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characters in Jaiva Dharma

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Hare Krishna and all glories to Srila Prabhupada


I am reading Bhaktivinoda Thakur's masterpiece, "Jaiva Dharma". I am curious - are the characters fictitious or real? I think they are fictitious but it is soooo wonderfully described that it almost seems as if they were real!


BTW - one of the best books I've been reading!!



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Hi there,


I have been reading Jaiva Dharma for quite a time now and I am discovering the many different depths of Self Realisation and bhakti in Krsna Consciousness.


This is an excellent read. It is like an ocean in a jam jar (that is how someone described it to me before I read it - and it truly is!).


Whether the characters are real or ficticious I don't know. I don't think it really matters because the arguments made in various different topics between two parties are in reference to bonafide and authorised scriptures and also deal with subtle issues that would in normal mundane circumstances cause a great debate.


The points that are made in the various different arguments are poignant, logical and practically appreciatable.


This is an absolute masterpiece -


Jai Shree Krsna

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I absolutely agree - I somehow luckily ordered a copy; something in me said get it. And now, I cant put it down! It presents so many deeply complex and subtle issues but in a supremely easy way to read and understand!


Hare Krishna!

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by Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Translated by BV Narayana Maharaja-

"I have tried as far as possible in this translation to preserve the lofty philosophy and highly intricate and subtle moods concerning the analysis of rasa. I endeavored to the best of my ability to express these things in clear and easily understandable language. It is for the readers to see how successful I have been in this attempt. Whatever value there is in this effort is exclusively due to the credit of the lotus feet of Sri Guru."


Download here: http://www.krsnaconsciousness.org/Gauranga/Zip/Jaiva-Dharma-nvf.zip

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there are 3 translations, as far as I know. two are offered on krishnaculture.com ; the translation by BV Narayan Maharaj is available on bhaktistore.com


The translation by BV Narayan Maharaj is a translation of a translation - the original masterpiece is in Bengali, it was translated by him into Hindi, and by his disciples the Hindi translation has been translated into English.


dont know about the other 2 translations.


Hare Krishna

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