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Embracing the Supreme Secret

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Embracing the Supreme Secret




There comes a time in one’s journey when enough inner ground has been gained that a peaceful quiet becomes established and one is ready to ascend and live from a place of higher consciousness. At some point we must break out of the grasp of the ego and its limited identification and merge into the vastness of the spirit. This is a vital step but not the last step in the multi dimensional matrix. Some refer to it as the Tao, the great void, Buddha nature, Shiva, and to identify with this aspect of our Self is a significant step in the process of our journey, but it is not the final step. When one has a deeper appreciation of the subtle nature of our inner being and has released some of the emotional trauma from the emotional matrix and the body we are more prepared for this next step. Yet this step can be embraced at any point due to God’s love for those in His creation, but unless you have prepared you can’t really appreciate what a deep and complete love awaits your embrace.

The crux of spiritual knowledge comes down to this summation in the last chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita, it is the quitessential knowledge that when fully understood clears all doubt, dispels all fear that one is alone and makes the direction clear. Krishna says in affect, “devoting yourself to Me, giving up in your mind all your actions to Me, and worshiping Me constantly in thy heart with love and humility, by My grace you will pass safely through all difficulties. If through pride and egoism you ignore my wisdom and grace you will fall into suffering and destruction. Vain will be your resolve, if you abandon this challenging spiritual endeavor you will be forced by the laws of nature to revolve on the wheel of suffering. That which you resolve not to do, nature will force you to do and in your delusion you will be bound by the laws of nature.” The supreme Lord is stationed in the heart of all in existence and turns them all round and round as if mounted on a machine by the power of his Maya or illusion. Only if you take refuge in Him in every way will you come to the final attainment and experience of God realization. Then one can achieve eternal peace and association with the supreme Lord in the transcendental realms free from ever having to experience the suffering associated with the lower realms of manifestation. The Sufis refer to Him as the friend, and indeed he is your friend and no better friend shall you ever have. In the Guru-Gita it says, “Abandoning (thoughts of) all these – your stage in life, your caste, your reputation, and increasing your well-being – think of nothing other than the Guru. The supreme state is easily attained by those that think of nothing else but Me. Therefore, strive to the utmost to propitiate the Guru.” So the supreme Being wants to embrace you in a deep, meaningful, mystical, widening, relationship of love and spiritual awakening.

This offering by the supreme Lord is the most complete, intimate and loving relationship one can have. By this relationship of intimate adoration and loving service that is surrendered totally to the Lord one comes to understand the true nature of the supreme Guru in whom he lives and moves and has his existence. The depth of feeling one experiences in this most intimate love affair with God is the crowning glory of all one’s past effort and in time leads to an immersion in a ocean of nectarine love that expands the capacity of ones heart. In time this love will vibrate and permeate all levels of our being. Bhakti or devotion the true deep and abiding love of God is really the crown of all knowledge. Faith in the higher principle is the force that allows us to take the quantum leap in our spiritual development and grace is the divine gift that is bestowed on the seeker who surrenders fully to God. He is the master of our soul, the essence of our life, the core of our love, who promises us deliverance and protection. A personal indwelling Being that surrounds us in His creation and alone can lift us up to a state of being which is beyond even our greatest imaginings. This is not the common religious personal form we construct in our mind according to some ideal; but deeper, dynamic, integral, vast, present and vibrant which accepts our offering of faith and loving surrender.

What is offered up is our loving soul our deepest intimate sense of being which has been extracted from our ego and limited identity by our aspiration and effort towards enlightenment. It is that eternal portion of ourselves that knows it is part of the vast Divine Being of which it is a blossoming part free of the dark ignorance of the past. It is this inner spiritual essence of our being that enters into a deep loving intimate union with the transcendental Guru that creates, maintains and destroys universes and yet remains untouched by them. The deity who receives our sincere offering of surrender and love is not some limited deity who governs this or that portion of the creation but the supreme eternal Lord which can take any form out of love for His devotees. Whether one worships him as the Divine Mother or any object or symbol, it becomes the bridge which establishes a means of communication and offering of our devotion. He is the ineffable pure transcendental consciousness but that is only the first part of His transcendental Being, he is also our personal Friend, Lord, lover, guide, protector and support and is in fact beyond the category of he or she. It is That loving presence which receives our prayers, praise, devotion, love and efforts and sits to listen within our heart to the aspiration stirring as we sit to worship. It is the very essence of who we are. This relationship is sacred beyond concepts, beyond the limits of the various rules or precepts, it is a living, vibrant, knowing, intimacy of the lover and the Beloved.

It is not to some non-being void to which we aspire in our efforts to reach enlightenment. We seek fulfillment of our hearts deepest aspiration and find it in the embrace of a love so deep is takes a lifetime to develop the capacity to contain even a small portion of what is available. We find fulfillment, in our negation of ignorance and ego and the inner enemies that would destroy our aspiration and its fulfillment. It is by this ever deepening, widening, expanse of loving consciousness within that there comes a completeness; a perfect fullness of our being and our relationship to spirit which allows us release into our own Divine Being.

The first real step up in our spiritual evolution has to be to move beyond the circle of the ego that is subject to the play of the various energies of the gunas and the various dharmas erected in the name of evolution. To affect this change the movement has to be towards an inner expansion of being, the impersonal aspect of consciousness, Shiva, the Tao so that one becomes free in the pure calm of witness consciousness. This state though is only the first real ascent towards enlightenment. Dissolving our inner being into the vast consciousness within and having an experience of blissful freedom beyond the clutches of the ego is the first realization of the Self. This allows us to know experientially the limiting force of the ego and the false identities that it assumes. Once this realization is integrated into our being and life and we know that consciousness really is indivisible and pervades everything. Now we are ready for the next step.

The limited and false movement of the ego must be replaced by an intelligent surrender open to the holy-spirit or shakti, so it can work from within. As one becomes established in this state an aura of spiritual power will begin to manifest and the force of Divine will, then begins to take up the work to be done in the service to humanity.

Most spiritual paths reach this level of development including Taoist, Buddhism, and various paths of yoga, even Vedanta. But the Bhagavad-Gita adds something so subtle, so simple yet so profound it is often missed by the spiritual seeker. This additional utterance affects everything because of the immensity of its importance. The demand is to see everything in the Self, then see it in Me. So by this revelation from the supreme Guru it is made clear that the saguna aspect of the Divine takes precedence over the nirguna aspect of the Divine, or the personal aspect of the divine is in absolute authority over all of creation. That Divine Being also wants to assure those aspiring seekers of the truth that there is loving guidance available that can reveal a deeper and more meaningful aspect to your existence that you have never even imagined.

We are a spiritual individuality that exists beyond the limitations of various forms. Once this shell of ignorance is cracked by the soul’s venture into its own inner vastness we discover our own eternal nature. Our fourth body is an eternal portion of the one supreme Being that pervades everything. Although pure consciousness of an impersonal nature is part of the whole, is it not the whole. We are an eternal drop of an eternal ocean and that ocean has a personality, it is a living power that is perfect in its totality. The highest secret is that the supreme Guru and the vast impersonal are one infinite being expressing as the manifest universe with all its diversity and yet transcending it all.

To reach the highest levels of the multi dimensional matrix one must turn all facets of their consciousness, intelligence, heart, aspiration, and emotional being and offer them to the supreme Guru, the Master of the whole universe. Unless you put the rambling ego and the army of doubts to rest and offer your uncertainty of faith to the all-pervasive Guru you can run around in circles for years never getting anywhere. He is the true loving Master of all and he is inviting you to walk towards Him and he will lead you out of the ocean of suffering and into an ocean of eternal love and it is more real than anything you have yet experienced. If instead, one refuses this offer there will be no deep spiritual attainment, one will be subject to the instinctive limited wounded consciousness of the ego and the suffering that it creates.

The greatest moment in our spiritual evolution is when we take refuge from the difficulties of the world, and turn to the supreme Guru with our whole being dedicating all our thoughts, feelings, actions and will to the supreme Guru. When we can do this consistently and entirely the Divine will take hold of us and lead us unerringly to our divine and eternal status and into the inner sanctum of the highest mystery. Yet this knowledge would not be before you now if you were not chosen by the divine to learn of it. This great secret is only ever given to the rare soul. The Lord says, “Always think of Me, be my lover and adorer, sacrifice to Me, bow thyself to Me, to me thou shall come, this is my pledge and promise to thee, for thou art dear to Me. Abandon all dharmas and take refuge in Me alone. I will deliver thee from all sin and evil, do not grieve.” These words should be imbibed in the depths of your heart and taken with the knowledge that God in the form of the supreme Guru has revealed to you his innermost secret and wants you to enter into the most loving relationship you have ever imagined. It is my prayer that you will take this offer seriously and embrace it with love and devotion. May the supreme personality of the Godhead bless you and lift you into His loving arms and care for you forever. Om tat sat.




Vedic Astrology@shaw.ca

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