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Dumb mentality

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There are trillions of Planets with living beings and they believe God allowed himself to be crucified for the sins of man on one insignificant planet called Earth.


This is their mentality. Silly, stupid and dumb.

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Hare Krishna Dear Guest

All glories unto Srila Prabhupada-I offer my humble obeisances unto HIM- and yes also to Jesus who preaced God conciousness in the world as well!


I do not really understand your statement,( who is "them"??) Yes (most) of the followers of Jesus believe that He died for our sins, its a form of ignorance I know people who still believe this ...but let us not judge people, this is not our task ...there was a day that we both didnt know anything about Krishna/ God...


So please give people time and preach about the Supreme and forgive their way of thinking, as "they do not know what they are doing..." we can only make people Krishna/God Consiouness when we do not put stamps on foreheads, and not call them names, you can not look in their harts only Krishna can...so let us embrace those who needed and make friends with "them" so that they will become inspired to know more about the truth-


take care - chant and be happy -

your servant Zara

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Forgive me for interfering with your arrogant observations of the Christian belief system.

Why can an avatar of God(which I believe Jesus to be) not die for the sins of others? Does this not demonstrate in full manifestation the pure compassion that God has for living beings? IS it wrong to think that God would not make such a sacrifice for the redemption of humans?

Please snap out of this 'ISKON-ism is the ONLY truth' illusion and develop respect for other doctrines of faith.


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Yea the way they respect our Vaishnavism right?


Christians from the beginning were not liked because they had no tolerance for any other belief system and still don't. Just look at the history of Christianity. At least 98% would stamp out Vaishnavism in a minute if they took control. The 2% left over would not be offended by hearing the truth and if they really wanted to 'love God' and follow Christs first commandment would hear the truth about the 'Yuga Dharma" and join in.


Instead the say chanting the Holy Name is 'vain repitition', that we worship 'idols' we are brainwashed etc. etc. etc.


The Catholics even openly say Krishna is Satan.


By the way I am not in Iskcon.


Please listen to your own words and ask yourself who is in illusion. If you cannot create a better society please don't criticize devotees who are trying their best.


There are plenty of nice devotees in IskCon with no agenda other than trying to Please their guru/gurus.


You will protect blood cult worshippers and criticize Vaishnavas?


What Ism do you belong to anyway?


Get real.




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to attack vaishnvas and praise christians even when the latter attacks them over and over again. Frankly, iskconites lack self-respect, or why would they attack fellow vaishnvas and defend those who call krishna satan? Cowards and hypocrites, that's what you will find in iskcon.

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I hail from no 'ism' : rather, I regard myself as an original, rational thinker that likes to mix spirituality with sound reasoning. Hence my response to such absurd slandering towards the Christian belief.


Arguing that Chritians also degrade Vaishanvas, and therefore qualifying any ridiculing towards them reeks of a very limited, unevolved and confrontationary mindset.


Gnana is as equally as important as bhakti and extreme blind bhakti, which many at ISCKON are immersed in, I feel, gives rise to such irrational, illogical and fractured thinking.



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Many die for their country, religion, society and so on.


Why aren't they also called divine saviours?


Jesus didn't voluteer to be crucified and it's foolish to think that he died for the sins of man. Why say 'man'. Jesus was only known to a very small perctange of people in the world.


So if they want to believe that he died for their sins, it should be 'he died for the sins of christians not all man.


This is simply an excuse for defending him as they want to follow him instead of God, so they have to glorify his death some how.


If someone you love was killed by a gun, would you carry a gun? Or wear a gun on your neck?


This is their foolish mentality. They too will be crucified by nature for killing all the cows.



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