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Lord Krishna is the Supreme

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As predicted 5000 years ago, In Kali Yuga there will be so many bogus Gurus (or their followers) who will claim to be God.


Simply ask them to show the Universe in their mouth or expand into 16,108 forms, or lift a mountain. If they can't then you know they are bogus. If the Guru is not alive today, then did he do any of these things when they were alive?


Anyone can claim to be God, but who can actually prove it?


To protect innocent people from imposters, Arjuna asked Lord Krishna to prove his divinity. Lord Krishna grants Arjuna divine vision and reveals his spectacular unlimited forms as the cosmic universe. Thus he conclusively establishes his divinity.


“Arjuna saw in that universal form unlimited mouths, unlimited eye, unlimited wonderful visions. The form was decorated with many celestial ornaments and bore many diving upraised weapons. He wore celestial garlands and garments, and many divine scents were smeared over his body. All was wondrous, brilliant, unlimited, all expanding.


If hundreds of thousands of suns were to rise at once into the sky, their radiance might resemble the effulgence of the supreme person in that universal form.”

(Bhagavad-Gita 11.10-12)


In each incarnation, Lord Krishna proved that he was God, all the details can be found in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Here we will focus on his incarnation 5000 years ago.


Lord Krishna performed miracles that no other being can perform.


• When Lord Krishna was 7 years old, he lifted a mountain (26 miles in perimeter) and held it up with his one hand for 7 days. Witnessed by tens of thousands of people who were standing underneath the mountain.


• Lord Krishna expanded his body into 16,108 forms. Which means he duplicated his body into 16,108 identical bodies.


• Lord Krishna transformed himself into others. This means he can make himself into a copy of anyone.


• Lord Krishna made the sun rise and fall at his will.


• Lord Krishna granted Arjuna divine vision and reveled his spectacular unlimited form as the cosmic universe. In which Arjuna could see the various forms of Lord Krishna, and unlimited Planets while being seated in one place. He was also shown the past, present, and future.


• When Lord Krishna’s mother looked into his mouth, he showed her the cosmic creation within his mouth. She could see unlimited Planets in the Lord’s mouth.


• Lord Krishna multiplied food. When 100 hungry holy men were visiting a place, they asked a nearby homeowner to prepare lunch for them. But the home had no food except one grain of rice. The householder prayed to Lord Krishna for help, and the Lord appeared outside their door. Upon entering the home, he was told of the 100 hungry holy men who were coming to the house for lunch. Lord Krishna ate the one-grain of rice and immediately the 100 hungry holy men who were on their way to the house, felt their stomachs filling up. They then called off the lunch visit. Lord Krishna is within our hearts and so he can satisfy all our desires from within.


• When a woman called Draupadi was disrobed in a court of kings, she called out to Lord Krishna for help and he supplied her with an unlimited sari and thus she could not be disrobed.


• Many atheists tried to kill Lord Krishna, but Lord Krishna very easily defeated them all and also gave them on the spot liberation. Lord Krishna is most merciful; he gives liberation to those who try to kill him. The Lord can give on the spot liberation; one need not wait for the Day of Judgment.


• Lord Krishna brought back to life many dead people including the six children of Devaki.


• Lord Krishna cured diseased people including transforming a hunchback woman into a most beautiful woman in return for offering sandalwood pulp to the Lord.


• Lord Krishna killed all the wicked Kings who were tormenting and harassing the public. People were saved in this very life and didn’t have to wait for the Day of Judgment.


Lord Krishna has 64 qualities, which are all mentioned in the Vedic scriptures.


Supreme Father:


“It should be understood that all species of life, o son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed giving father” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 14.4)


“I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire”

(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.17)


Supreme Creator: Lord Krishna is the origin of all.


“The whole cosmic order is under me. By my will it is manifested again and again, and by my will it is annihilated at the end” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.8)


“Furthermore, O Arjuna, I am the generating seed of all existences. There is no being, moving or unmoving, that can exist without me” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.39)


"I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts"

(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.8)


"Of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain that I am both the origin and the dissolution" (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 7.6)


Supreme Controller: Lord Krishna is the supreme controller.


"I give heat, and I withhold and send forth the rain" (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.19)


“With a single fragment of myself I pervade and support this entire universe”

(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.42)


Supreme Maintainer:


“The splendor of the sun, which dissipates the darkness of the whole world, comes from me. And the splendor of the moon and the splendor of fire are also from me”

(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 15.12)


“I enter into each planet, and by energy they stay in orbit” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 15.13)


“This material nature, which is one of my energies is working under my direction”

(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.10)


Omnipresent: Lord Krishna is omnipresent, meaning he is present everywhere.


“I am the supersoul, O Arjuna, seated in the hearts of all living entities, I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.20)


Omnipotent: Lord Krishna is omnipotent, meaning he is the greatest.


"There is no truth beyond Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread"

(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 7.7)


Omniscient: Lord Krishna knows the past, present, and the future.


“O Arjuna, I know everything that has happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, and all things that are yet to come. I also know all living entities" (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 7.26)


“Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot!"

(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 4.5)


There is Only One God:


“Those who are devotees of other gods and who worship them with faith actually worship only me, O son of Kunti, but they do so in a wrong way. I am the only enjoyer and master of all sacrifices. Therefore, those who do not recognize my true transcendental nature fall down”

(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.24)




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baps is not bogus. if it was so bogus, how come we r changing the lives of millions of ppl. u have been brainwashed by other movements and do not realize the true greatness of the baps sanstha and pramukh swami maharaj. u are all jealous that u have been led to the wrong path and it is now extremely hard for u to change paths. bapa is a true sadhu and a true guru. he follows all the niyams a true guru must follow including, niskaam, nirlobh, niswad, nisnay and nirman. i am sorry to say but u fools are the lost ppl of hinduism not the swaminarayan faith.


"Lord Krishna expanded his body into 16,108 forms. Which means he duplicated his body into 16,108 identical bodies."

~neelkanth varni(lord swaminarayan) transfomed his body into over 9 lakh forms.


"When Lord Krishna was 7 years old, he lifted a mountain (26 miles in perimeter) and held it up with his one hand for 7 days. Witnessed by tens of thousands of people who were standing underneath the mountain."

~he may have moved mountains but who put the mountains there? lord swaminarayan. he changed the lives of many and destroyed demons too. krishna was sent on earth to fight wars and get rid of his uncle.



" Lord Krishna multiplied food. When 100 hungry holy men were visiting a place, they asked a nearby homeowner to prepare lunch for them. But the home had no food except one grain of rice. The householder prayed to Lord Krishna for help, and the Lord appeared outside their door. Upon entering the home, he was told of the 100 hungry holy men who were coming to the house for lunch. Lord Krishna ate the one-grain of rice and immediately the 100 hungry holy men who were on their way to the house, felt their stomachs filling up. They then called off the lunch visit. Lord Krishna is within our hearts and so he can satisfy all our desires from within. "

~lord swaminarayan and bapa have done this several times.



"Lord Krishna granted Arjuna divine vision and reveled his spectacular unlimited form as the cosmic universe. In which Arjuna could see the various forms of Lord Krishna, and unlimited Planets while being seated in one place. He was also shown the past, present, and future."

~lord swaminarayan revealed this to devotees and santos alike.


" Many atheists tried to kill Lord Krishna, but Lord Krishna very easily defeated them all and also gave them on the spot liberation. Lord Krishna is most merciful; he gives liberation to those who try to kill him. The Lord can give on the spot liberation; one need not wait for the Day of Judgment."

~many believers of krishna and ram tried to kill him but swaminarayan converted them and showed them the true path and promised them liberation to akshardham (ultimate redemption)



"When a woman called Draupadi was disrobed in a court of kings, she called out to Lord Krishna for help and he supplied her with an unlimited sari and thus she could not be disrobed. "

~lord swaminarayan not only helped one devotee but countless devotees in financial problems and such. one such example is dada kachar. today bapa helps millions of people in all kinds of problems from business to marraiges and etc.



" Lord Krishna cured diseased people including transforming a hunchback woman into a most beautiful woman in return for offering sandalwood pulp to the Lord. "

~lord swaminarayan performed more miracles than one could dream of. and these miracles were not for the good of ur face but for the good of what would truly give u ultimate redemption.




"Lord Krishna brought back to life many dead people including the six children of Devaki."

~lord's santos could do this but were told not to for then many ppl would want there friends and relatives back from the dead. it would not be the true way to spread true religion.


"• Lord Krishna killed all the wicked Kings who were tormenting and harassing the public. People were saved in this very life and didn’t have to wait for the Day of Judgment. "

~lord swaminarayan killed demons and everyone too.



Jai Swaminarayan



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"Lord Krishna expanded his body into 16,108 forms. Which means he duplicated his body into 16,108 identical bodies."

~neelkanth varni(lord swaminarayan) transfomed his body into over 9 lakh forms.






Krishna came to see His devotees. His external energy known as Maya can kick any Demons. When Krishna expanded His body each body was different in Character, this was in Dwaraka. And into each Palace was Krisna Queen. This is not the same as what you have mentioned. It says in Bhagavatam Krishna expands as Vishnu into every atom.


The argument you use is, Swami-Narayana only said He was Krishna so you would be attracted. But actually He wanted you to worship Him [sN]. If that's the case what is the need for Shikpatram? What real substance do you gain from this Scripture? Are you not actually intrepretating the words of Swami-Narayana? Instead of following His teachings? Jesus Christ also showed many miracles..

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In Sunday school we learn of You

as Father of everyone,

and we learn of Jesus Christ

as Your begotten son.


Lord Krishna is so dear a friend

and so affectionate too,

if you take one step towards Him,

He'll take ten steps toward you.


Let me cry out to Lord Krishna

like the saints who follow His way

and sincerely pray to Him

for deliverance, without delay.


We hear that our human bodies

are fashioned from Your form,

but our guesses of how You look

are hardly even warm.


We think since You are very old

Your hair is certainly white,

as if Time's greater than You

and You're forced to accept such plight.


When You tell of us of Your form

in the Vedic scripture

'cause of our past conditioning

it's hard at first to picture.


But by our practical service

to Your devotees, who actually know,

and by our hearing of Your words,

our faith in You will grow.


Hearing of Your spiritual world,

the reflection of which we live in,

we see Your form and pastimes,

become easier for us to believe in.


As we have family and friends

and activities we like to do,

You also have these very same things,

except Yours are eternally true.


Attract us to Your Name, O Krishna,

and then Your beautiful face,

and next to Your glorious pastimes

in Your eternal place.


Spiritual life is never dry

but is filled with waves of bliss.

Unless we accept Your divine words

Your spiritual world we'll miss.



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Jai shree krishna.


First of all, BAPS is not the movement set-up by Swaminarayan. So they can say whatever thay want, they do not represent the movement created by Swaminarayan himself. Baps does not represent the followers of swaminarayan. It deviates from the original teachings of swaminarayan.


Swmainarayan was a Vaisnava who worshipped Lord Krishna and asked his followers to do the same. This can be proven by the fact that in all the temples built by Swaminarayan, Lord Krishna's deity is in the center but in BAPS temples Lord Krishna is not in the center. Baps is kicking out Krishna.


The message of the Sikhsapatri is clear, worship Krishna only. Swaminarayan proved this by worshipping Krishna himself and asked his followers to do the same (Sikhsapatri).


Sanatan Dharma is based on the Vedic scriptures, the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, the 19 Puranas and 108 Upanishads and other scriptures. Since BAPS is not based on any of these Vedic scriptures, it's not part of Sanatan Dharma. Thus does not represent sanatan dharma. Swaminarayan is not mentioned in any Vedic scriptures, he was a great Guru who taught good values, but he was not God. His teachings should be followed but he should not be worshipped as God.


Baps ignores the authority of the Vedic scriptures, this alone proves that it's not part of sanatan dharma. They may build great temples and have millions of followers, but so does Islam, and Sai Baba who also is calimed as God by his followers. In every Kali Yuga, there are so many bogus Gurus who claim to be God. Bagwan Rajnesh is another self proclaimed God who had more riches than Pramukh Swami. He had 87 Rolls Royces and thousands of followers at the height of his realm. Ravana had millions of followers and beautiful cities before he was killed by Lord Ram. Heranakashipur had millions of followers and had more power than the demigods but he was also eventually killed by Lord Narasima. So having power to build great buildings and having millions of followers does not always come with Gods blessings.


Anyone can claim to be God, but who has the backing of great personalities like Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, Narede Muni, and the authorized Vedic scriptures?


Anyone who does not preach from the Vedic scriptures, and who claims to be represent sanatan dharma, is a bogus Guru, and should be immediately rejected. Don't be lured by free food and nice buildings. Even the atheists have built beautiful buildings.


Lord Brahma who is the first created living being states in Brahma Samhita:


“Krishna who is known as Govinda is the supreme godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and he is the prime cause of all causes.” (Brahma Samhita 5.1)


After Describing various incarnations of the Lord such as Rama, Balrama, Vamana, Nrsimha, and Vishnu, Sukadeva Goswami states:


“All of the above mentioned incarnations are either plenary portions of portions of the plenary portions of the Lord, but Lord Krishna is the original Personality of Godhead” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.28)


Lord Shiva in the Gita Mahatmya states:


“Only one God – Krishna, the son of Devaki (verse 7)


In the Padma Purana it is stated:


"By scrutinizingly reviewing all the revealed scriptures and judging them again and again, it is now concluded that Lord Narayana is the supreme absolute truth, and thus he alone should be worshipped”


In the Skanda Purana it states:


“In the material world, which is full of darkness and dangers, combined with birth and death and full of different anxieties, the only way to get out of the great entanglement is to accept loving transcendental devotional service to Lord Vasudeva.”


The position of Krishna as God is confirmed by great personalities like Narada, Asita, Devela, Parasara, Brahma, and Shiva.


If BAPS followers want to prove anything they must quote from Vedic scriptures and not their concocted scriptures like the Vachnamrut. If you cannot quote from the Vedic scriptures then just sit down, read, and follow the Sikhsapatri. Chant hare krishna.


"All my followers shall go to the temple every evening and there they shall sing loudly songs in praise of Lord Krishna, the beloved of Radha. (Swaminarayan, 63)









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it is unbeliveable how thick u people r why dont u concentrate on excelling ur 'krishna conciousness' rather than bad mouthing swmainarayan and BAPS, it all comes down to either jealousy or narrow mindedness. spend ur time reading the bhagvat and how krishna is more supreme than virat narayan and all the other gods becasue clearly it doesnt have an effect on u so u come and chat . on this fix up, look at urselfs before looking at others and teach ur goswamis how to wear their dhotis right and not lungi's/skirts. u dont really know how ppl in soceity see u, and i'm sure u dont care spend ur time on improving ur image than proving swaminarayan wrong and krishna right. and make some good mandirs on the way rather than using that same manor house improve and stop sending me post through the door to donate 50 pounds on janmastmi coz i rather donate to people who dont bad mouth

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"Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons, do not surrender unto Me." (Lord Krishna, Bg 7.15)


When people mock krishna or deny the authority of the Vedic scriptures, then one must stand up to them.


The swaminarayan movement is not based on the Vedic scriptures and thus it cannot be called a part of sanatam dharma. This site is for discussion of sanatam dharma and not the bogus swaminarayan movement. We didn't invite you here, you came gate crashing. So we will stand up for Lord krishna and sanatan dharma. BAPS is no different than the Moguls and British who ruled India and tried to destroy sanatan dharma.


Those who have some common sense will see through BAPS, in that they are making the ignorant Hindus even more ignorant, by making them deny the authority of the Vedic scriptures. Swaminaryan is not even mentioned in any Vedic scripture. He was actually a Vaisnava who himself worshipped Lord Krishna and asked his followers to do the same. But BAPS has diverted away from swaminarayan's original teachings.


"All human beings on this Earth shall worship him [Lord Krishna] knowing that there is no other way for ultimate redemption than devotion to him. (Swaminarayan, 113)


"None shall practice devotion to Shree Krishna while disregarding religious tenets nor shall he give up the worship of Shri Krishna for fear of calumny by the ignorant." (Swaminarayan, 39)


"My disciples shall give in donation one tenth of their income or food grains, if that be their agricultural income, in the service of Lord Krishna. Those with insufficient means shall donate one-twentieth of their income, either in kind or money." (Swaminarayan, 147)


You should give the 50 pounds to Lord Krishna every year for Janamastmi, this is the order of Swaminarayan.







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is BAPS did not recgnise krishna then can u tell me how he got in the BAPS mandirs i'm sure he didnt walk in. and if we blatantly did not follow sanatan dharma then we wudnt put the murtis of radha krisha, ganesh and hanuman in our mandirs we dont fear anyone by not puttin their murtis in our mandir's but due to vedic scriptures other teahcings of sanantan dharma we still put them in our mandirs and still offer them food, and put them to and sleep look after the murtis. i'm sure while feeding the lords if we disregaurided krishna we wud just leave him hungry but no we dont we offer food in a large silver plate of food ofered to the murtis of radha and krishna. y?? if u all think we disregaurd krishna anyway why wudnt we just not have his murti in the mandir, as u all seem to have the idea we disregaurd him so we dont need to worry what u think but again we do, as bhagwan swaminarayan says in the shikshaptri follow krishna he also says ot read the other scriptures of the fellowship in which it mentions that he is purna purushottam and if u then go on to think these are man made scrptures they were made by the highest paramhansas and again i'm sure bhagwad wasnot made by krishna himself it was also man made like the vedas as well, ved vyas had written them, and why dont u try and preserve the hindu tradition among those people who are loosing it rather than picking on ur own fellow hindu's. do u know how many hindu girls are out there with boyfriends which are not the same religion they are with guys with abrahamic belife's .spread the word of sanatam dharma dont bring those who are on the spiritual path already down of argue with them spend the time wisely

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Hare Krishna.


The reason why sanatan dharma has been declining in this age is because of so many bogus Gurus, who instead of following the Vedic scriptures and spreading them. These bogus Gurus write new scriptures and create new Gods. The result is that the youngsters get very confused and give up religion all together.


Until 5000 years ago, there was only one religion in the whole world, the Vedic religion. But today we have so many religions and even within the Vedic religion there are so many differences. This is the result of bogus Gurus concocting new scriptures and Gods.


That's why Lord Krishna concludes the Bhagavad-gita with:


"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear. " (Lord Krishna, BG 18.66)


In the short term, the swaminarayan movement may seem good as it teaches good values, but it denies the authority of the Vedic scriptures which state that Krishna is the supreme. And it has added a new God, Swaminarayan, and new scripture (Vachanumrut) which is anti-Vedic by saying that Swaminarayan is the supreme.


This actually makes the youth more confused and the result is that Hindu girls will sleep with and marry the terrorists, then bear children who will become first class terrorists and haters of sanatan dharma.


Today if you ask 10 Hindus who is God, you will get 10 different answers. This is caused by bogus Gurus who have concocted so many Gods.


So don't deviate from the Vedic scriptures, if you truly want to spread sanatan dharma and stop the Hindu girls from marrying the terrorists. The bhagavad-gita is the essence of all Vedic knowledge. Follow it and reject any Guru who deviates from it's teachings. Thus worship only Lord Krishna, only Krishna. Follow the Bhagavad-gita, srimad bhagavatam, the 18 Puranas, and the 108 Upanishads. Not any other scripture, this means don't follow the Vachanamrut.


If you don't follow the Vedic scriptures then you are no different then the terrorists who are alwasy looking for Hindu girls to marry and convert, to destroy sanatan dharma.


Please visit this site and ask others, especially the young, and learn about the Vedic religion. www.Gitamrta.org


This site has a section on comparitive religions, which is unique and very important.


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  • 2 weeks later...



You obviously are speaking from the mode of ignorance. You have NO knowledge of Swaminarayan's teachings yet are quick to dismiss it as anti-Vedic.

Go to their temples. Read their scriptures. Observe their practices and THEN say whether it is anti-Vedic or not.

REMEMBER iskcon is PART of Vedic Hindu culture. VEDIC is not all iskcon. Accept that basic fact.



Read Shloka 93 - 96

"The four Vedas, the Vedanta Sutras by Vyas, the Purana named Shrimad Bhagavatam, the Shree Vishnu Sahastranam;

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita and Vidura-Niti (code of ethics by Vidura) -

all these above three scriptures from the Mahabharata, and the Shree Vasudeva Mahatmya from the Vishnu Khanda of Skanda Purana (one of the eighteen Puranas);

The Smruti by Yagnavalkya Rishi among the Dharma Shastra. I hold these eight scriptures as superior and true authority on our philosophy and religion.

My disciples desirous of salvation shall listen to all these eight scriptures, and the Dwijas or twice born shall study, preach and propagate them to others."


And you call that anti-vedic?

Open your ignorant eyes.


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"I hold these eight scriptures as superior and true authority on our philosophy and religion.

My disciples desirous of salvation shall listen to all these eight scriptures, and the Dwijas or twice born shall study, preach and propagate them to others."


So why don't you follow this advice? Why do you worship Swaminarayan instead of Lord Krishna? Why do you place Krishna on the side of the altar?


The Bhagavad-gita clearly states that only Lord Krishna should be worshipped, but you don't accept this truth.



The Swaminarayans not only reject the authority of the Vedic scriptures but also have the nerve to say they follow the Vedic scriptures.


According to the Vedic scriptures, Lord Krishna is the supreme. Since you reject this truth, you reject the Vedic scriptures. So don't be silly in saying you follow the Vedic scripturs.


The sripture of the Swaminarayan is the Vachanamrut which rejects Krishna as the supreme and this scripture was written 300 years ago. The Vedic scriptures are those that were reveleaded at creation and written down 5000 years ago, not 300 years ago. You cannot accept the Vachanumrut and the Bhagavad-gita as they both differ in the most important subject matter, who the supreme is.


Lord Brahma who is the first created living being states in Brahma Samhita:


“Krishna who is known as Govinda is the supreme godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and he is the prime cause of all causes.” (Brahma Samhita 5.1)


After Describing various incarnations of the Lord such as Rama, Balrama, Vamana, Nrsimha, and Vishnu, Sukadeva Goswami states:


“All of the above mentioned incarnations are either plenary portions of portions of the plenary portions of the Lord, but Lord Krishna is the original Personality of Godhead” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.28)


Lord Shiva in the Gita Mahatmya states:


“Only one God – Krishna, the son of Devaki (verse 7)


In the Padma Purana it is stated:


“By scrutinizingly reviewing all the revealed scriptures and judging them again and again, it is now concluded that Lord Narayana is the supreme absolute truth, and thus he alone should be worshipped”


In the Skanda Purana it states:


“In the material world, which is full of darkness and dangers, combined with birth and death and full of different anxieties, the only way to get out of the great entanglement is to accept loving transcendental devotional service to Lord Vasudeva.”


The position of Krishna as God is confirmed by great personalities like Narada, Asita, Devela, Parasara, Brahma, and Shiva.



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Mr. Kcp1982, I have to tell you, Your preaching style is very negative. You tend to anoy people and chase them away rathar than bringing closer to Prabhupad movement and ultimately closer to Krishna. You should encourage people to chant Hare Krishna Maha Mantra instead of geting enagage in secatarian talk. Remember Srila Prabhupad never intentended to make ISKCON a secetarian movement. Pls. don't get me wrong and take it in a wrong way. Thanks and Hare Krishna

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Hare Krishna.


Srila Prabhupada clearly stated that it's because of so many bogus Gurus that the Vedic religion is now a minority in the world.


It's because of sects like Swaminarayan that so many people are being deceived and mislead into a movement that rejects the authority of the Vedic scriptures and rejects Lord Krishna as the supreme.


One who watches demons demonizing the gullables is worst than the demon.


Srila Prabhupada stated that anyone who mocks Krishna should be rejected, however great he may be.


"That Krsna is the supreme authority is accepted by the whole world, not only at present, but from time immemorial, and the demons alone reject Him."

Srila Prabhuapda BG Chapter 4 text 4 purport.



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Where does the Swaminarayan faith REJECT Krishna as Godhead? Again you make senseless ignorant uneducated comments WITHOUT ANY knowledge of the Swamianrayan faith.

Maybe you are more suited to other paranoid pursuits.


Go to a Swaminarayan Temple you will see Shree Krishna being worshipped - his glories being sang and his image being prayed to. You call that rejection? Go get your prescriptions checked.


The difference between iskcon and swaminarayan sampraday is simple - Swaminarayan Sampraday recognises Swaminarayan as Krishna himself (the same and indifferent) whereas iskcon doesnt.

Is that too hard for your juvenile mind to comprehend?

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Hare Krishna.


"They'll talk of Krsna, so many things but they're not devotees. Just like Kamsa. They may talk of Krsna or think of Krsna, but they don't accept Krsna as the Supreme. Therefore they are demons. This is the test... His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada"


I have been to the homes of some BAPS followers and guess what? There is no Krishna in the home, not even in their temple.


When I asked them why they don't have Krishna in the home. They say that Swaminarayan is the supreme and so there is need for Krishna. This is the result of bogus Gurus who concoct their own God and deviate from the Vedic scriptures. Pramukh Swami has also been to these homes with no Krishna and he didn't complain. What non-sense is this? The satanam dharma is based on the Vedic scriptures and not the Vachanamrut or Pramukh Swami. Anyone who deviates from the Vedic scriptures should be rejected. Don't be fooled by the expensive beautiful temples built by Pramukh Swami. Even Heranakashipur had built more beautiful buildings than BAPS. He was a demon.


There are some in the swaminarayan movement who accept Krishna as the supreme, but most are brainwashed into rejecting Krishna as the supreme.


Lord Krishna says in the Gita, we should worship him in the Krishna form, so if you accept swaminarayan was Krishna then why don't you follow what Krishna says in the Gita? Only worship Krishna. Swaminarayan himself states in the Sikhsapatri that we should only worship Krishna.


BAPS is a bogus movement that is making it's followers deviate from the Vedic scriptures.


I have noticed that those who are new to the swaminarayan movement are not so anti-krishna, but those who are senior are anti-krishna. That is the result of a bogus organisation.


Follow sanatan dharma not a man made dharma.


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Hari Bol prabhu,

i do not understand y when u spoke th truth some ppl gets disturbed by ur comments, most of them r not urs they r from vedic scriptures.i do not think u were bad mouthing or that u r a racist/arrogant etc.bcos those comments are not urs . they r Lord krsna's.

Now i am not very learned. i do not know if swaminarayan is Krishna or not.he mayb.. Buddha is the incarnation of Lord Krishna also. yet scriptures still states worship Govinda the primeval Lord....it doesn't say worship Buddha bcos Krishna and Buddha is the same.

so dear ppl out ther KCP was only preaching.

the point is no matter how many incarnations krishna have, taht in this age we shud only chant Hare Krishna Mantra to go back to Godhead. there is no other way. i did not say that. Lord krishna did..if u worship Buddha U won't go back to Godhead

anyways i don't know if i have ofnded any1 plz 4give me.. not my intention..

Hare Krishna.

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this post is for the Guest whose subject is "Re: kcp1982's arrogant ignorance"


First of all, please dont say something and think what you are saying is ok. Your post implies that equating Swaminaraayan to Krishna is ok.


I have no idea of Swaminarayan group but from whatever i have heard and read, i see Sawminarayan was a devotee of Krishna.However, his followers, just like other offshoot religions have put him on the pedestal and dethroned the actual Lord. It is like, if ISKCON in some years, dethrone Krishna and put Srila Prabhupada on the pedestal.


Dear, it is totally unacceptable to do that. Worshipping Swaminarayan as Krishna is totally and completely wrong. Will you treat the son and father to be the same. Father is father and son is a son. Same way, how can Swaminarayan be Krishna. and for you you are sounding as it is quite ok to accept Swaminarayan as Krishna.,if so, you are blaspheming Krishna which is a big mistake.


Now, Kcp has different preaching method which most people do not agree but to me he does say the right thing. But, i do advice Kcp to tone done a bit because kcp is kcp and not Srila Prabhupada. In other words, if don the garb of a sanyasi and attain higher position then i think we can be aggressive in our talks. But, kcp, with all good intentions uses strong words to prove his points which is ok for me but some people dont like it and hence may project a wrong image about ISKCON, Gita and Krishna. So, my advice to kcp is, in order to preach for all types of people in a community, we have to take a bland approach. In other words, express our thoughts more affably than just outright saying one is wrong and one is correct.


Iam sure as a preacher we will learn as we grow but WE SHOULD BE INCLINED TO LEARN and CORRECT OUR MISTAKES for we are not here to prove we are correct and the opposition is wrong but we are here to preach the LOVE OF KRISHNA and for that we have to show we are ready to LOVE everyone and everybody inspite of caste, creed and color.





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Hare Krishna Anand Prabhu,

I agree with you 100% on this. "--- LOVE OF KRISHNA and for that we have to show we are ready to LOVE everyone and everybody inspite of caste, creed and color." I really like this statement. Anand Prabhu all groies to your understanding of Srila Prabhupad Mood and Mission.

Thank you and Hare Krishna


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I agree with Anand Prabhu also. I hope Mr. Kcp understand this point what Anand Prabhu is trying to make and finally understand Srila Prabhupad's Mood and Mission.

Hari Hari


P.S.!! Mr. Kcp pls. don't get me wrong. Nobody is against you.

It is just your preaching style and tone which anoy ppl.

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