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Can you explain what is God ?

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Can any one (Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews ......etc)explain what/who is GOD. Every body knows God by their respective religious identity say for hindus its say Krishna (avatar), for muslims its allha (religious leader Prophet Mohumad) and for christians its Jesus (son of god). But what and who is the real God. I think every body who wants to know about god should first isolate / free himself and then meditate thinking about god leaving all his worried and day to day problems and materialestic pleasures.


To begin with first concentrate and think of the open skies, then mentally travel to the moon, then sun, then stars, then galaxy, milky ways ....etc. Go beyond as far as you can by meditation and a stage will come that you will be totally lost. I bet if you do it with full concentration will go mad. But when you are comming out of the meditation come step by step in the reverse direction. (Or else it will effect your brain).

Just try this and you will be able to understand the powers of God.


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This is a very important question.


The Christians believe someone who was powerless and crucified was God.


The Muslims believe someone who cannot be seen (God is formless) is God.


The Hindus believe in a God who is real, seen and proven. The Vedic scriptures completely describe God. His history, address, qualities, description, how he creates and maintains and so on. That God is Lord Krishna.


He is present in the heart of all living beings as the supersoul in one form. He is also present in every atom in another unmanisfested form. He is also living in Vrindavan, India. He is also living in his original abode, Goluka Vrindavan in the Vaikuntha Universe. He is also present on the trillions of Planets with living beings.


He knows the past, present, and the future of his each and every of his incarnation. He knows the past, present, and future of every single living being present on all the trillions of Planets.


All the qualities of Lord Krishna are described in detail in the Vedic scriptures.


The power of Lord Krishna is inconcevable.


When Lord Krishna was present on this Planet 5000 years, he proved without a doubt that he had inconcevable power.


This Planet is just a drop in the ocean of Planets, thus we are simply significant in Lord Krishna's creation. With every exhalation there are unlimited Universes coming out of his body. With every inhalation, all the Universes are merged back in his body. When 311 trillion years pass on Earth, Lord Krishna has just completed one exhalation or inhalation.


Read why Lord Krishna was God at:


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There are six kinds of opulences. Which one possesses in full, He is called Bhagavan. There is meaning. So we have several times explained: aisvaryasya samagrasya viryasya yasasah sriyah. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, because He is the proprietor of all wealth, sarva-loka-mahesvaram, He is the proprietor of all the planets, all the universes, so who can be fortunate than Him? Bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram. If you have got one lakh shillings or ten lakh shillings we think we have become very rich. But Krsna says, sarva-loka-mahesvaram: "I am the proprietor of all the planets." So who can become richer than Him? Therefore He is Bhagavan. The highest rich man, the richest person is called Bhagavan. Nobody can claim that he is the richest. That is not possible. So one who claims that "I am the richest. Nobody is equal to Me, and nobody is greater than Me," He is Bhagavan. Mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya: "Nobody is greater than Me." That is Bhagavan. Bhagavan cannot be so cheap that anyone can claim that "I am God. I am Bhagavan." That is cheating. He must prove first of all that he is the richest of everyone. Not only richest, aisvaryasya samagrasya viryasya, in strength also. Viryasya. Viryasya yasasah, also reputation.



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This is how Madvcharya defines Bhagavaan to some extent.


1. The only Independent entity.

2. AHAM - Aheyam - One who cannot be discarded (OR) without WHOM nothing shall even exist (OR) One who is always present as immanent Lord of all.

3. Brahma - Purna(All perfect) and all pervading.

4. asmi- One who is eternal

5. HIS existence is necessary that other things may exist.

6. Transcendent to all creation(matter, space, time etc.)

7. All Knowing.

8. All powerful

9. All Good

10. Without impurities

11. All Bliss

12. All rich

13. HE has uncountable number of FORMS.

14. All famous.




Yajnavalkya said: "Vayu, O Gautama, is that Sutra. By Vayu, as by a thread, O Gautama, are this world, the other world and all beings held together. Therefore, O Gautama, they say of a person who dies that his limbs have been loosened; for they are held together by Vayu as by a thread."

"Quite so, Yajnavalkya. Now describe the Inner Controller."




Yajnavalkya said: "He who inhabits the earth, yet is within the earth, whom the earth does not know, whose body the earth is and who controls the earth from within—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal.




"He who inhabits water, yet is within water, whom water does not know, whose body water is and who controls water from within—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal.

"He who inhabits fire, yet is within fire, whom fire does not know, whose body fire is and who controls fire from within

—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal.

"He who inhabits the sky, yet is within the sky, whom the sky does not know, whose body the sky is and who controls the sky from within

—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal. "He who inhabits the air, yet is within the air, whom the air does not know, whose body the air is and who controls the air from within

—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal.

"He who inhabits heaven, yet is within heaven, whom heaven does not know, whose body heaven is and who controls heaven from within

—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal.

"He who inhabits the sun, yet is within the sun, whom the sun does not know, whose body the sun is and who controls the sun from within

—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal.

"He who inhabits the quarters of space, yet is within them, whom the quarters do not know, whose

body the quarters are and who controls the quarters from within

—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal.

"He who inhabits the moon and stars, yet is within the moon and stars, whom the moon and stars do not know, whose body the moon and stars are and who controls the moon and stars from within

—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal.

"He who inhabits the akasa, yet is within the akasa, whom the akasa does not know, whose body the akasa is and who controls the akasa from within

—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal.

"He who inhabits darkness, yet is within darkness, whom darkness does not know, whose body darkness is and who controls darkness from within

—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal.

"He who inhabits light, yet is within light, whom light does not know, whose body light is and who controls light from within

—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal."

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No, no, no, Jesus is an aspect of God.


The important point is that God is not an individual personage as we understand individuals to be.


One of the words used for God in Genesis is Elohim, which is plural. So we could translate Elohim as "Gods", though that would not be correct. We don't have an identical word in English for Elohim. The word "God" is far too constrictive. This is why you get ppl using other names like YHWH (Yahweh or Jehovah) and so on. From an English speaking perspective I think this is just more confusion. Like calling Jesus "Yahshua Mashiyach ", which, translated literally from the Hebrew means "the annointed one who saves his people", which translated into Greek gives Jesus Christos.


But let me try and paint a picture of Elohim that attempts to clarify the entity from a human perspective:


* An all-encompassing "power" permeating and containing everything.

* This power has a spiritual component that can, on a spiritual level, communicate with individuals.

* This power has the ability (amongst many other things) to materialise in human form. (Just out of interest, many scholars consider Melchizidek to be Jesus.)


So, no, you can't directly equate tri-une man, body, soul and spirit, with tri-une God, "Power", (Holy) Spirit and "Manifestation" (Immanuel).


And since our knowledge and understanding is so limited we wouldn't know how many other facets there are to Elohim. Aspects that would confuse us even more without serving any other good purpose at this stage. Paul writes: "Then shall you see face to face".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't get it that you said when you are coming out of the meditation come step by step in the reverse directions or else it will effect the brain. could you please explain it little bit more.

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