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Transmigration of Soul

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Hare Krishna!!


IN BG it has been mentioned that if One has put sincere effortfor krishna Consciousness and he doesnot succeed in this birth he will be given a chance to complete his mission

in his next birth.One will be born in pious or well to do family.But even after being born in such people dont tend to move towards Krishna consiousness.They spend their time

in sense gratification.Because of his good Karma he has got

his birth in wealthy family..but the Soul doesnot realise thisand he again falls to take other.My Question is why he doesnt has the inner awakening that he is on the verge of completing his mission that was left in his prev birth.

Now for example this birth i do understand my goal but

somehow iam not able to complete it .I get another birth

in wealthy family or pious .Now i forget why i have taken this birth.for...and again entangled in birth -rebirth cycle


Take The story of King Bharatha But he realised in his next birth as Deer why he had taken birth.I dont say

we should get flashback of our previous birth.but alteast a

a chance to realise who am I to get liberated.!!!


Hare Krishna

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Hare Krishna.


If you are a devotee, then this is the flashback of your last life. You were a devotee in your last life too. You are simply progressing further from where you left off in your last life.


You can tell if you will be libereated after this life or will have to come back again from your advancement. Are you detached from everything and attached to Krishna? If yes then this is your last material life.

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Although you are a devotee now and in your last life. You can still fall down as maya is very strong.


If you fall down, then you will get another chance in your next life. This is the beauty of the Vedic religion. In other religions they foolishly beleive that this is it. Either we go to hell eternally or heaven eternally after this life. Non-sense beliefs.

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So please tell me how you know this ?are you enlightened or did you just read it some where or have someone else who read it somwewhere tell you .Think for yourself or you may easily be tricked .

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