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10 avathar of Lord Krishna

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Dear Sisters and Brothers

Do Lord enter different animal enter his part? in logically speaking animals does't have sixth sense. God can enter only in human body and teach geetha to like so many arjuna's. It realy speak When God enter into human body start teaching Geetha (that is called murali) animal like behaviour human beings are there. I condem the highest of high of Supreme God never enter below sense of the human beings.


on godly service


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Krishna can enter into any form at any time....he is not limited to the capacities of material/earthly bodies.


Of course he chooses the human form to associate more closely with his devotees, but do not think that just because animals dont have this "6th sense" that Krishna can't have it either when he comes in that form.


He is omnipotent and can spread his divine knowledge by any means.

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Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Krishna is present in every living and non-living entity. The Vedas proclaim He is present in every single ATOM. So, He is everywhere.


Now, the question of unhappiness. To answer that question, we must first answer the question - why are we here in this unhappy world?


The real purpose of every living entity is to serve Lord Krishna in the spiritual planets. When the living entity forgets this, and instead wishes to serve himself, the living entity is sent to this material world that we are in.


Now, the Lord created this material world but at the same time He is aloof from it. He creates the 3 modes of material nature (goodness, passion, ignorance), which themselves conduct the affairs of the living entity in a subtle way. All the misery or happiness that any living entity experiences, is based on his past karmas and the 3 modes of material nature.


This continues until the living entity comes in contact with the Lord or the devotees of the Lord. Then, the beginning of the end of the misery starts.


Hope this helps. I highly recommend that you read the Bhagavad Gita As It Is. It answers the most complex questions of life. You may read it online or purchase it at Krishna.com



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Lord Krishna means like land lord, like lord moutpattern

when you say God Krishna Krishna is not a God. Because supre soul enter into his body and act you are looking body of krishna but actual work doing by supreme at the end of kaliyug. ie. now going on. supreme is making new world now. it never seen just like that those who are with him and under stand real geetha can only know. Hence god is not omnipotent. Ak vyapi bankar atha hai. he will not take many avthar all has written wrongly in geetha. with seseless thought

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Hare Krishna and all glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga


Dear Sir,

it is my most humble request that you not criticize or offend the Supreme Lord or the Bhagavad Gita. How can you possibly prove that it is senseless thought?? The Vaishnava community has been dealing with criticism like this for centuries, and every time we have effectively answered. The Gita has stood the test of time and numerous critics. Krishna is the Supreme Lord, and it is stated clearly in the Gita. This assertion is confirmed in numerous other Vedic literature.


Hare Krishna

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Dear Brother

I am not critising Sreemath Bagavath Geetha. which is greatest of great of all. We have to see Bhagavat Geetha not as it is which is called Bhakthi. We have to see in the Gyan angle and very logical way. There is lots of Secret lying in the Geetha. Which no one is expressing properly. I have listen so many satsangh in many Sadhu sanyasi. Whoever express about in geetha on his own way. If it is really true kowledge possess about geetha no body teaches in different different method and imagination.


on respect of Seshta math Geetha ka Bhagwan Nirakar shiv


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Learned guest wrote:


All the misery or happiness that any living entity experiences, is based on his past karmas and the 3 modes of material nature.



When the misery or happiness of any living entity is based on his karma then why do Hindus or other scriptures say that it is God who causes misery or happiness?


With regards,

On Godly service,

Roohani sevadhari,

Prajapita Brahmakumar



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Dear roohani sevadhari



When the misery or happiness of any living entity is based on his karma then why do Hindus or other scriptures say that it is God who causes misery or happiness?




Okay i call your bluff. Produce a quote where someone on this forum (apart from yourself) has said that God causes misery or show it written in some Vedic scripture.


If you cannot, then apologize publicly for having spread a lie more than once.


Then your cheating tendency is again apparent here:


If you accept that humans have been existing since lakhs of years(now trillions as per one of our friends)then you will also have believe that human beings were monkeys once upon a time. God Shiva says that this world cycle is only of 5000 years which repeats itself. Neither human beings were monkeys nor monkeys can become humanbeings (unlike your belief).




Why? Because you tried to use fossil records to refute the account of scriptures. Then when i remind you that the fossil records also refute lekhraj's theories then you start off in another tangent trying to impose your imaginations upon myself. I also showed that the fossil records do not refute the scriptures (just because fossils have not been found of as old age as given in scriptures, does not mean none can be found in future -- moreover fossilization requires precise conditions which are rarely present) but on the other hand refute your imaginations since they clearly show that humans have been living for more than 5000 years.


Have the decency to admit your mistakes.

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I have been watching several posts in this and other threads by Brahmakumaris Prajapitas Roohani etc. They are not in the mood of seeking answers or learning but keep making assertions without any scriptural basis and without any coherent thought.

Reminds of the verse in Gita where Lord Krishna says that in Kaliyuga people will make religion into ir-religion and vice-versa.

This makes me very thankful to Srila Prabhupada and one can have only compassion for lost souls like Brahmakumaris and all the folks they misguide so badly in the name of dharma.

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Learned member Shri Sumedh wrote:


Okay i call your bluff. Produce a quote where someone on this forum (apart from yourself) has said that God causes misery or show it written in some Vedic scripture



It has been mentioned in this forum (in some other thread) only that God only causes misery. I will try to search and quote it. But it is surprising to note your querry, because in India almost every Hindu who faces any difficulty in life says that it has been caused by God's will. There is a famous song of Jagjit Singh which is played in almost all the Hindu temples. The song in the praise of Shri Ram, says, "Tu hi bigaadey tu hi sanwaarey"

While the truth is that man suffers only because of his own actions and not due to God. He only comes and shows the path of reform, the path of purification and the path to become peaceful and prosperous.



With regards,

On Godly service,

Roohani sevadhari,

Prajapita Brahmakumar

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Dear roohani sevadhari


you said:


It has been mentioned in this forum (in some other thread) only that God only causes misery. I will try to search and quote it.




Don't bother searching for the quote for you shall not find it. I save you the trouble; here is the quote which you misrepresented as saying that God causes the miseries.


In the thread http://www.hare-krishna.org/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=HareKrishnaNews&Number=9167

guest said that:


so who is the creator of the mud, the dirt and the rapist?


how many GOD are there?


how god is supreme if he's not the god of mud, rapist and dirt?




and despite having directly asked to back off you again put forward the same statement.


You originally said:


Such absurd imaginations about God having made mud, dirt and rapists have been propagated by selfish human beings through their scriptures only to fulfil their self-interests and to cover their follies and wrongs.




which was in reply to the above quote. You show a complete lack of integrity, and go off into digressions when this is pointed out.


Then you say that:


There is a famous song of Jagjit Singh which is played in almost all the Hindu temples. The song in the praise of Shri Ram, says, "Tu hi bigaadey tu hi sanwaarey"




which is besides the point. Moreover the sense of this is not wrong though you may try to twist it. The desire to do right/wrong action is ours but it is God's energy which accomplishes the action i.e. the SuperSoul dwelling in the jivas indirectly helps us fulfil our desires though He is the non-doer.


However, in the context of devotion it can be seen to have another meaning. The devotee who has surrendered to the Lord (or wants to) gives up all his desires to be completely in tune with God's desires, so that he has no independent desire.

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In the eyes of law the one who aids and abets a crime is also equally responsible for the crime. So, if you say that God's energy which accomplishes the action i.e. the SuperSoul dwelling in the jivas indirectly helps us fulfil our desires (good or bad) then you are indirectly holding God also responsible for the good and bad deeds performed by various souls. But sadly, this is not true. If it pleases you to say that God's energy accomplishes our good and bad actions then you may continue to do so.

With regards,

Roohani sevadhari

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Dear roohani sevadhari


The scope of your misunderstandings is becoming too large for me to handle.


you said:


In the eyes of law the one who aids and abets a crime is also equally responsible for the crime. So, if you say that God's energy which accomplishes the action i.e. the SuperSoul dwelling in the jivas indirectly helps us fulfil our desires (good or bad) then you are indirectly holding God also responsible for the good and bad deeds performed by various souls.




You apply foolish examples to only show your poor understanding of the law or of the Truth.


Let me try to give a better example: There is no law which would punish the owner of petroleum refinery plant because a criminal used petrol coming from the plant for his vehicle in which the crime was committed.


The jiva soul is utterly incapable of doing anything... in fact it depends completely on the Lord for its mere existence. The source of energy of the material body as well as that of the pure soul is the Supreme Lord.

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Krishna is the Supreme Lord, and it is stated clearly in the Gita. This assertion is confirmed in numerous other Vedic literature.


Krishna is present in every living and non-living entity. The Vedas proclaim He is present in every single ATOM. So, He is everywhere.




Dear all,


what does 'Vedic literature' mean - does it mean the four vedas or more than this? Is Krishna mentioned in the four vedas?

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