amanpeter Posted May 25, 2001 Report Share Posted May 25, 2001 Originally posted by Love: Right ho! Satyarajaji. My understanding is that each individual lives simultaneously at several levels of consciousness/ existence – somatic, psychological, intellectual, & spiritual. Prakriti can appear in three forms: Sattvik, Rajsik, or Tamsik as you said. It is not this any where you look you will find Prakriti (Nature) appearing in these three forms. There is a good reason for this. If you look at various beliefs around the world – Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, etc, most of them (apart from Hinduism) accord a separate existence to evil and they classify things as essentially good or evil. In their belief, evil has a separate existence form God (Good) and so good and evil are in constant struggle to take control of the human soul. Here Hinduism differs from other beliefs. It does not accord a separate existence to evil. In fact, Hindu thought says that evil is the building block out of which good is made and hence, those who gain the knowledge of reconverting the evil into the good compound cannot be defeated by evil. It is also for this reason Hinduism says that good always conquers evil. Other beliefs are not so sure about this. In Hinduism the only pre-requisite for this saying to be true is the practice of the yoga of taking rebirths from these evils. (Personally I would not use the word evil but am using it for case of example only). For e.g. let’s say that you love someone. And that person provides you with an instance where they hurt your feelings very badly. Immediately, you will find certain other feelings coming inside you. These vary from individual to individual. You may feel at that moment of betrayal hatred, anger, anguish, depression, dejection, or whatever else. It only means that the outcome of a certain experience was that your love broke down into certain tamasik forms of nature that are manifesting themselves inside you after the satvik form (love) was broken. Now, if you know that there is a way to recombine these tamasik constituents in the original satvik love that you had, you can merge back these tamasik constituents into original love. And that way is the yoga of taking rebirths. There are a few requirements for this yoga. You have to realize that though there may be some qualitative gradation between sattva, rajas, and tamas forms of Nature but that gradation is not for you to know of. There are kinds of knowledge that even though are there cannot be absorbed by the human consciousness and remain intact. This is one of them. The moment an individual retains the knowledge of the inherent gradation between sattva, rajas and tamas forms of nature they are essentially saying that one form of mother Nature is dearer to them than the other. Whereas, the truth is that in any form she is still our mother who is only taking different forms to provide us the environment in which we can evolve so that no one can harm us. This is what she does out of love for us. We need to teach all levels of existence within us that Nature in any form is equally respectable to us and we should pray unto her in all her forms equally well (Saraswati, Lakshmi, or Kali) as she is only our mother who has appeared in several forms to us. The moment you do this sadhana and also command the broken down constituents inside yourself to take rebirth from each other by committing a self-sacrifice of yourself unto all these constituents and asking all these constituents to do the same, they are bound by law of nature to recombine into that original love that you had. Only this time your love will grow the knowledge and the art of recombining each time such kind of incident happens to you. Evolution in life is more like a yagna where you sacrifice yourself every time only to be given a rebirth and evolve stronger than the previous time. While practicing this art we also have to realize that we do not use light of one level of existence upon another level as the light from one level is like darkness to the other. So, if we apply spiritual light or intellectual light to the human body we are disallowing the body to live by its own somatic light, which it has. Over centuries of civilization importance has been given to spiritual or intellectual (rational) thought and this knowledge has been foolishly applied to somatic level of existence. This has forced the somatic knowledge inside us to hide away out of the fear of the brilliance of these two lights. Body’s requirements are simple and simpler is the knowledge it requires. Nature, except for very fortunate ones as you said, appears in her tamasik form to others at this somatic level just as it does on other levels. However, our body has to find a way through this yoga to make her tamasik nature convert into satvik nature in our somatic self. Once we do this, w can evolve further at the psychological and then spiritual level, where it again appears in her tamasik form in a different archetype that we have to break out of. Unless, we have taken rebirth from Nature at our somatic level and converted our somatic nature into satvik we can keep on trying the spiritual path and we will attain NOTHING. Only thing that we will attain is that we will learn to force our spiritual light upon our body in order to keep it in control. One day, then, the body will revolt. So, that is the summary of my belief and philosophy. I would welcome any critic review of what I wrote above. Dear Love (great name!), I'm very happy to have your wisdom here. There is another devotee, mostly ex-ISKCON, forum called Dharma-mela where I think you may be appreciated (hopefully) or at least needed (certainly!): I could not agree more with your posts on this thread. Personally, my experiece has been with Srimati Radharani. She has revealed Herself to me as the Supreme Shakti and my all-in-all. My only relationship is with HER and I see now that it has always been that way, therefore no conflict remains with evil, Mayadevi, Mother Kali, etc. or other religious beliefs. I am simply in Her loving hands and wholly dependent on Her alone as the very source of His Divine Grace. I would welcome the opportunity to communicate with you on a more personal level regarding our individual experiences which resulted in what appears to be a similiar realization. Please feel free to Email if you like. Thank you, prabhu. ------------------ Radhe Radhe ALWAYS Radhe! [This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 05-25-2001).] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Love Posted May 25, 2001 Report Share Posted May 25, 2001 I htink you did not understand what I wrote. If you are able to convert all tamasik nature inside yourself in to original love you will eventually evolve and at the psiritual level that love will transform itself into prema if you please. Krishna ahd love in all forms and it was never mixed up at different levels. Why can;t we learn from that incarnatin that love at all levels as long as integrated is equally pure. Vedic culture never says physical love is impure. The only difference is that if you physical love has not evolved and has remained fragmented it continues to be impure. Krishna loves at all levels and he does not get impure for this act. He is nishkarma. You could be too if you oculd integrate your levels of existence into single entity of love. Why do we have to presume that love at physical level is only impure? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
amanpeter Posted May 25, 2001 Report Share Posted May 25, 2001 Originally posted by Love: I htink you did not understand what I wrote. If you are able to convert all tamasik nature inside yourself in to original love you will eventually evolve and at the psiritual level that love will transform itself into prema if you please. Krishna ahd love in all forms and it was never mixed up at different levels. Why can;t we learn from that incarnatin that love at all levels as long as integrated is equally pure. Vedic culture never says physical love is impure. The only difference is that if you physical love has not evolved and has remained fragmented it continues to be impure. Krishna loves at all levels and he does not get impure for this act. He is nishkarma. You could be too if you oculd integrate your levels of existence into single entity of love. Why do we have to presume that love at physical level is only impure? Perhaps we are misreading each other's posts, prabhu. One thing though, whatever integration or evolution has transformed my heart was/is due sole to His Divine Grace in the person of Sri Radha. By `Supreme Shakti` I meant that I perceived all others as part of Her and continue to see that way ten years after the experience. I find it difficult to share such things here because of the nature of this internet medium. That said, I do appreciate your posts. Sincerely, Peter (valaya at dharma-mela) ------------------ Radhe Radhe ALWAYS Radhe! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Love Posted May 25, 2001 Report Share Posted May 25, 2001 Hello amanPeter My apologies for misleading you there at all. That last post was meant for Satyaraja. Actually we have been having s discussion for a while on this thread and it is getting interesting. I will certainly check out the other site in a couple of days. I have got long weekend this time and so taking my sister out to see places. I will certainly like to talk on a more personla basis as well. My e-mail should be available on the profile. Take care. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caitanyachandra Posted October 20, 2001 Report Share Posted October 20, 2001 "Why does He not apply spirituality" It would be interesting to know what you mean by using intelligence instead of spirituality. As far as i Know, SPirituality is applying the logic of intellect on reality. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recruit Posted October 20, 2001 Report Share Posted October 20, 2001 Not even close. Spirituality is transcendence, and that includes transendent to mundane intellect. Transcendence can only be understood by tasting it, and the taste can only be given by one who is spiritually situated. Without tasting transcendence, no amount of knowledge can satisfy the soul's search for it's genuine identity, it's spiritual transcendent self. Originally posted by Caitanyachandra: "Why does He not apply spirituality" It would be interesting to know what you mean by using intelligence instead of spirituality. As far as i Know, SPirituality is applying the logic of intellect on reality. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recruit Posted October 20, 2001 Report Share Posted October 20, 2001 Originally posted by shvu: Thanks SD. That is a real cool compliment. If it were not for Darwin, people would have still been under the impression that God waved his wand and man was created. Now thanks to him, there is an alternate plausible explanation. Cheers Whatever the scientists can explain about Krsna's energies through their studies, they can be commended for. But still, out of dark ignorance, they do not recognize the source of these energies that they study. They do not recognize the Supreme Being Whose plan/the laws of nature they are studying. They are to be pitied, for they are headed towards devolvement from human consciousness, such a shame and such a waste. But mostly, such a tragedy for the millions who blindly follow their inconclusive, incomplete and misleading ideas, who are all headed towards devolvement, barring some unlooked for causeless mercy! Thus we must take the Holy Name into the street in every town and village, for then all living entities will have the opportunity to drink of causeless nectarean mercy and taste transcendence, thus waking up their sleeping souls and liberating them from mundane constictions in this prison house. Darwin denounced his own findings on his deathbed. Too bad all the darwinists didn't follow his ideas through to his final conclusion! In Krsna We Trust! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 23, 2004 Report Share Posted August 23, 2004 I have a theory on what instinct is. Its based on a theory that memory is not contained totally in the brain. Rather certain memeories(instincts and others) are stored outside the brain in the physical universe, perhaps empty space itself. The brian acts like an radio antenna and can retrieve/deposite information to this outside deposit area. This simple model can be used to explain many phenomenom; 1) Instinct. Each species has the ability to retrieve memories from a common area. Survival skills are high on this list and those that are most important are written over and over again, i.e. strong instincts. Weak instincts are written less often , so some individulas are not able to recall them. This explains instinct without having to have complex memories/bahaviours encoded in DNA. Also the rate at which instincts can change is much higher with this model. 2) I have read that some experiments show that seperate lab mice can learn behaviors from mice they cannot see , touch ,hear or smell. The common memeory area explains this. 3) Many who have nearly died recount a "unreeling" of the entire life in full detail. The memory needed to record an entire human life is huge. ALso under normal conditions we cannot access these memeories at all. With the external model a mode(extreme stress) can be imaged that allows tapping into the externally stored memory of ones life. 4) Ghosts. Every culture reports them. Science denys they exist. They are usally associated with a particular place. Also they are most often connected with tramatic events. With the external model we can imagine a "ghost" as someone elses past memory being picked up by our own mind when we are in that vincinity where the memory is stored. 5) Reincarnation is a cinch with this model. You are simply born with access to a past lifes memories which were stored externaly. Why that happens to a particular individual is the real mystery. 6) Savants. How is it that some people are born with inate abilities? Perhaps these individuals are tapping into a common storage area of human knowledge. 7) From an evolution standpoint the abaility to store information outside the organisim would be quite desireable and should enhance the survival of that creature. In other words evolution would select those indiviuals that better access this external repository system of memories. Dan Doberstein Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sephiroth Posted July 14, 2005 Report Share Posted July 14, 2005 He found no merit in sacrificing or offering or doing good either, because nothing exists but the material world - no other world, no afterlife, no benefit from service, no ascetics who have attained enlightenment or perfection. When a person dies, the body returns to earth, fluids to water, heat to fire, and breath to air, the senses into space, and no individuality remains. He criticized the view of Katyayana and others that the soul existed independently of the body. Ajita saw the individual as a whole which the apprehending mind can conceive. Ajita taught people to respect life and honor the living while they are alive rather than death and those who are dead. Do you think such society where people bothers only about the Living but not about Death will prosper? HELL NO. Everyone will be more concern about living their own lives to the best (which means get the best food, sex, entertainment, pleasure etc) that they will not be bother about the effects of their actions. If I'm an atheist, why should I care whether my neighbours has not eaten? Why should I care whether the girl (with assumption that I'm a man) who I slept with got pregnant? Why should I care whether the man who I ran over with my car dies? WHY should I care about anyone but myself since I cannot enjoy myself in short time I have in this world? After all, once I die, I'm food for maggot. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2005 Report Share Posted July 17, 2005 Instinct is something we can call Gut feeling. One gets to do something by gut feeling and it turns out to be the right action for that moment. They always tend to the right things at the right moment. This gut feeling is probably more in some people having more punya (merit) in them due to good actions in past birth or in this birth and through their practice of Yoga and Meditation, Bhakti. Art of Living (AOL) trainers do talk about Sudarshana Kriya increases the Gut feeling and Confidence and fearlessness to do things by mere gut feeling. Lord Sri Krishna is supposed to have practiced it. As some AOL instructors put it, there is supposed to be a small thumb size seed like thing between the lungs and abdomen near the diaphragm. People who have a greater degree of gut feeling are supposed to have a bigger size ‘seed’. It could be also like does a baby learn to roll on its stomach, move on knees, start walking? This may also be instinct. Let More discussion and research continue on this. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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