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My tragedy

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Kare Krishna!


Hello I am Laksmi Priya from ISCKON Philippines I have a problem. Since working in the Ashram after college was a big change for me. Male devotees became so friendly eventually 3 of them fell in love with me and I fell in love with one them. I got pregnant 2 months after before out trip to China. I aborted the child and didn't know what to do. I feel terrible getting pregnat and having sex in the temple in Paranaque. What will I do? Should I tell it the Guru?

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Hare Krishna.


It's cruel to abort.


Tell the Guru and just get married and remain KC as a householder.


It's important not to give up KC. Commiting sin is so easy, admiting it is important to get over it.



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This is the age of Kali. Don't beat yourself up. I used to be a meat-eater not so long ago but by Vasudeva's grace, I was able to realize the cruelty involved in it and give up completely. Nothing happens except by His grace. There is no point in crying over spilt milk.


What's done is done. You had sex in the temple, you aborted your child. Terrible as these acts be, you aren't going to achieve peace or satisfaction, or even find answers, by blaming yourself and wallowing in self-pity. So first off, stop feeling guilty. You've made a mistake, who doesn't? Don't brood over it. Ignore it and move on. Don't even try to *deal* with it, whatever the method. Just depend on Krishna's grace, human effort is utterly useless.

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That is so terrible that that happened to you. But don't fret. You came to the temple because you liked God. You may have done something or been tempted to do something very wrong, but it's over and done with. Sri God is still there for you.

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I'm very sorry to hear of your tragic situation and unhappiness.


You have my sympathy because 6 years ago, before I became interested in KC, my wife became pregnant with our second child, and for her own reasons, and against my wishes, had an abortion. I felt it was was wrong for her to do this, but as she was adamant, I ended up going along with it. Even today I still don't know what else I should have done. Perhaps I should have tried harder to persuade her not to do it, but I don't think she would have changed her mind.


I think it was this tragedy happening in my life that made me 'wake up' and start taking spiritual matters seriously, and eventually I found my way to the Hare Krishnas. It took an event of this magnitude, a terrible nightmare, to make me wake up (Jiv Jago). Perhaps this event had to happen else I would still be spiritually asleep ? I still fear for my wife who seems to have no interest in spiritual matters.


I have been attending a temple for about a year now, and have only just found the courage to tell the main guru, and one or two senior devotees of my past, when I was enquiring about becoming a devotee in the future. They were very understanding while still making it clear what a terrible thing it was.


I might be wrong, but I think you should tell your guru. Lord Krishna obviously already knows. We must be honest with ourselves and especially the guru's. Truth and honesty are one of the corner stones of religion.


I still find it hard to forgive myself for not having acted more strongly, and I guess you will not be able to find peace until you have gained forgiveness.


There must be honesty and truthfulness, even it causes upset, else our beliefs will become a sham.


When we are truly sorry for our sins we can be forgiven.


Please chant as much as possible and try to surrender to Lord Krishna as best as you can, and I hope that you can find the strength to tell your guru.


I hope I have not given you bad advice, and although I have never really tried praying for anyone, I will say a prayer for you tonight Laksmi.




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