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I asked a friend who is a muslim why the koran says "we" when allah talks and not "I" and he send me a link, I entered and roamed around the site when I came across it said that islam is the true religion before God because islam means submission, and other religions is named after the starters, for example buddha after buddhism, and hinduism after hindu, thou this is wrong I wrote to them:


when you say that all religion is named after followers, for ex; buddhism after buddha, christian after christ and hinduism after hindu, the thing is that the muslim gave that name, no where in the Vedas is the word hindu or hinduism found once! the word for it, the correct name is sanatana dharma, sanatana means eternal and dhrma means law or religion, therefor sanatana dharma means eternal religion, and tru "hinduism" is submission and to please/serve God, and True sanatana dharma is purly monotheistic.. and Allah just means God, so if I are a Krsna devotee, a Vaisnava I follow God.. Islam



sorry for yet another islam post..


.: All glories to Srí Guru and Srí Krsna :.

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in the koran god talks in the term of we and not I and.. I was curious to why it was like this and he sent me a link to a page, and when I read it I started to look around on the page and saw what they wrote bout hinduism.. so in short I wrote them the letter above..

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in the koran, when allah is speaking, he is speaking not in the sense of I and you, he speaks about himself as "we" and not as "I", as it should be..


sorry for my bad englsih prabhu

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this we is allah, allah dont say I bout himself in the koran he say we bout himself.. quote: "we have created"


and that means that allah has created.. never mind that, that isnt themain issue here.. why did u hang up on just that for?

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"islam is the true religion"


The dogs also say their way is the best.


According to the scientists the Universe is at least 15 billion years old.


Why did it take God 15 billion years ago to create his religion and send just one Prophet?


The truth is that God already created his religion at the beginning of creation and not just 1400 years ago. That religion is sanatam dharma.


Hindu/Hinduism was created by Muslims and not the Hindus.




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then it must be a translation error, because in sweden it means 2, we means that it are 2 people, for example, and when god in the koran say that he (allah) created sumthing and it is written we created, it mean in sweden that we(2 beings) has created sumthing..


I are singular

We are plural


=in swedish it means that allah and sumone more has created sumthing.. do u understand what I mean now? after this we stop writting bout this becaus we entangle our minds in nonsense now

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but that isnt a flash site.. purely html me and my friend did.. wait until we have learned flash MX.. then my homepage will be 1 of the most beathyfullest in sweden



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