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Lord Caitanya's Dancing

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He began to dance, lifting the devotees in soaring heights of ecstacy. Everyone began

chanting loudly and whoever saw the Lord's moonlike beautiful face was released from

the searing pain of material existence.

The Lord's charming looks overshadowed the attractiveness of millions of cupids put

together. I am at a loss to find the appropriate similies to describle the Lord's beauty

yet i venture to do so only by His mercy alone, otherwise who can dare to attempt such

an impossible task.

He glowed like a mountain of gold. His body being smeared with sandal paste sometimes

looked like the rising full moon. His curly dark tresses were decorated with the fragrant

Malati garlands. A sweet smile clung intimately to His lips that can win the hearts of

all the muses. The clear markings of sandalwood tilak with a red dot of vermillion adorned

His beautiful forehead.

He raised His arms up in the sky chanting the name of Hari and danced, the knee long

flower garland around His neck swayed with each movement. His upraised arms glistened like

fine tapering pillars of gold. His body became drenched with incessant flow of ecstatic

tears from His lotus petal eyes.

As the ecstatic feelings increased, the hairs of His body stood on end like the ever fresh

Kadamba flower. The moist reddish lips so exquisite and when parted revealed a symmetrical

set of pearl-like white teeth. The long arched eyebrows languished almost all the way up to

the beginning of His ears. His strong shoulders shamed the king of the elephants and His

chest was broad and full. The brahman thread hung loosely across His chest.

Laksmi devi and Tulasi devi are constantly praying for the shelter of His lotus feet. That

Supreme Lord wears His fine and clean clothes very artistically. The uplifted nose is

aristocratic and the sinewy tendons of His neck gives the impression of being the neck

of the king of the forest, strong and powerful.

He towers over the others. His long body well formed and proportionate whining like a

mountain of Mother gold. Everyone looking at Him commented on His divine beautiful presence.

The millions who milled around for this momentous occasion were very fortunate. In spite of

their large number, they all received the Lord's benedictions of being able to see the Lord's

exquisite transcendental face. They simply stared at Him, irresistably drawn to His beauty

and exclaimed out aloud the Lord's name each time uncontrollable emotions welled within

their hearts.


Sri Caitanya Bhagavata - Madhya Lila - Chapter 23

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thanks sunp, here is more nectar /images/graemlins/smile.gif

'Caitanya Bhagavata' by Vrndavana dasa Thakura - Madhya Lila chapter 2


When the Lord was in ecstasy He trembled like an autumn leaaf. This trembling was so

uncontrollable that thousands of devotees could not keep Him still, streams of tears

flowed unchecked like hundreds of rivers. His entire body broke out in horripilation

like a ripe golden jakefruit. From time to time, He would break out into loud laughter,

being very amused by Himself. At other times He would fall unconscious to the ground,

unable to contain the bubbling ecstasy within. When external consciousness returned to

Him, He kept repeating Lord Krsna's name. The loud roaring sound that He sometimes made

seemed to burst the eardrums of the non-devotees, but the devotees of the Lord, by His

grace, gradually came closer to crossing the ocean of material existence. His body at

times would become stiff like a marble statue and at other times become soft and pliable

like butter. The devotees saw the wonderful transformations in the Lord and every one of

them was convinced that it was not humanly possible to manifest such ecstatic symptoms.

They each offered comments according to their own understanding. Someone said "He is

definitely a partial incarnation of the Supreme Lord." Someone else said "He is a great

devotee. Maybe He is Sukadeva Gosvami or Prahlada or even Narada Muni" Another said,

"He is here to remove all calamities" The wives of the Vaisnava devotees who observed

this also remarked "Lord Krsna has taken His birth again" Another lady said "I think He

is an incarnation of God" In this way different people offered different opinions about

the Lord.

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'Caitanya Bhagavata' by Vrndavana dasa Thakura - Adi Lila Chapter 11


Around this time Sri Isvaracandra Puri came to Navadvipa unobtrusively dressed as an

ekadandi sannyasa. He was a magnanimous personality, always absorbed in tasting the nectar

of love of Krsna. He was extremely dear to Lord Krsna and compassionate towards all. Because

of his humble attire, no one recognised him.

One day Isvara Puri went to Advaita Acarya's house, but the Acarya was quite busy working

at that time. Isvaracandra sat humbly in the courtyard in front of Advaita Prabhu.

A Vaisnava's purity makes him effulgent, so Advaita Acarya Prabhu could immediately

understand that the person sitting in front of him was no ordinary sannyasi.

Advaita stared at Isvara Puri, knowing he must be a pure Vaisnava. At last Acarya Prabhu

addressed him respectfully, "Dear saintly person, who are you? I have the feeling that you

are a Vaisnava sannyasi."

"I am worse than the fourth class person" replied Isvaracandra. "I have come here simply to

see your lotus feet" Mukunda could also recognise the symptoms of a pure Vaisnava devotee,

and there in the courtyard he spontaneously broke into devotional song. At the sound of

Mukunda's voice, Isvara Puri fell to the ground, incessant tears poured from this eyes while

repeated and increasing bursts of devotional ecstasy overcame him.

Advaita Acarya was alarmed and drew Isvaracandra quickly into his arms. Soon he was also

bathed with the saint's tears and they were both swept away by ecstatic waves of love of

God, unable to control their spiritual emotions. Inspired by them Mukunda sang one sloka

after another.

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Thanks for even more nectar. I can't wait to read the CC one day but before I still need to even finish BG and start SB :S so a little while longer to go plus dont beleieve i really undertsand the true glories behing Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


Jai Nitai-Jai Nimai!

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