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why is sin called sin

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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisance unto him!


I have a question to you guys!


Why are certain activities called sinful or stated differently why is sin called sin?


Is it because-


1. A particular activity is not related to Krishna at all in any form or way- so sinful

2. A particular activity is sinful by nature - so sinful or

3. A particular activity is grossly materialistic oriented- so sinful


what do you think?



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refers to adharmic activities, or activities not based on Shastras. bad karma is accumlated. Virtuous acitvities are those based on shastras and so dharmic. Good karma is accumulated. These have nothing to do with Krishna but related only to karma. Krishna-conscious activities are neither virtuous nor sinful, but transcendental.


To give an example, meat-eating is a sinful activity because shastras prohibit it, not because it's unrelated to Krishna; whereas charity is virtuous because shastras encourage it and not because it's related to Krishna. But Arjuna killing kauravas is a transcendental acivity, neither sinful nor virtuous, it's got nothing to do with shastras, karma or what you will. It is an entire surrender to Krishna, therefore a Krishna-conscious activity, the highest of all.

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Yes...good points


Shastras comes from whom?...the Sruti comes from Krishna Himself.


Let me refer your sentences...you say meat-meating is sinful-why?- because not in the shastras- TRUE...also...Krishna does not eat meat...for that matter...eating food without offering food for Krishna is also sin....so...in both cases.......eating food activity is a sin because either Krishna does not like it or krishna is not first offered the food. Both relate to Krishna!


Arjuna killing Kauravas...was asked by Krishna to do that act and so Arjuna did and so it is transcendental. Here, again was done for Krishna!- shows Arjuna's surrender to Krishna!


Again....direct connection to Krishna!


Now....lets site another example...stealing is wrong...and being a thief is wrong according to shastras....however...if my history is correct...there was a ALWAR ( a saint in southindia who was a devotee of Krishna) was a highway thief who stole from travelers to finish his temple project for Krishna. He solely stole only for Krishna. So..his activity was transcendental just like Arjuna killing.


All these mentioned activities directly relate to service to Krishna and although some are above the norm...still not sinful because it is related to Krishna


However...you give an interesting twist by saying...which i was aware too..but now..refreshes my thought...that...activities for Krishna are TRANSCENDENTAL and activities for sense enjoyment but outside the shastras...are considered sin.


Doing as per shastras is different from doing for KRISHNA!


While one is in mode of goodness..the other is transcendental.


So...sin will be attributed to the modes.


I guess following shastras and doing activities for Krishna are different and yet same at some level because shastras are inclusive of Krishna conscious activities.


Subtle but profound!



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  • 3 weeks later...

<font color="blue">I was taught "sin" just meant separation, to be apart from God</font color>


Yes, the result of sin is separation from God. That's why we need a mediator. "For ALL have sinned and fallen short of God's glory" (Rom 3:23)



<font color="blue">not that you are actually apart from God </font color>


The bible says God cannot hear you when you are separated from him by unconfessed sin in your life.


The hebrew word for sin means "to miss the mark". The mark is God's standard. Missing the standard is missing God.


As Child says below you <font color="blue">sin means disharmony with God </font color>

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The bible says God cannot hear you when you are separated from him by unconfessed sin in your life.


The hebrew word for sin means "to miss the mark". The mark is God's standard. Missing the standard is missing God.


As Child says below you sin means disharmony with God ""


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