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Royal Mail's Christmas stamp insults Hindus

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Its not only about hindus gettin insulted but also vaisnavas. The picture depicts a man wearin vaisnava tilak with his wife and baby christ. Its very insensitive bearing in mind the conversions that are going on India and its not nice - religion is mocked for the sake of art/marketing etc.


So I think chanting Hare Krishna is cool but wots da point of if your not gonna take up any service and protect dharma.

Its almost equivalent to say chanting Hare Krishna and then say you are asked to serve prasadam at the temple and then you say no sorry better just to chant Hare Krishna! after we are asking to be engaged in service so when the opportunity comes we should do it otherwise we are jus pretenders no?


Hare Krishna!

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i think the shame or something that isn´t worthy is the compassionate feeling of the mother-lady forth the union family membrs, in the pic isn´t so nice depicted although as if this not only in india but abroad people in India are must aware of the fact of the mothers even being a vedic teachin on that country culture not just there but abroad.. Hindus why being hurted?...


its the Place of GodHead. Every Dharm takes also its foundation from there. The other Dharmas are them Just Roots of the sanatan Dharma. So why do them worry.. in the world exists many class of men, and faiths so the paths are just there to be gettting, why Hindus being hurt !


I think As a Hindu that protecting the face of mothers this could be a better pic. YEah man.

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there's a difference between protecting dharma and practicing dharma. Hinduism is not dharma...it is a system of belief. It's just a word to describe a collection of similiar beliefs.


Service to Krishna is dharma....if someone asked you to protect "hinduism" or serve prasadam which will you choose?


which is direct service to Krishna? and which is just a mundane viewpoint on christianity?


Are you threatened that you yourself will be less Krishna conscious if people see this stamp?

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".if someone asked you to protect "hinduism" or serve prasadam which will you choose?"


>>> Uve misunderstood the point i think prabhu. The stamp is not offensive coz it is to do with hindu's. Its to do with some1 who appears as follower of Lord Krsna takin preference to worship of another. SO actually servin prasad/protecting dharma are both direct. I would happily accept proetcting dharma and servin prasad equally.

Its comes down to mocking our attire/appearence and and our beleifs. Yes we as vaisnavas accept there are many paths to the Lord depending on the time/place/circumstance etc but we don't compromise our philosophy to fit in with others ppls enjoyments etc. This stamp is issued for marketing purposes etc so are you happy ppl around the world will receive this stamp and associate a devotee as someone who worships which in itself is not bad but its not actually wot we do - we worship Krsna full stop.




"Are you threatened that you yourself will be less Krishna conscious if people see this stamp?"


>>> Its not about me feelin threatened - even my sadhana not great so should :S But its more the fact that do you as a vaisnava feel the stamp portrays your beleiefs? If so, I guess you are a follower of Christ dressed in vaisnava clothing. The fact is that this stamp is does not tally with our culture/beliefs so why let people be given false information. We should try to teach them y it is wrong so they can also c the glories of the tradition.


I guess with your attitude if you let this stamp through today, you would probably also 2mora allow a woman wearing tilak/bindi to be worshppin in a mosque. Again nothing worng with this in terms of morality but again its not what we as aspirin devotess do so why allow people to become misled etc just because you feel that "hindu" means a collection of people of similar beliefs it makes anything to do with hindu mundane. A vaisnava is not a vaisnava by name but by heart- its highly likely that there may even be hindu's that purer than aspirin vaisnavas like me? come on open your mind!


Hare Krishna

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I'm not sure what the Royal Mails thinking was behind the stamp .. have they issued a statement explaining the thought behind it ?


Perhaps they meant to show a combination of different faith in God and his servants, and did not intend any insult?


In Science of self realisation Srila Prabhupada says :


"the message that Christ preached was just according to his particular time, place, and country, and just suited for a particular group of people. But certainly he is the representative of God. Therefore we adore Lord Jesus Christ and offer our obeisances to him.

Once, in Melbourne, a group of Christian ministers came to visit me. They asked, "What is your idea of Jesus Christ?" I told them, "He is our guru. He is preaching God consciousness, so he is our spiritual master." The ministers very much appreciated that.

Actually, anyone who is preaching God's glories must be accepted as a guru. Jesus Christ is one such great personality. We should not think of him as an ordinary human being. The scriptures say that anyone who considers the spiritual master to be an ordinary man has a hellish mentality. If Jesus Christ were an ordinary man, then he could not have delivered God consciousness."


Jesus was preaching on behalf of Krsna who is God, so anyone who believes in Krsna can believe in Jesus.


I think Srila Prabhupada also said there is only one religion really - and thats love of God.


I mean no offence - please don't misunderstand me, its just that I think anyone of whatever religion, who believes in Krsna can believe in Jesus, and I hope Christians will come to understand that God is Krsna, and that there is no need to 'convert' anybody who already believes in God. Efforts should be concentrated on helping those who do not believe.


Hope I don't get a roasting from anyone !



Hare Krishna


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Hare Krishna.


Mark you have made some good points. But nowdays the Christian missonaries are not following Christ themselves and simply want others to follow their adulterated beliefs. That's why we should be careful.


Srila Prabhupada was for Jesus but not for the majority of Christians who don't follow jesus' teachings. The main one being 'thy shall not kill'.


The adulterated bible actually says animals are food and that is what the Christains peaching. We should not accept this.

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Hare Krishna


I agree with you - not many Christians REALLY follow the TRUE teachings.


I think Gandhi said that most Christians just take a small dose of Christianity as an innoculation against the real thing, and unfortunately many Christians think that if you do not believe their 'way' then you are wrong and need to be converted.


I wonder which bit of 'Thou Shalt not Kill' is so difficult to understand for so many (but not all) ? You would think that if there was even a 50/50 chance that God might have meant Kill instead of Murder that Christians would err on the side of caution and not eat meat (or do any sort of killing)? Guess not..




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Genuine devotion to Lord Jesus or Lord Krishna is the same because Jesus is the son of God and Krishna is God, the Father. In fact Jesus said, “My Father is greater than I" (John 14:28). So whether I am devoted to the son or the father I automatically become devoted to them both because their purpose is the same, to spread love of God all over the world and deliver everyone back to the kingdom of God. The self-realization science is transcendental to all designations such as Hindu or Christian. Lord Krishna always remains pure and transcendental beyond any designations of this material world.


But how many Christians really believe in this truth? Many do believe some truths of Jesus; knowing all what he has said is not realistically absolute truth. But yet most of them have a single agenda to convert and I think that this (Royal Mail Stamp) could well is another devious method of seeking people to convert to Christianity. One can educate oneself of the many deceptive methods used in this generation even now in today’s world! http://www.christianaggression.org/


Should I fight to protect dharma? If you do not think you are called to, well sit back! But I believe one must do all what he can do he fight for truth and justice! Taking up all responsibility and any service including serving prasadam to protect dharma.

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I found this story about the stamp in question :




I get the feeling that people at the Royal Mail who chose the stamp were either rather thoughtless or just ignorant as to the sensitvities of Vaisnava-Hindus, rather than intending to insult anyone.


What is unacceptable is that despite the many complaints made about the stamp, including from official organisations, they are refusing to rectify their error by withdrawing it.


Royal Mail did apologise, and I can except that people and organisations make mistakes, but there can be no justification for responding with a 'we're sorry about it but you'll just have to put up with the insult' attitude.


Shame on you Royal Mail.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept mu humble obiesances



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They're quite stupid to put things like that. People who do that are stupid. I know that Hindus are meant to tolerate but this just can't be. What is wrong with this stupid country. What is its problem? If they want to insult any relegion insult their own. Don't forget that these people who do this are ignorant people.


jai swaminarayan

jai shri krishna

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