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Lord Krishna's departure from this world

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Jay Srila Prabhupada!


My humble obeseince to all devotees.


I would like to know the circumstances Lord Krishna left this material world. Some people say HE was killed by a hunter. Please give your valuable comments.


Hare Krishna!


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Srila Prabhupada on Krishna's departure

Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.15.22-23

Los Angeles, December 2, 1973


The Yadu dynasty, the descendants of Krsna, could not be killed. Krsna was killed by the arrow of a hunter. How Krsna can be killed? He can't, but Krishna mercifully facilitates the desires of the demons, so that they can argue as if Krsna was an ordinary human being. So it is a jugglery especially for them. They can be comforted, thinking "Here your Krsna is killed." They often say like that. The demons want to forget Krsna or they do not like to understand Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and so Krsna orchestrates a play so that they will be more convinced that Krsna is not God, that Krsna is an ordinary human being. That way they will remain in darkness forever. Krsna gives a chance to everyone. If you want to forget Krsna, Krsna will give you such intelligence, you will talk so intelligently that "Krsna is not God." If you want to know Krsna, then He will give you such intelligence, so you will know that "Here is Supreme Personality of Godhead." This is Krsna's business, if you want to forget Krsna, Krsna will give you chance to forget Him forever. And you suffer. Because forgetting Krsna, one is not benefited. By knowing Krsna, one is benefited. But the demons, the raksasas, they suffer, and still they want to forget Krsna. This is their business.


So now the most important thing is that Krsna made this plan to kill His descendants. He did not want them to be killed, but they had to depart. But who would want to kill them? That is the problem. They are descendants of Krsna. Who will kill them? Therefore it was Krsna's plan that they will kill themselves. If others come to kill Krsna's descendants, then what is the value of Krsna's descendants? Nobody could kill, because in Krsna's presence, whenever there was a fight, all the descendants they came out and no-one could conquer them. That is not possible. But Krsna wanted that before His going away, all these demigods, they must also return. "Return" means this body must be killed. But who will kill them? That was the plan of Krsna. Therefore Krsna is [bg. 18.61] planning. He made this plan.


So what plan is that? One of the Yadus faked pregnancy with a stone on the belly wrapped with cloth, and another boy went to a rsi and asked "Sir, can you tell what gender is the child in the womb of this woman?" The so-called woman was actually a man. So the saintly person could understand that "These people have come to joke me." So he immediately cursed them "That which is in your womb will be the cause of the destruction of your whole family." So when they were cursed, they came to their senses: "What have we done?" So actually, it was a stone. So they began to rub the stone to destroy it, in order to prevent the destruction of the family. They were rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing and from the stone, pulp and water was distributed, and all of the stone became reeds. So then, some time later, the Yadus became intoxicated, and they could not understand amongst themselves who was a friend, who was an enemy, and they took those reeds and began to beat one another. In this way they died. This is the story. You know It is stated in the Krsna book.


So our point is to realise that this is a play only. It is only a background plot. Actually, Krsna wanted to take them away. And nobody could kill them. Therefore He planned a killing plan amongst themselves. This is the fact. But we should know that if any person is cursed by a brahmana or a Vaisnava, then they are finished. Therefore according to the Vedic civilization, brahmanas and Vaisnavas are always honored so that they may not be dissatisfied. This is the rule. Those who are spiritually advanced should never be offended. Otherwise you are finished according to our philosophy because of vaisnava-aparadha.

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