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I hope this hits the spirtual eye of all devotees and awakens there souls in the most profound way possible.


Intellectual hair splitting over scriptures and paths is not going to give anyone true spirituality. This is a common problem amongst devotees. Be careful as this practice only feeds the intellect which in turn feeds the ego, as does most knowledge.


Think less, be more


Your actions will speak loder than any words.


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Hare Krishna.


Today's Christianity is based on the aduleterated bible which says animals are food. There are many other adulterations. But 'thy shall not kill' was Srila Prabhupada's main pick with the Christians.


Todays Christians are preaching meat eating and converting others so that they can do the same.


Today's Christianity should be rejected if you truly want to follow Jesus and not insult him.


They also think Jesus is God, which Jesus himself never declared.


"My Father is greater than I" ( John 14:28).


We should follow his teachings of 'thy shall not kill' rather than worship him as God and neglect the real God (Krishna), which is what the Christians are doing.




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With no disrespect intended:

First of all I would like to point out that Spirit is way beyond any type of human idea. Who are we to judge if Krishna will save vegetarians or Christians first?

I ask you with love, to be honest with yourself.

You DO NOT truly know if Krishna favors members of ISKON or Christians.

Maybe Krishna thinks devotees are aloof, fanatical or overly intellectual. Maybe Krishna doesn't like these qualities either.

At the end of the day this type of behavior is still within the realms of the mind and in turn only serves more subtle aspects of the ego. Vegetarians and are not necesarily any more spiritual than anybody else.

Do you think Krishna punished Mother Theresa?


Think about it. Do you really think that Krishna will be stood there waiting for you at the time of death with a sign in his hand saying vegetarians and Hare Krishna devotees only?

I have to laugh.

Do you think you will even remember to chant the Maha mantra when you die?

These are the things you should really consider.

Another thing I would like to respectfully ask you is:

How do you know Krishna is the true God?

Is this because you have read it in a book or because someone told you he was?

Maybe you have chosen "with your mind" to become a devotee?


In order to truly know if Krishna is even real one must go within their own temple and see their own Soul. Only then can this be confirmed. To make a statement that Krishna is God when you have not experienced God through your own personal experience is very nieve to say the least.

It is amazing what the mind will believe.


In kindness to you; I tell you with respect that you must truly experience Krishna inside before making any such claims.


Be careful what you say, God is watching your every move.


Much much love

Mark Kinder


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Lord Krishna is the only proven God who was seen by millions and performed miracles which know-one else has or can perform.


He is in your heart, so he knows everything you do.


The heartless cow eaters cannot understand why the cow is so important, and for them to know God is totally out of the question.


Read why Krishna is the only God: www.gitamrta.org/god.htm






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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisance unto him!


Your comments are interesting but childish (in my opinion). I will tell you why.


Going back to GOD is not becoming a vegetarian or eating meat. In other words, just because one is a vegetarian, doesnt mean he will go to GOD. I say GOD in a broad sense cos you dont accept KRISHNA as SUPREME GOD.


We can go to GOD or to the Kingdom of GOD only if we accept HIS rules and follow what HE has said.It is like this, one can become a student in a particular university only if the student accepts to follow all rules setforth by the university,if not, the student will not be admitted into the university.


Similarly, we can go to the Kingdom of God if we follow HIS rules and how do we know them, the revealed scriptures by GOD given to man. So, which means, GOD created this planet,and all life forms on this planet. He loves and shows compassion to all life forms and this was the very message Jesus Christ delivered. That is why the one of the 10 commandments clearly say "THOU SHALT NOT KILL". This is a rule set forth by GOD.


So, technically, if one wants to go to GOD, he or she has to follow the commandment which is THOU SHALT NOT KILL which means, to be a vegetarian, if not the person cannot go to GOD. So, please dont say eating meat is ok because animals are meant to be eaten. If that is correct, God doesnt have to write the commandment "THOU SHALT NOT KILL".I have other statements from the bible which condemn meat eating. So, mass slaughtering can never be peaceful in any sense of the word, just because they are animals, it is not HUMAN to slaughter on a mass scale just to eat when we as human beings can very well survive with plants. Only ANIMALS eat other ANIMALS. No sane person can eat the flesh and blood of another animal. Eating meat is an inhuman act. How can you talk about love and compassion to all when you are killing animals on a large scale. Why dont you go to a slaughter house and see how animals are butchered on a daily basis. Can you do that slaughtering to dogs and your pet animals. why do you show this difference to a dog and cat and slaughter cows and pigs. Who set this standard of eating only cows and not dogs. so, why cant you eat your own dog. That is very human.....right??? and iam sure GOD is also very happy to see human beings kill GOD's creatures in an inhuman way in slaughter houses.


So, please dont argue eating meat is better than eating plants.


To answer your statements that whether ISKCON people will go to GOD or whether CHristians, we dont propgate that ideology. People from ISKCON say that one who follows the rules of GOD and one who serves GOD goes to GOD. Unfortunately, it is the Christian faith that propgates that Jesus is the true Lord and others are all demons. Jesus has clearly said HE is not GOD but the son of GOD, then why do you people say and act as if Jesus is the Lord. He is not because He Himself has said so. Whether KRISHNA is GOD or JESUS, we do not condemn other people from other faith to hell just because they dont pray Krishna unlike the Christians. I have had and seen many Christians who say that.


To your question of how do you know Krishna is God- have we read it in a book or someone has told us.


My answer is Krishna is GOD because we read the Bhagavad Gita and the GITA clearly says KRISHNA is GOD just like you read the Bible. Also, you have made assumptions in your statement that no one has seen KRISHNA and that we have not communicated with KRISHNA at all. This is reflective in your statment "How do you know Krishna is the true God?"


I, personally, know KRISHNA is the true GOD because, first I read it in the GITA and also I have seen Him. Now, will you believe that KRISHNA is the true GOD?


"To make a statement that Krishna is God when you have not experienced God through your own personal experience is very nieve to say the least"-----This is another statement of your making the assumption that no one has seen and felt KRISHNA as GOD. Well, you are wrong, my Guru Maharaj has personally seen and felt GOD and there are many saints in India who have seen and felt KRISHNA as the GOD in your heart and as the Supreme GOD. I also personally have felt and seen KRISHNA as the Supreme God. So please dont make assumptions that no one has seen or felt.


"Do you think you will even remember to chant the Maha mantra when you die"----to answer this question...well...i am not dead yet but i have seen other devotees who have done the same and so i follow in their footsteps doing exactly what they asked us to do so we can also chant the Mahamantra when my soul leaves this body. Just like as students we learn from our school teacher and so one day we become like our teacher, an expert in the subject. Similarly my teacher has left the planet chanting the Mahamantra and so He taught us how to do and iam following....simple.


So....the bottom line.....going to GOD depends on how compassionate you are to all of God's creatures including plants and animals and following and serving GOD to make HIM happy. This will insure your route to the Kingdom of God. This should happen all days of the week (24/7), all days of the year(365 days) and all years of your life. Doing it once a week on sundays, asking for forgivance every week while you encourage slaughter all the time, and doing small charity here and there will not cut it my friend.


If not....please tell me why the USA which has a high proportion of Christians as to other faith has a high number of atheists?





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Your ideas are based on the teachings of a book and other human beings.

First you must experience Krishna in your soul, all else is mere mental speculation. I suggest that you get down to some serious chanting and back off on the reading.

Said with love and in defense of truth.


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You think of the Spiritual Master as mere human being? That's your 1st and only mistake:


`Your ideas are based on the teachings of a book and other human beings.

First you must experience Krishna in your soul, all else is mere mental speculation. I suggest that you get down to some serious chanting and back off on the reading.

Said with love and in defense of truth.

Namaste `

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