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i read here about jesus story where stolen from the mithraic tradition, about the 12 apostles and so forth, sorry but thats wrong, if you didnt know lord jesus had 13 dosciples, and 1 betrayed him, AND there are proof of jesu existence, on clay tablets there are the romans executioner lists where jesu name is on it, where he was killed and why and so forth.. and in the early followers of jesus their where the beilife in reincarnation and vegetarianism..


there are still strict monks of christ thats allways chanting the name of jesu, strict vegetarians and hardly sleeps 3-4 hours per night..


if you dont like christians and muslims saying that their religion is supreme then stop doin that yourself, their are more in live outside ISKCON, to say that on you are right may do you to a sect, Krsna aint saying that ISKCON is the . and all others are based on illusion, and no im not bein offensive agaisnt you, because 80% here arent reaaly vaisnavas, the large group of you are neophytes in religion, burning for your thing and hating gays, christians and muslims and think only u got the ansewrs..


sum of u aint even listening to what srila prbhupada said bout muslims and christians, good start to go, ignore your leader and let your own judgement rule..


Gods Love unto ALL sects

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Hare Krishna

Hindus, Christians & Muslims all emerged from One God. So there's no question of hatred, if you love God then love all people. This is what Saint Sai Baba of Shirdi said "Sabka Malik Ek" (meaning there's only One Lord. But if anyone indulges in wrong karma (applicable to all religions) like killing people, Cows etc... then he shall be severly punished & meet his fate in Hell.

Hare Krishna

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Hare Krishna.


The Christians and Muslims always say their way is the only way and the others go to hell. As they don't realize that there is only one God who has created all at his own will.


Know where in the Vedic scriptures does is say that non-followers of the Vedic religion go to hell. This is the religion of God and not a racist.


We agree God loves us all including the animals. It's a shame the Christians and Muslims don't love the animals.

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