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what is divinity?

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what it mean krishna is divine, assume if this earth and jivatma is not there and only krishna is there, now there is no one remained to compare with krishna, so does he remain supream or divine? what is the definition of the word "divine" in shastras.



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Hare Krishna and all glories to Srila Prabhupada


Your question starts with an impossible assumption.


The real fact is, both Krishna and the innumerable living entities are existent since time immemorial. We have truly never been born, and will never perish.


He remains Supreme allways, without conditions. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By His will, He creates, maintains and destroys all universes, including ours, of which this earth is a tiny part.


Hare Krishna

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"He creates, maintains and destroys all universes, including ours, of which this earth is a tiny part."


this is ok but;

1. what the word "Divine" means?

2. why he creates, maintains and destroys all universes, can't he remain calm, if he is supreme why dont he concentrate on himself without creating this material world.

3. why does he let us suffer? doesnt he want we should be happy.




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1. what the word "Divine" means?



DIVINE means one who is


1. Independent in every way

2. Without faults

3. Complete and perfect

4. On WHOM everything else depends from existence to

happiness, activities, breathing, thinking, movement etc.

5. Omnipresent

6. Omnipotent

7. Omniscient

8. Eternal

9. The only giver of salvation(Moksha - Bliss)

10. The only giver of fruits or results of work.

11. One who is without material properties(Nirguna) and

completely full of all auspicious qualities(Saguna).

12. ONE who cannot be ignored, if a living being wants


13. Indestructible

15. Unlimited number of Forms, Unllimited in Nature.

16. Source of all knowledge.


Only Narayana possess these qualities in FULL.



2. why he creates, maintains and destroys all universes, can't he remain calm, if he is supreme why dont he concentrate on himself without creating this material world.



That is HIS very nature to create, maintain etc.


Second, when HE does it, HE helps Jivas attain moksha.



3. why does he let us suffer? doesnt he want we should be happy.



That is our weakness, remember free-will.

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Hare Krishna and all glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Question 1 has already been answered above


Question 2 has also already been aswered above, but i would like to add: He creates this universe for us fools who decide not to serve Him. Now, the real position of EVERY living being is to serve Krishna. When we forget this, and when we want to serve ourselves only, for our happiness, then He creates this material world where we can enjoy as per our wishes. BUT, our real position is not to enjoy ourselves, but to serve Krishna for His enjoyment. when we truly realize this, we go back to Him to spiritual planets where there is no destruction.


Question 3 - why does he let us suffer? He doesnt want us to suffer. He wants us to be happy. We suffer because we dont want to serve God, and want to be enjoyers ourselves. In the process, we commit many sins; even thinking of a sinful action will earn bad karma. So, the laws of karma and the 3 modes of material nature are eternally controlling the living beings in this material world, for millions and millions of births. want to stop suffering? worship the Lord. The Lord says that NOTHING and NO-ONE is more dear to Him that His devotees. He says that His devotee is more precious to Him than HIM HIMSELF. there is no-one in this material world who reallly and truly feels that someone else is more precious to him than himself; Krishna feels that way about his devotee.


Hare Krishna.

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hare krishna,


Prabhu you have given very nice answers to my questions, Now please explain that:


1.How krishna is a Person or personality ? as it is also said that jivatmas are the Ansha of bhagvan, how both can be true? as one of the DIVINITY quality is nirguna swarup?


2.Is he is only a tatva or something more than that?


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Hare Krishna and all glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga


Dear Sir,

your questions are quite deep and very appropriate!


1) Krishna is a Person; He is the adi-purusham, or the First Person, or the Uttama Purush, or, Purna-Purushottam Narayan. The nirguna Brahma is the effulgence of the body of the Supreme Lord. it is said that the spiritual planets are devoid of electricity because everything is lighted by the light of the brahmajyoti that manifests from the body of the Lord. The impersonalists aim to merge into this impersonal Brahma.


The jivatmas are manifestations of his jiva-sakti, or his tatastha-sakti, also known as his marginal-energy. The relationship of the jivas with Shri Krishna is a bit like the relationship between the sun and the atomic particles in the rays of the sun. The sun is the source, and the rays are constituted by atomic particles that are similar in quality to the sun, but are microscopic in size compared to the sun. Similarly, the jivas are manifest from the jiva-sakti of Sri Bhagavan, of the same quality of supreme consciousness, but supremely minute when compared to Krishna.


2) He is THE Tattva, or the Supreme Absolute Truth. The impersonal Brahman rests upon Him. He may realized in 3 aspects, according to the Srimad Bhagavatam. The impersonal Brahman is his bodily effulgence, as described above. The Paramatma feature, or his manifestation of living in the heart of every living being, is the next level of spiritual attainment. The final attainment is the personal Bhagavan feature of the Supreme Lord, who is forever resident among the spiritual plantes of Goloka-Vrindavan.


Hope it helps.



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1.How krishna is a Person or personality ? as it is also said that jivatmas are the Ansha of bhagvan, how both can be true? as one of the DIVINITY quality is nirguna swarup?



Krishna is not a personality like us. HE is more than that. Nirguna here means simply without material attributes like we have.


When Gita says we are Amshas of Narayana(Krishna), it is actually referring to bhinnamsha(Govinda Bhashya).

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