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Ape Mentality

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In the Planet of the Apes Movie, the mentality of the Apes is as follows:


1. Humans were considered as animals by the apes.

2. Animals don’t have a soul.

3. The ape scripture is supreme.

4. The ape scripture states that the apes should not accept any other scripture.

5. The ape scripture states that only the apes are capable of ruling.

6. The ape scripture states that only the apes’ way of life is best.

7. The ape scripture states that only the ape God is real, all others Gods are false.

8. The ape is the most intelligent and all others are less intelligent.

9. The apes will rule the Earth forever.


·When the human (Charleston Heston) says to the apes that humans existed before the apes, the apes totally reject it.


·When the human says they ruled Earth before the apes, the apes totally reject it.


·When the human says his scriptures are far more superior to the ape scriptures. The apes totally reject it.


·When the human says he has a soul, the apes look down his throat and as the soul could not be seen, the apes reject it.


Do you see any similarities between ape mentality and the mentality of one man created religions of today?



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You can't see the soul because it is invisible on account of it being spiritual. You cannot exactly see something spiritual with material eyes, what sence would that make?


You can take it on faith that there is something called the soul, and there is a way to spiritulize yourself to find out. In bygone ere of yore [satya-yuga] People didn't have to be told to meditate and realize Paramatma [Realize Paramatama you automat realize yourself sittin beside Him]. They 'just did it'. Not 'oh we cannot see the soul so I dunno believe your stupid stories'. So yes most are like APes, still though it's devotees duty to preach message of Sri Krishna. SO people can understand all this. Instead of drowing themselves in yesterdays puke infested alcohol. Gaura!

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