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detees all over the place

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hello Hare Krishna Dear Devotees

- all Glories unto Srila Prabhupada -

I need your advice, feedback, opion as I do not so much -

since 4 years I know the devotees and last year some of them gave me the detees of Jagannath- i love to have them, although somethimes I wanted to make them "a sleep"as I do not feel enough love in my hart for them ( as for me its just a peace of wood but I want to devellop bhakti so I keep on worshipping them)


- after quit a while I even started to meditate on Gaurnitai and the Panca Tatva and I really asked for there mercy, i was even meditating very shortly how nice it would be if I had them ( for me own ego that I will get mercy hopefully to become a vaisnava and be happy and peacefull )as I somehow have the feeling that they are more mercyfull than my own detees ; I hope this is not an offens to think, its just what i heared here and there...


so Krishna my Goodness, what happend, 3 weeks ago my friend came and she gave me here detees ( beautifull Gaurnitai) she asked if I can take care of them... as she needs a so called | break in KC...very dubble feeling horrible that she doesnt want them anymore and happy that my prayers are being heared although I am afraid that they do not like it here as she worshiped them with so much bhakti...so I do not feel contected yet...but I try and trough my fear for them I just keep on going...( I feel a bit overwelmed with 2 sets of detees )


AND YESTERDAY... I can not believe it ...an other friend of mine came with the special edition of the PANCA_TATVA. she gave them to me as she is getting a break of marraige and she doesnt want to have detees anymore and her husband also. so she wanted me to have them...

and she also gave me a Prabhupada detee which is overviewing this crowded house!!!


AAAAAAAAAAAARG now my room is FULL with TREE SETS OF DETEES, Plus Prabhupada all of them compleet with clothes, cups etc just everything,

I am sooo afraid...what is going on, I am just a simple bhakta living outside and not even chanting 16 rounds...

I want advice what to do...shall I keep them and take care or shall I make them "a sleep" I am soo afraid that they do not like to be here and that I get horrible results of this so called amateur worshipping...


okay what is good to do for me... and If I keep them. how should I put them nicle on the alter ( who should be in the middle ...as right now I have Jagnnath, Baladeva and Subhadra as they were here the first..) uhm


sorry for making a short story to long, but I take this very serious. I just feel very pressure and unconfort in my room, having them all here...like something bad is gonnah happen ....


greetings from a very busy room -


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Krsna has answered ur prayer and has come to u to answer ur desire, and in such full force!


my Guru says, that worshiping Krsna throu duty is good, this is selfless, worship the dieties and ur wish will come through!!

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take care of them as good as u can and Krsna will be satisfied! I got a home altar and diety and have puja every sunday here, and my Guru and a Los Angeles devotee has been here, and one from India, after I wondered if Krsna is satisfied with me.. greatest answer to my thought was when my Guru, a fine Brahmana lay down before my home altar, that I thaught look crappy.. so u see, do the best u can and Krsna will be pleased!

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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisance unto him!


Putting the dieties to sleep or giving it to some one else is entirely your decision. No one can make that decision except you.


However, i would like to comment on feeling afraid. We all make mistakes, and hence we commit offences due to that. But, i suggest you dont care too much about your misgivings and just serve the dieties with your utmost attention like you have a baby. Thats all is required, your utmost attention and love. Ofcourse, we have to follow procedures but this procedure is an external manifestation of respect, duty and love.


Now, if you have access to a temple, you can seek advice there, but if you dont, then what can you do. The best thing is to shower the dieties with love and attention like you do to a small baby. Rules you follow what your heart says, treat the dieties with love and attention and the rules you will automatically know.


Dont worry too much about your inability to serve, just do what you can to your best, Iam sure Krishna will not take it offensive. Just make sure you are attentive to the dieties like you are to a small baby.


If you cannot take care of 3 sets of dieties, you can give them to others or put them to sleep is my advice, cos we should give full attention to dieties. But, dont worry too much about procedure and your inability, what counts the most is the LOVE you show to them, this is the essence.


You show LOVE unconditionally and take care of them like a small baby, surely, the dieties will be happy and will show you the way.


So, the key words are LOVE and CARE, the rest you will learn as you look after them.





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Haribol- thank you for your replays !!!

okay I will not put them a sleep or give them away( yet), perhaps I should just keep on going until the conection comes as now its just strange to have other detees as well,

mixed feelings are situated as they were once at other devotees places and now those people stopped with worshipping them and taking steps back from KC.


another question about this matter, how should I put them together ? who should be in the middle, to whom should I offer my obeisances firts? to whom I should put the food in front for the offering?? okay thank you -







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hare krsna !



aS YOU see.. i was taking here some read about the caitanya caritambrita spoken by Vrndavan Das Thakur.. and while passing through it by the same way at the middle of the madhva narrations started to be more and more revealed.. any chance i get to hear of the passtimess i then medit upon them, then caitanya meets Nitay and some moves have to be done just for that.. and there i saw that i shall stop doing some deeeds here and there... just engage the mercy just started to flow.. !!


Thats it i think. i could not finish it narrated think i shall go on it fordward with all care and attention as i heard what i needed to start being ngaged. u know whats being engagd in the pure workship, i think that is something to relay on better than just follow the simple step.


So it blossom.

hare krsna

let us know wah´ppen

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