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Prayer -


Prayer is a manifestation of purified sound. Sound is the source of our bondage within matter, and the entire material nature is created from the eternal sound known as shabda. Thus purified sound is the key to becoming free from the entrapment of the material existence. Such purified sound, or prayer, when directed to the Supreme Source, liberates one from bondage.


Yours in service,


Jahnava Nitai Das,

Bhaktivedanta Ashram

Prabhus, this seems to me a highly impersonal, even technical, description of prayer which although it may be correct, does not begin to express my own heartfelt exchanges with God as Eternal Divine Love and my dearmost friend. I think it would be great if we could share our personal understanding of prayer on this thread, hopefully including the prayers themselves. valaya







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In one of the past newsletters there is a really technical description of the use of sound in Vedic theology. It was really interesting. I would suggest reading that issue because it lays out the whole Vedantic understanding of sound.


As for prayers, I mentioned a little while back how much I am enjoying "The Imitation of Christ". It has some really good stuff.



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Prayer 1


Praise Moonlit Hunter !

When I am your prey

Please share my heart

With the Lady of the Forest.....






trapped talasiga@hotmail.com


[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 09-25-2001).]

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I agree, seems like the technical definition of prayer opposes true praying, which is not a mechanical process but a heartful one. Here's something nice:


“For me, prayer is an upward leap of the heart, an untroubled glance towards heaven, a cry of gratitude and love which I utter from depths of sorrow as well as from heights of joy. It has a supernatural grandeur which expands the soul and unites it with God....”


St Therese of Lisieux

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Prayer 2


Praise Seamless Seamster !

Please clothe my ragged soul

with joy

Cover well my secret sorrow !





[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 09-25-2001).]

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Two people went to the temple area to pray; one was a Pharisee and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer to himself, 'O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity --- greedy, dishonest, adulterous --- or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, and I pay tithes on my whole income.'

"But the tax collector stood off at a distance and would not even raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast and prayed, 'O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.'

"I tell you the latter went home justified, not the former; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted."

(Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 18:10-14)



[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 09-09-2001).]

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Prayer 3


Hail Hearty Stone !

Wreck my mermaid shower screen

Crack my raving mirror !










[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 09-25-2001).]

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Prayer 4


Come on Singing Sorcerer !

Catch me if you can

With your ancient incantation -

So long have I craved

To be a prisoner in your mansion !




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Shri Shri Guru Gaurangau Jayatah !!!


Prayer ...


I am Your eternal servant Krishna, and having forgotten You,

I have been trapped in this changing material world.

By Your mercy make me the dust at Your Lotus Feet,

I am Your servant and will always serve You.

Again Mahaprabhu became uneasy and very humble,

And begged Krishna for the loving service of Hari Nama Sankirtana.




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Prayer 5


Oh please Oh please Oh Choral Sand !

Let me join your holy band

Let me play the looming riff

Between the brimming sea

and the rock struck strand




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Prayer 6

(prayer of the confused)


Hail Self of the Selfish !

Infuse my confusion

With the strength of refusal

Keep at bay friends in wolve's clothing !




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from thread



"When you are slandered..... pray to God for them." St. John of Kronstadt.






Praise Mountain of Mercy !

Grant that I may always

Forgive the world

For I could never forgive You !










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Praise Moonlit Hunter !

When I am your prey

Please share my heart

With the Lady of the Forest.....


That is very beautiful, I love it, but the great God Cernunos has other prey this moon, the priestess of the Great Goddess Cerridwen, Lady Morwyn asked Him to hunt out these terrorists on the last full moon and she offered them their hearts to eat, to ferrit them out wherever they may be and to devour them if He cannot bring them to justice.



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  • 2 weeks later...

For Navaraatri - 17 oct to 25 Oct incl.

(Nine Nights of the Goddess)


Excerpts from

Doorga Saptasati


Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu

Buddhi Roopen Sansthitaa

Namastasyai Namastasyai

Namastasyai Namo Namah


Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu

Shuddha Roopen Sansthitaa

Namastasyai Namastasyai

Namastasyai Namo Namah


Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu

Chaaya Roopen Sansthitaa

Namastasyai Namastasyai

Namastasyai Namo Namah


Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu

Shakti Roopen Sansthitaa

Namastasyai Namastasyai

Namastasyai Namo Namah


Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu

Shaanti Roopen Sansthitaa

Namastasyai Namastasyai

Namastasyai Namo Namah


Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu

Shraddha Roopen Sansthitaa

Namastasyai Namastasyai

Namastasyai Namo Namah


Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu

Kaanti Roopen Sansthitaa

Namastasyai Namastasyai

Namastasyai Namo Namah


Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu

Lakshmi Roopen Sansthitaa

Namastasyai Namastasyai

Namastasyai Namo Namah


Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu

Daya Roopen Sansthitaa

Namastasyai Namastasyai

Namastasyai Namo Namah


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  • 1 month later...

Originally posted by JRdd on the thread,



I only wish I had more time to keep up better correspondence with them all, but the personal and public exchanges are incredible, enlightening, encouraging, so many things, that I do not expereince when say associating with blood relatives--a time when I really do feel alone (or wish I was ).





This Christmas

I will surely pray

for naughty little Krishna:

That He finds His lonely friends

and embraces the greatest Nurture .


Talasiga asks, Is not loneliness that very emptiness

which invites the Divine ?









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Your naughty little prayer worked before it even left your heart. Yesterday, most unexpectedly, the naughty little Boy found me! I could not imagine, as I peeled off the wrappings! He is large (for a child His size), holding a large sweetball (for a baby His size). Now I must prepare a divine play area for Him as the Others have taken up all the space on the altar.


Originally posted by talasiga:

This Christmas

I will surely pray

for naughty little Krishna:

That He finds His lonely friends

and embraces the greatest Nurture .


Talasiga asks, Is not loneliness that very emptiness

which invites the Divine ?


It must be!


Many thanks to my donor friend. It is amazing how, so often, the right kind of prayer gets answered (I have really been wanting a Ladu Gopal). Praying for a husband might not be the right kind of prayer so I don't go there. I figure Krsna, He knows what I need. Besides, you never know what you may get as a result of impure desires.


My main prayer (for myself) lately has been to have the strength of spirit to make the most of my situation in such a way that I can become a useful servant.


My prayer for all the devotees is that we increase our attention on chanting the Holy Names. In this Age, there is no other way....


your servant, Jayaradhe

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  • 4 weeks later...



Hail Opal of Opposites !

You have nothing you must do

Yet you choose action night and day

There is so much for us to do

Please take our laziness away !







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