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Srila Prabhupada's dream is under threat

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Hare Krishna prabhus's,

all glories to Srila Prabhupada


Srila Prabhupada expressed a great desire that there should be a temple in Moscow. Many of you are probably aware that plans have been drawn up for a splendid Vedic temple in Moscow. The local government had allocated land, and after a number of designs were put forward, a last one was agreed.

Without warning at the beginning of this month, the mayor of Moscow, Mr luzhkov, has withdrawn the government's decision to allocate land for the temple construction. Also, he has issued an order of eviction to remove the devotees from the land.

With the price of land in Moscow being so high, it would cost some $50,000,000 plus about another $3,000,000 for other costs to purchase. This land was given to the devotees free of charge after they were evicted from the last temple they had for some 14 years.

There is an up and coming court case against the Moscow government, for which $50,000 is needed to pay for legal fees, help to keep Srila Prabhupada's dream alive, and lend whatever support you can to the devotees.

If you use the attached link http://www.moscowtemple.org/index.php you can make donations, and write to President Putin, or purchase a DVD which charts the Russian yatra's history with commentary by H H Bhakti Vijnana Goswami.




your fallen servant


Chris Fellingham

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Hare Krishna,


"I am sure they will soon be faced with a chaotic condition as punishment for rejecting Krishna."


There is no need to wish ill for others. One should hope they receive the mercy of Krishna in whatever form He gives to them.


Hare Krishna

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I am sure they will soon be faced with a chaotic condition as punishment for rejecting Krishna.***


What are they faced with now? The economy is in ruins due to years and years of commie mismanagement with Chechnyan rebels sucking their resources and threatening national security; not to mention the mushrooming of fundamentalist christians who pose an intellectual/spiritual challenge to their country. If this isn't chaotic, what is? Yet, these people will remain as they are. Some people are simply not destined to be KC. Krishna himself mentions in the Gita that such people are pushed into abysmal darkness.

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