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hare krishna


im getting my first salary in 2 days...could u pls tell me how i shud make use of my salary in krishna consciousness?how much percentage of karma phala should be offered to krishna?


I hav decided to donated 10% of my first month salary for the maintainance of cows in goshaala.....is this ok?and pls do let me know how much shud be offered every month


KIndly clarify

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Hare Krishna.


I am glad you realize the importance of giving the fruits of your work to Krishna, who actually is the giver of everything.


Donating for cow protection and maintainance is very good.


There is no fixed % on what we should offer in the service of Krishna but it should be based on your capacity. I would say min 10%. But if you have a large family and a small salary then even 1% would be very well appreciated by Lord Krishna.


It's important to know that Krishna does not need our money or service, by giving him our money and serving him, gives us the opportunity to show our love for him.


Also due to the law of karma, giving now means receiving later. Do you ever wonder why some are born rich and some poor?


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