans. By Ganganath Jha. 1983 [051-0] US$ 33


11. Sri Saraswati in Indian Art and Literature/Niranjan Ghosh 1984 [057-6] US$ 16


12. Mantramahodadhi with the Commentary Nauka/Translated into English by a Board of Scholars 1998 [050-9] US$ 40


13. The Prasastapada Bhasya with Comm. Nyayakandali of Sridhara/Ed. Vindhyeshwari Prasad Dvivedin [056-8] ,US$ 20


14. Dharmasindhu/Kashinath Upadhyaya with an English Introduction by Judo Rocher 1986 [002-9] US$ 22


15. The Nyayasutras with Vatsyayana Bhasya/Ed. Gagandadhar Sastri Tailanga 1984 [042-8] US$ 20


16. Brahmasiddhi of Acharya Mandana Misra with Comm. Sankhapani/Ed. With an Introduction by Kuppuswami Sastri 1984 [067-3], US$ 80


17. Early Inscriptions/Ed. Sadhu Subrahmanya Sastri 1984 [068-1] US$ 40


18. Inscriptions of Saluva Narasimha's Time/Ed. Sadhu Subramanya Sastri and B. Vijayaraghavacharya 1984 [069-X] US$ 40


19. Inscriptions of Krishnaraya's Time/Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya 1984 [070-3] ,US$ 40


20. Inscriptions of Achyutaraya's Time/Assisted by G.A. Narayan Ed. V. Vijayaraghvacharya 1984 [071-1] US$ 40


21. Inscriptions of Sadasivaraya's Time/Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya 1984 [072-X],US$ 40


22. Inscriptions of Venkatapatiraya's Time, Part-I/Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya 1984 [073-8] US$ 40


23. Epigraphical Glossary in three Sections/1984 [074-6] US$ 40


24. Report on the Inscriptions/Sadhu Subrahmanya Sastri 1984 [075-4] US$ 40


25. Nadagama-The First Sri Lankan Theatre/M.H. Gonatilleka 1984 [076-2] US$ 20


28. Beyond the Mind/David Frawley **


30. Akshara:The Forgotten Chapter in the History of Indian Philosophy/P.M. Modi 1985 [041-X] US$ 10


31-32 The Manava Srautasutra belonging to the Maitrayani Samhita/Ed. & Trans. By J.M. Van Geldner with corrections and emendations by Dr. C.G. Kashikar (2 Vol.) [077-0] US$ 53, Set


33. Deyadharma-Studies in Memory of Dr. D.C. Sircar/Ed. Gouriswar Bhattacharya 1986 [021-5] US$ 133


34-35 The Khandanakhandakhadya of Sri Harsha/Trans. Ganganath Jha, 2 Vols. 1986 (V.I) [017-7] (V.II) [018-5] US$ 40 ,Set


36. The Mimansa-Nyaya Prakash of Apadeva/Trans. Francklin Edgerton 1986 [024-X] US$ 20


37. The Imitation of Sankara/M.N. Dwivedi 1988 [027-4] US$ 13


38. The Vedanta Doctrine of Sri Sankaracharya/A. Mahadeva Sastri 1986 [029-0] US$ 13


39. Katyayana Mata-Sangraha/N.C. Bandopadhyaya 1986 [030-4] US$ 10


40. An Encyclopaedia of Jainism/Ed. P.C. Nahar & K.C. Ghosh 1996 [032-0] US$ 33


42. Sankhayana Grihya Sutra/Ed. S.R. Sehgal, 2nd Rev. Ed. 1987 [019-3] US$ 20


43.The Brihat Samhita/ English Trans. by N.C. Ayer 1987 [094-0] US$ 26


44-45. Upanishad Vakya Mahakosh/S. Shambu Gajanan Sadhale, 2 Vols. 1987 [095] , US$ 40 Set


46. The Logic of the Intermediate Casual Link / V.N. Jha 1986 [102-5] US$ 10


47. The Vakyarthamatrka of Salikanatha Misra with his Own Vrtti/Trans. Rajendra Nath Sarma 1987 [110-6] US$ 10


48. Yantras-Text and Plates/S.K. Ramachandra Rao 1988 [118-1] US$ 10


49. Kanada's Doctrine of the Padarthas/Veena S. Gajendragadkar 1988 [119-X] ,US$ 13


50-54. Bhattadipika/Critically Ed. By S. Subrahmanyam Sastri, 2nd Corrected Ed. 6 Vols. 1987 [109-2] (Set) US$ 133


55-56. Oriental & Linguistic Essays/W.D. Whitney, 2 Vols. 1987 [114-9 (Set) US$ 53


57. Dravidic Studies/ C.P. Venkatarama Ayyar, K.V. Subbaya & S. Aavaratavinaya Pillai 1987 [1157] US$ 10


58. Sabda Pramana-An Epistemological Analysis/R.I. Ingalalli 1988 [120-3] US$ 9


59. Naganandam of Sri Harsha/Trans. V. Leela Devi 1988 [120-3] US$ 9


60. Verbal Knowledge in Prabhakara Mimansa/R.N. Sarma 1989 [194-7] US$ 13


61. Bengali Religious Lyrics-Sakta/Trans. Edward J. Thompson & Arthur Marshman Spencer 1986 [020-7] US$ 10


62. Religions and Comparative Thought-Essays in Honour of the Late Dr. Ian Kesarcodi-Watson/Ed. Purusottama Bilimoria & Peter Fenner 1988 [123-8] US$ 33


63. Yoga-A Study of the Mystical Philosophy of the Brahmins and Buddhists/J.F.C. Fuller 2000 [138-6] US$ 10


64-65. An Encyclopaedia of World Architecture/Joseph Gwilat Revised by Wyatt Papworth (2 Vols) 1988 (Vol.1) [145-9] (Vol.2) [147-4] US$ 100, Set


67-74. Srimad Mahabharatam-According to Southern Recensions/Ed. By T.R. Krishnacharya and T.R. Vayasacharya; Preface by Professor J.W. de Jong, 8 Vols. 1991 [093-2] (Set) US$ 200


75. Mimansa Theory of Meaning/R. N. Sarma 1988 [157-2] US$ 10


76-77. A Universal History of the Religious Rites, Ceremonies and Customs of the Whole World/W. Hurd, 2 Vols. 1988 [164-4] (Set) US$ 133


78. The Sanskrit Theatre and Stagecraft/E.W. Marasinghe 1989 [176-9] US$ 33


79. Post-Sankaradeva Vaisnava Faith & Culture of Assam/K.D. Goswami 1986 [167-X],US$ 20


80. Advaitamoda:A Study of Advaita & Visistadvaita/Tr. & Comm. In English by Michael Comans 1988 [168-8] US$ 40


81. Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints/F. Kingsbury and G.P. Philips,2000 [169-6] US$ 10


82. Sarada Tilaka Tantram/Eng. Trans. By a Board of Scholars 1988 [175-0] US$ 20


83. Nalinikanta Shatavarshiki-Dr. N.K. Bhattasali Centenary Volume (1888-1988)/Eds. Debala Mitra & Gouriswar Bhattacharya 1990 [191-2] US$ 200


84. Sanskrit & Related Studies-Contemporary Research and Reflections/B.K. Motilala and Purusottama Bilimoria 1990 [192-0] US$ 16


85. Ksemendra:The Eleventh Century Kashmiri Poet-A Study of his Life and Works/Uma Chakraborty 1993 [196-3] US$ 16


86. Conversational English-Nepali Dictionary/Anil Gupta 1993 US$ 10


87. Sri Chakras:Text and Plates/ S.K. Ramachandra Rao 1989 [198-X] US$ 10


88. Vedic Gods & Some Hymns/V. Leela Devi 1989 [201-3] US$ 10


89. Dhaturupakosa/D.N. Gandhi 1989 [202-1] US$ 33


90. A Reconstruction of the third School of Purvamimansa/Ujjvala Panse 1989 [209-9],US$ 20


91. Meaning and Knowledge-An Interpretation of Indian and Contemporary Epistemological Concepts /R.I. Ingalalli 1989 [205-6] US$ 26


92. The Vidura-Gita-Text & English Trans. /V. Leela Devi 1989 [213-7] US$ 10


93. Philosophy of Religion in Hindu thought/Trans. And Ed. By Ananda Amaladass 1989 [204-8] US$ 10


94. Prameyakamalamartanda-Comm. On Shri Manik Nandi's Pareeksha Mukh Sutra/Ed. M.K. Shastri 1990 [206-4] US$ 33


95. Nyayasiddhanta Manjari with Comm. Nilakantha Diksita's Dipikatarka-prakasa/Gauri Nath Sastri 1990 [207-3] US$ 20


96. Mysticism in the Indian Tradition/Noel Boreham 1989 [218-7] US$ 10


97. The Gita:A Philosophy in Human Action/S.S. More 1990 [222-7] US$ 16


98. Vishnu Samhita-Text/Ed. T. Ganapati Sastri 1990 [223-4] US$ 13


99. An Analysis of Dream in Indian Philosophy/Satyajit Layek 1990 [ 225-0] US$ 11


100. Deliver Me, My Lord-Manavalamamuni's Artiprabhandham/Anand Amaladass 1990 [226-9] US$ 10


101. Invariable Concomitance in Nayva-Nyaya/Toshihiro Wada 1990 [227-7] US$ 40


102. Advaitasiddhi of Madhusudan Saraswati/Trans. Ganganath Jha 1990 [228-5] US$ 23


103. Advaitasiddhi-A Critical Study/K. Maheswaran Nair 1990 [229-3] US$ 14


104. The Kavyalankara Sutras of Vamana/Trans. Ganganath Jha 1990 [235-8] US$ 9


105. Makarand-Professor James C. Harle Felicitation Volume/Ed. Claudine Bautze-Picron 1990 [236-7] US$ 200


106. Tapta Marga-Asceticism and Initiation in Vedic India/W.O. Kaelber 1990 [237-4],US$ 13


107. Tadatmya Sambandha-A Study in Relation of Identity/R.I. Inglali 1990 [239-X] US$ 10


108. The Vedic Origins of Karma:Cosmos as Man in Ancient Indian Myth and Ritual/Herman W. Tull 1990 [241-2] US$ 13


109. Shaiva Devotional Songs of Kashmir-A Trans. And Study of Utpaladev's Shivastotravali/C.R. Baily 1990 [242-0] US$ 13


110. Nagesa and the Mahabhasya/K.S. Menambal 1991 [243-9] US$ 16


111. Time in Indian Philosophy/Ed. H.s. Prasad 1992 [267-6] US$ 50


112. A Critique of Sabda:Based on Visvanath's Bhasapariccheda/Ashok Kumar Goswami 1991 [247-1] US$ 30


113. Bhasa Bodhini-a Sanskrit Primer/Malaya Gangopadhyaya 1991 [248-X] US$ 10


114. Christianity in Indian Dance Forms/F. Barboza 1991 [249-8] US$ 20


115. Relations in Knowledge Representation:Studies in Nyaya, Mimansa, Vyakarna, Tantra, Modern Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence in Computer Application/K.C. Dash 1991 [266-8] US$ 20


116. Nature in Asian Traditions of thought/Ed. J. Baird Callicott and Roger T. Ames 1991 [260-9] **


117. Jung and Eastern thought/Harold Coward 1991 [285-7] **


118. Kashmir Shaivism-The Secret Supreme/Swami Lakshman Joo 1991 [257-9] **


119. The Iconography of Ritual of Shiva at Elephanta/Charles D. Collins 1991 [257-9] **


120. Jainism as Meta-Philosophy/S. Gopalan 1991 [265-X] US$ 8


121-122.Nyayakumudacandra of Prabhacandracarya Comm. On Bhattakalankadeva's Laghiya- Straya/Pt. Mahendra Kumar Nyayacharya, (2 Vols) 1991 [271-4] (Set) US$ 46


123. Mimansa-The Ancient Indian Science of Sentence Interpretation/G.V. Devasthali 1991 [272-2] US$ 13


124. Hindu Ethics-Purity, Abortion and Euthanasia/Harold G. Coward 1991 [273-0] **


125. Derrida and Indian Philosophy/Harold Coward 1991 [274-9] **


126. The Ritual Battle-Krishna in the Mahabharata/A. Hiltebeitel 1991 [279-X] **


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