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Srila Prabhupada's Gita Nagari Prophecy Geeta Nagari!

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The Gita Nagari Prophecy of Srila Prabhupada

Back To Godhead Magazine

Volume 3, Part 6, May 20, 1956


Delhi, Sunday 20th May 1956

By Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada


excerpts: At the present age the same fight between two rival parties of politicians without any guidance of the transcendental direction of Godhead is merrily going on at the expense of the innocent poor people of the world and as such Sree Krishna has descended again in the shape of Geeta Nagari with the same purposes of saving the faithful and annihilating the unbelievers as He did in the battlefield of Kurukshetra ..................The Geeta Nagari will therefore be the main preaching centre of the Supreme Authority of Sree Krishna the Personality of Godhead...................It is therefore desired that the authorities who shall guide the activities of the Geeta Nagari may make such organised effort as will help this mission of the Geeta Nagari on a permanent basis.

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