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Where is Krishna?

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He is present in your heart, mine, and everyones.


He is also present on the planet of krishnaloka.


The sun is situated in one place but the sunlight is everywhere. Similaray Lord Krishna is present in one place but his energy is everywhere.

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Krishna is everywhere. he is there in the form of his holy name. when we chant....


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


We directly associate with him.

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Yes of course he is in all of them. He also says all men follow my ways in all matters. and "I am the gambling of cheats". If you ask if he was in the murders he might tell you, he who thinks the self slays does not understand, the self slays not, nor is slain.


Crime, prostitution, anything good or bad all rest in him and he is all of them. At the absolute level good and bad do not exist.

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Dear Guest,

OMshanti. Does that mean that God only causes sorrows and God only causes joy? Is it God who committs all the murders and rapes in the world? In that case why are the criminals punished? If God is doing all these things then there is no need for courts, hospitals, schools etc.


God does not do anything bad. God is sada shiv, i.e. always benefactor or kalyaankaari. When we mortal human beings cannot kill our children or anyone, then how can God kill his own creation? God only shows mercy, gives knowledge, shows the path to purification. He gets the task of creation, destruction and sustenance performed through Brahma, Shankar and Vishnu respectively.


With regards,

ON Godly service,

Roohani sevadhari,

Prajapita Brahmakumar

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Yes of course he is in all of them. He also says all men follow my ways in all matters. and "I am the gambling of cheats". If you ask if he was in the murders he might tell you, he who thinks the self slays does not understand, the self slays not, nor is slain.


Crime, prostitution, anything good or bad all rest in him and he is all of them. At the absolute level good and bad do not exist.



This is like blind leading the blind into a ditch. Please speak from Shaastra, not your foolish speculation on what Lord Krishna is ?


Lord Krishna does not suggest like that in Gita. The meaning of those verses is that HE is the actual source of power behind those activities, meaning no living being can do anything independent of HIM.


This is like connecting a fan to the electric line. Without HIM and HIS aid, no living being will be able to even exist, much less do any activity.


Still, free-will of the being is functional. As per a being's karma, Lord Krishna allows that being to do so much activity.


When Lord Krishna says "HE is gambling", it means Lord Krishna is the decider of the fates and giver of fruits of action.


It does not mean Lord Krishna murders some innocent person as you explained.


Here is the actual verse.


English Translation of Sri Sankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary - Swami Gambhirananda


10.36 Chalayatam, of the fraudulent, of the deceitful; I am the dyutam, gambling, such as playing with dice. I am the tejah, irresistible command; tejasvinam, of the mighty. [some translate this as 'the splendour of the splendid'.-Tr.] I am the jayah, excellence of the excellent. [some translate this as 'the victory of the victorious'.-Tr.] I am the vyavasayah, effort of the persevering. I am the sattvam, sattva quality; [The result of sattva, viz virtue, knowledge, detachment, etc.] sattvavatam, of those possessed of sattva.



English Translation - of Sri Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary - Dr. S Sankaranarayan


10.36 Of those who practise fraud with a view to defeat each other, I am gambling such a dice-play etc., I am the victory of those who achieve victory. I am the effort of those who make effort. I am the magnanimity of those who possess magnanimity of mind.



Dear Guest,

OMshanti. Does that mean that God only causes sorrows and God only causes joy? Is it God who committs all the murders and rapes in the world? In that case why are the criminals punished? If God is doing all these things then there is no need for courts, hospitals, schools etc.



I will agree with you on this point. The correct explanation is given above.



God does not do anything bad. God is sada shiv, i.e. always benefactor or kalyaankaari. When we mortal human beings cannot kill our children or anyone, then how can God kill his own creation? God only shows mercy, gives knowledge, shows the path to purification.






He gets the task of creation, destruction and sustenance performed through Brahma, Shankar and Vishnu respectively.



This is your speculation of your fakeraj's speculation.

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