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Prabhupada: (Hindi) I was born a Vaisnava family. My father was a great devotee. Naturally, he led me... Oh, I am speaking in Hindi, English. (Hindi) They are not attracted to the Hindu dharma.


Guest (6): Then why they attracted to Hare Rama, Hare Krsna?


Prabhupada: They are attracted to Krsna. These people, they are... (Hindi) But you are taking Krsna as Hindu. That is your mistake. Krsna is... Hindu ne. He is God. He is God. God Hindu ne, Mussulman ne, Christian ne, Parsi ne--God is God. (Hindi) And I am also not interested to preach Hindu dharma. (Hindi) ...Krsna dharma. Krsna consciousness, that is the only dharma. (Hindi) ...Krsna literature. It is not a Hindu dharma literature. (Hindi)

So they are not interested in many gods, Durga, Kali, or Siva, or... (Hindi) Strictly, if you take the version of Bhagavad-gita, why Bhagavan says that "You give up all religion. Simply you take to the shelter of My feet?" That means to take shelter of Krsna's lotus feet is the only religion. (Hindi) Practically that was against Hindu conception. (Hindi) We are not talking of God, (Hindi) we are talking of love. Why you misunderstand? Don't misunderstand the philosophy. We are teaching love of Godhead. It is not we are teaching that you become afraid of God. (break) (Hindi) Bahut easy process hai. You come, sing, dance, and take prasadam. Is there any difficulty? If people come to us, in melodious songs they sing and they dance and when they are tired they take sumptuously prasadam, so what can be the more convenient way? (Hindi) You are a qualified lawyer, but you cannot do for want of money. (Hindi) He has no right because he does not know what is name. Nama-cintamani-krsnas caitanya-rasa-vigrahah. (Hindi) Yes. Because you are responsible, if you cut throat of a goat, then you'll be responsible. Just like in your jurist(?) law, if you commit murder--you are lawyer--you have to be hanged. So, (Hindi) "...life for life." So I am killing one life. I shall not be liable to repay by my life.(Room Conversation,November 7, 1970, Bombay)



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'Of course if one thinks that Bhagavad-gita and the Hare Krsna mantra are part of the Hindu system and doesn't want to accept them because of this, he can nonetheless attend the Christian church and sing there. There is no difference between this process and that process; the point is whatever process one follows, he must become God conscious. God is neither Moslem nor Hindu nor Christian--He is God. Nor are we to be considered Hindu, Moslem or Christian. These are bodily designations. We are all pure spirit, part and parcel of the Supreme. God is pavitram, pure, and we are also pure. Somehow or other, however, we have fallen into this material ocean, and as the waves toss, we suffer. Actually we have nothing to do with the tossing waves of material miseries. We must simply pray, "Krsna, please pick me up." As soon as we forget Krsna, the ocean of illusion is there, and it at once captures us. The chanting of Hare Krsna is most important in order to escape from this ocean. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is a sound (sabda) that is non-different from Krsna.' (Raja Vidya:The King of Knowledge By His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Chapter Two: Knowledge Beyond Samsara)

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"You are asking what should your preaching work be now that you are attending the university. So the first preaching work is that yourself should become an ideal devotee. Lord Caitanya said that one should first make himself perfect and then attempt to instruct others. There is no point in telling another man to stop smoking if you yourself are smoking cigarettes." (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Letter to Niranjana,Hyderabad, 23 April, 1974)

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Prabhupada: So far I am personally experienced, in our childhood there were not so many problems. Now India is faced with so many problems on account of imitating Western civilization.

Guest: Not simply because of the increased population?

Prabhupada: There is no question of increased population. This is, I say always, this is foolishness.

Guest: That's foolish?

Prabhupada: Yes. When you say "increase of population," it is a proposal of foolish persons.

Guest: Oh, so someone, someone who's foolish...

Prabhupada: No. Even the... Just like the birds and beast, they are also increasing their population. Yes. If you find one hole in the room, millions of ants will come out. So who is giving their food? There are millions of elephants in the forest. Who is giving their food? There are millions and trillions... There are 8,400,000 species of life. Out of that, eight million species are other than human being, and 400,000 species human being. Out of that, civilized persons are very few. And all the problems are in the civilized, so-called civilized population.

Guest: And that's because, you would say that we have the wrong...

Prabhupada: No, I, I... We are believer in God. You see. So we know God is the original father. He is supplying maintenance for everyone. So there is no question of increasing population. If there is increase of population, God has enough resources to feed them. It is not the question of increasing population. But what is the question of demonic civilization.

Journalist (1): Well, I was going to ask you about that, civilization.

Prabhupada: Yes. Yes. That demonic civilization is creating problems. Not the increase of population. This is not the fact. Now, so far I have studied, that in America, in Africa, in Australia, there are so much vacant places that the present population of the world, if it is increased ten times, still there is enough food...

Journalist (1): And you think there's enough food.

Prabhupada: There is enough provisions. But we have made artificial divisions. "This is America." The Americans, they went from Europe, and they illegally occupied that place. Now they won't allow anyone to come there. Similarly, the Australians, they won't allow to come there. New Zealand, Africa. Why? Our philosophy: Everything belongs to God, and we are all sons of God. Everyone has got the right to live at the cost of God. This is our philosophy.

Journalist (1): But the values of Western civilization have made that...

Prabhupada: Western civilization created artificial. "This is Africa, this is America, this is Europe..."

Journalist (1): Yes. Therefore that's made living as children of God impossible.

Prabhupada: Yes. Because the one son of God is not allowing the other son to come in. And that he hasn't got the right to forbid. Just like your father has got ten sons. So all the tens sons have got the right to use the property of the father. That is law. Similarly, all the living entities, not only human beings. Birds, animals, birds, beasts--everyone. This is called spiritual, or transcendental, communism. According to Vedic civilization, a householder has to see that even a lizard in the room is not fasting, to see whether it has got his food. Even there is a snake in the house, the householder is to see whether the snake has got his food. A householder would stand on the street, and before taking his food, he will say loudly, "If anyone is hungry, please come. Still I have got my food." And if there is no response, then he takes prasadam.

Journalist (1): That's a very difficult doctrine for many people in civilization...

Prabhupada: Because... That is civilized. That is civilization. Animal civilization is that one dog, as soon as the other dog is coming: "Yow! Yow! Yow! Why you are coming? Why you have come?" Just like here. Here, everywhere. The immigration department, "Oh, how long you will stay? Oh." So many things. Why? A human being is coming... Vedic civilization is, even one is enemy, if he comes to your home, you receive him as, so friendly that he will forget that you are his enemy. Yes. That is...

Journalist (1): But it must be very difficult for you to...

Prabhupada: No. It is difficult because this civilization is demons. Just like India. India welcomed everyone. But the result was they occupied. Just like your English people. They were welcome. Lord Clive was welcome, but he intrigued to occupy India. And his statue is worshiped here. Because what is his credit? He made an intrigue, illegally entered India and made occupation. That is his credit and he is worshiped. That is Western civilization.

Journalist (1): That's really what I was going to ask you. You must find life difficult preaching the values of brotherhood in a society...

Prabhupada: Natural brotherhood. Just like in a family, naturally, a father has got ten sons, they are brothers. But one son is intriguing how to take the whole property. That is going on. That is demonic. If every one of the father's sons thinks that "Father is one and father's property equally should be distributed." But no. One cunning son is simply intriguing how to occupy the whole estate for me. That is going on all over the world.

Journalist (1): How do you stop that?

Prabhupada: By Krsna consciousness.

Journalist (1): By Krsna consciousness.

Prabhupada: As soon as you are educated that God is one, Father is one, we are all sons,then the whole solution is made.

Journalist (1): Because there's no need for any one person to have any more than anybody else.

Prabhupada: No. God has given everything. God has given everything, but if one party becoming demonically powerful, he occupies everything, the others suffer.

Journalist (1): Yes. But the difficulty is, and that's a very optimistic view of human nature.

Prabhupada: That is civilization.

Journalist (1): But, no...

Prabhupada: That is not optimist, that is proper civilization.

Journalist (1): Some people might say, who weren't perhaps as convinced as you...

Prabhupada: Some people means the demons. We are creating demons. By our education, we are creating demons. That demons, they are being frustrated; they are now becoming hippies. Yes. That is the position. Because everyone wants to enjoy. So as soon as we cannot enjoy, there is some reaction. You see?

Journalist (1): He rejects.

Prabhupada: Rejects or reaction. Yes. Protest, rejection. So before this protest and rejection and reaction, if the leaders of the society become cool-headed, that "Actually God is proprietor of everything. Everyone is son of God; so everything, property of God, must be enjoyed by everyone," this if the leaders only think, then everything will be all right. There is no question of increase of population. There is enough food. In America there is so excessive food that they throw away. They throw away. And they forbid, "Don't produce more." Why? Produce more. Distribute more. That is civilization.(Conversation with journalists on

August 18, 1971 in London)


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The power of Krsna --- the power of the scientists


Each afternoon, Prabhupada sat on a hill under a persimmon tree. Resting his hands on a makeshift wooden table, he spoke casually to whoever gathered to hear him.One afternoon he waved his hand dramatically across the lush,green valley and spoke about the scientists' limitations.

"The scientists can drop a bomb. Then all the leaves from these trees will be finished."He pasued as the devotees watched his hand move again to span the vealley,"But they cannot again bring the leaves back."

"Krsna is so wonderful,"he continued,"with so much more power than any scientist.he can make all the trees leafless in winter and again bring back all the leaves in summer."




We were satisfied just sitting with Prabhupada and hearing hin speak simple krsna-katha.


(From My Glorious Master by Bhurijana Dasa,New Vrindaban,1969)


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Remaining a fool


Prabhupada sat at his low desk,satisfied and smiling.He spoke about the humility of advanced devotees.I was in a light,superficial mood."My only qualification,"I added,"is that I am a fool."

Prabhupada looked at me sharply."Yes,but you should not remain a fool."




Prabhupada's answer cut through the superficiality of my childish comment.Actual devotees are humble,but they are never fools.


(From My Glorious Master by Bhurijana Dasa,Melbourne,1974)



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Winning a heart;saving a soul


GIRL:Srila Prabhupada,would you please explain why Krsna consciousness hadn't come to the West until now? Why didn't it come earlier?

PRABHUPADA:Because you were not born. After your birth we have come here to take you back to home, back to Godhead.Now take the opportunity; come with us.We were waiting for your birth.




Prabhupada's answer endeared the questioner to his lotus feet.


(From My Glorious Master by Bhurijana Dasa,Melbourne,1976)

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During their preaching in Kuala Lumpur, the devotees had met one of the most prominent members of the Indian community,Tun sambanthan,a government minister.Knowing Prabhupada was coming, he asked thed evotees if Swamiji would come to his house for lunch on Friday.

In the minister's chauffer-driven car,Prabhupada and the devotees entered the driveway through the large gates.A high dais had been arranged for Prabhupada to sit on.Mrs Sambanthan sat at his feet.Mrs Sambanthan had a reputation for singing bhajans, and an interest in Sanskrit. Prabhupada preached to her very intently, hoping that she would help to spread Krsna consciousness.Being the wife of the minister,Prabhupada saw that she could be very influential and helpful in spreading Krsna consciousness --- a strestha or leader of society.

As Prabhupada explained the process of Krsna consciousness he quoted many Sanskrit verses.Mrs Sambanthan said:"Yes that is so true.You quote Sanskrit so nicely Swamiji."After some time Srila Prabhupada said:"So you are appreciating our philosophy very nicely.You must help us spread this Krsna consciousness movement."She answered:"With your mercy,Swamiji."Srila Prabhupada said;"Mercy is already there. You simply have to take it." She answered again:"With your mercy,Swamiji."Then Srila Prabhupada gave an analogy.He said:"If someone is drowning in a well and crying out 'Help',and another person hears him and throws down a rope so he can catch it.If the person drowning in the well cries,'Help me take the rope',it is not right.It is up to him to take the rope and be pulled out.The mercy is there.You simply have to take it and become free from all illusion and lamentation."


(From Prabhupada in Malaysia, Chapter 8:'I want a temple like this')

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Prof. Kotovsky: But at the same time it seems to me that surrender is to be accompanied by revolt. The history of mankind has proved that mankind has developed only by revolt against some kind of surrender. In the medieval age there was the French Revolution. It was revolt against surrender. But this revolution itself was surrender to the rank and file of the people. You are agreed?

Srila Prabhupada: Yes.

Prof. Kotovsky: So it is not enough to come to a full stop. Surrender is to be accompanied with revolt against some and surrender to other people.

Srila Prabhupada: But the surrender will be fully stopped when it is surrender to Krsna.

Prof. Kotovsky: Ah, ah.

Srila Prabhupada: That is full stop--no more surrender. Any other surrender you have to change by revolution. But when you come to Krsna, then it is sufficient. You are satisfied. I'll give you an example: a child is crying, and people move him from one lap to another. Oh, he does not stop. But as soon as the baby comes to the lap of his mother...

Prof. Kotovsky: It stops.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, full satisfaction. So this surrender, these changes, will go on in different categories. But the sum total of all this surrender is surrender to maya. Therefore, in the Bhagavad-gita it is said that this surrender, neglecting Krsna, is all mayather you surrender to this or to that, but final surrender is surrender to Krsna; then you will be happy. The process of surrender is there, but surrender to Krsna keeps one quite satisfied, transcendentally. (Science of Self Realization By His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Chapter Six: Spiritual Communism)



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A dog on The Peak


We returned to again walk on The Peak,with its lush green foilage and varities of evergreen and decidous trees.The view of Hong Kong and its harbor below (not yet awake to its passionate,grinding workday) was incredible.

As our small group of five walked beside Prabhupada on the paved footpath,we saw a Chinese man with his large German shepherd.The dog was not on a leash, and it suddenly bounded playfully toward us.

The dog's master stood at a distance and called him back,but the dog seemed intent on smelling us and pawing our clothes.The Chinese man,still at a distance,dropped down on his knees and began clapping and calling the dog,"Come on,boy.Come here.Come.Come."

The dog finally left us and returned to his master.The man was jubilant.He affectionately patted the dog and repeated over and over,"Good boy,good boy.Good.Good."The dog slobbered,licked the man's hand,and pawed his chest."Good boy,good boy."

Prabhupada's demeanor was serious as he watched the scene.Finally,he turned to me,intoned an incredulous "Good?"and quickly resumed walking.




Prabhupada didn't say anything about a human wasting his affection on a dog."Good?" was all we heard.Prabhupada's point seemed as clear,however,as if he had written a book:the concept of good in Kali-yuga has degraded to the level of dog-hood.Gone is the concept that good means austerity,cleanliness,truthfulness,mercifulness,and God consciousness.Now in Kali-yuga,an ordinary,slobbering,lowly dog is considered good.How fallen is contemporary civilization!

Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami defines eloquence as "truth spoken concisely."How wloquently Prabhupada summarized Kali-yuga's devolution in that one incredulous "Good?"

At a later time I also heard Prabhupada concisely express truth.In Melbourne in 1975,as Prabhupada took his massage,I releated to him elements from an exchange I'd had with a Christian."Prabhupada,"I began,"a Christian man I spoke to defended meat-eating by quoting a Bible verse that says:"It is not what goes into a man's mouth that degrades him;it is the words that come out."

Prabhupada's six-word reply was truly eloquent:"You mean if you eat stool?"


(From My Glorious Master by Bhurijana Dasa,Hong Kong,1974 --- Part II)

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"Krsna is satisfied because He is the supreme. He does not require your help to be satisfied. But if you help Him, then you become satisfied." (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Conversation with Dr. Karan Singh in New Delhi on November 25, 1971)


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"If you want to chant Hare Krsna mantra, then you have to take this principle, trnad api sunicena. You have to become humbler than the grass. Grass, it is lying on the street. Everyone is trampling down. Never protests. In the lawn you are... Everyone is trampling the grass. There is no protest. Taror api sahisnuna. And tolerant than the tree. The tree is giving us so much help. It is giving us fruit, flower, leaves, and when there is scorching heat, shelter also. Sit down underneath. So beneficial, still, we cut. As soon as I like, I cut it down. But there is no protest. The tree does not say, "I have given you so much help, and you are cutting me?" No. Tolerant. Yes. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu has selected, taror api sahisnuna. And amanina manadena. For oneself one should not expect any respectful position, but he, the devotee, should offer all respect to anyone. Amanina manadena kirtaniyah sada harih. If we acquire this qualification, then we can chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra without any disturbance. This is the qualification."(His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Class on Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.38 - Mayapur, March 16, 1976,on Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's appearance day)



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Prabhupada: Just like at Vrndavana, at Vrndavana... That is practical. Now here I am sitting, New York, a very great, the world's greatest city, so magnificent city, but my heart is always hankering after that Vrndavana.

Woman: Yes.

Prabhupada: Yes. I am not happy here.

Woman:Yes,I know.

Prabhupada: I shall be very happy to return to my Vrndavana, that sacred place. "But then why you are...?" Now, because it is my duty. I have brought some message for you people. Because I am ordered by superior, my spiritual master, that "Whatever you have learned, you should go to the Western countries, and you must distribute this knowledge." So in spite of all my difficulties, all my inconveniences, I am here because I am in duty. I, I... That is my personal convenience, if I go and sit down at Vrndavana, I shall be very comfortable there. And I'll be, I'll have no anxiety, nothing of the sort. You see? But I have taken all the risk in the old age because I am in duty-bound. I am in duty-bound. So I have to execute my duty in spite of all my inconveniences. That is the idea.(Lecture on Bhagavad-gita Chapter 2 Text 11 given on March 4, 1966,New York)



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"I may say that practical devotion is the secret to understanding the Shastras.My Guru Maharaja used to say that for one who is not engaged in devotional service,reading all thes ebooks is simply like licking the outside of the honey jar.One who thinks the books is the thing is content in this way.But we should learn the secret to open the jar and taste the honey." (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,68-2-26 Letter)

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So leyh, you characterize all of the accomplishments of the MIT scientists as useless and the Nobel prize as frivolous, yet here you are taking advantage of the technology those scientists produced in the form of desktop computers and the internet. Seems rather hypocritical, don't you think? How do you picture yourself as a qualified preacher of the religion of Sri Caitanya when you belittle the intellect of researchers, many of whom no doubt have felt in their hearts that they are in some small way helping to alleviate the suffering of mankind by advancing technologies that are useful? If those technologies are found useful by Vaishnavas, which apparently they are, then one could say those scientists are serving the servants of Sri Krsna. What right do you have then to heap those indignities upon them? How does this behavior advance your cause? Is it going to make you seem compassionate, humble and respectful of others, or merely arrogant and condescending? Until you win a Nobel prize yourself, please stop ridiculing those who have. Can you assume that there are not Vaishnavas among Nobel laureates? What about the famous South Indian mathemetician Ramanujan? Are you willing to commit Vaishana aparadha by speaking ill of them?


[This message has been edited by Rati (edited 04-13-2002).]

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Originally posted by Rati:

So leyh, you characterize all of the accomplishments of the MIT scientists as useless and the Nobel prize as frivolous, yet here you are taking advantage of the technology those scientists produced in the form of desktop computers and the internet. Seems rather hypocritical, don't you think? How do you picture yourself as a qualified preacher of the religion of Sri Caitanya when you belittle the intellect of researchers, many of whom no doubt have felt in their hearts that they are in some small way helping to alleviate the suffering of mankind by advancing technologies that are useful? If those technologies are found useful by Vaishnavas, which apparently they are, then one could say those scientists are serving the servants of Sri Krsna. What right do you have then to heap those indignities upon them? How does this behavior advance your cause? Is it going to make you seem compassionate, humble and respectful of others, or merely arrogant and condescending? Until you win a Nobel prize yourself, please stop ridiculing those who have. Can you assume that there are not Vaishnavas among Nobel laureates? What about the famous South Indian mathemetician Ramanujan? Are you willing to commit Vaishana aparadha by speaking ill of them?


[This message has been edited by Rati (edited 04-13-2002).]

Hi Rati:


I hope you are well.


So leyh, you characterize all of the accomplishments of the MIT scientists as useless and the Nobel prize as frivolous, yet here you are taking advantage of the technology those scientists produced in the form of desktop computers and the internet. Seems rather hypocritical, don't you think?

Everything,including the desktop computer and the Internet,belongs to Krsna and should be utilized in His service.


How do you picture yourself as a qualified preacher of the religion of Sri Caitanya when you belittle the intellect of researchers, many of whom no doubt have felt in their hearts that they are in some small way helping to alleviate the suffering of mankind by advancing technologies that are useful?

I do not picture myself as a qualified preacher of Sri Caitanya.


If those technologies are found useful by Vaishnavas, which apparently they are, then one could say those scientists are serving the servants of Sri Krsna. What right do you have then to heap those indignities upon them? How does this behavior advance your cause? Is it going to make you seem compassionate, humble and respectful of others, or merely arrogant and condescending? Until you win a Nobel prize yourself, please stop ridiculing those who have. Can you assume that there are not Vaishnavas among Nobel laureates? What about the famous South Indian mathemetician Ramanujan? Are you willing to commit Vaishana aparadha by speaking ill of them?

I think you are referring to certain Srila Prabhupada quotes that I have posted where he criticizes scientists.Despite their technological achievements which have undeniably benefited human beings,scientists have also contributed to the spiritual degeneration of the human society by propagating atheistic and materialistic theories like the theory that life comes from matter and some of them have tried to imitate the Lord's potencies by developing cloning which has very dangerous implications for society. It is not that scientists should be condemned.One of Srila Prabhupada's disciples,His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodara (Dr Thoudam Singh)holds a doctrate in biochemistry. But from a Krsna Conscious point of view,scientists should be criticized if they are contributing to atheism and materialism.





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Originally posted by theist:



Keep 'em comin'

Your wish is my command,Prabhu! The following piece of nectar is specially dedicated to you. Posted Image


"As a bonafide Acharya of the Brahma-Madhya-Gaudiya Sampradaya the mission of Sree Sreemad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami was to re-establish the pure form of theism as propounded by Lord Chaitanya in the line of His predecessors. Lord Chaitanya preached only the teachings of Bhagwat Geeta in the most practical way to suit the present environment created by the dark age of quarrel and fight.In the latter-age calculated to be two hundred years before the advent of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj many pseudo-spiritualistic parties in the name of Lord Chaitanya grew up like mushrooms to exploit the noble sentiment of spiritualism of the innocent people of Earth. Such pseudo-spiritualistic parties deviated poles asunder from the preaching of Lord Chaitanya because they were unfit to undergo the disciplic regulations and as such they had mitigated a via-media principle of rotten materialistic idea with pure spiritualism. They misunderstood the highest form of worship contemplated by the Gopies of Brindaban in the transcendental loving pastimes of Lord Shree Krishna and misidentified the spiritual process with a materialistic idea of erotic principle. As such the highest principle Rashlila stated in the Bhagwat to be understood and relished at the stage of the Paramhansas was made a plaything by such pseudo parties are known as the Oal, Baoul, Nera, Karta Bhaja, Sain, Darbesi Sakhi-vekhi, Sahajia, Caste Goswamins, Caste Brahmins and so on. These pseudo parties passed as the disciples of Lord Chaitanya with their cheap nefarious activities and of all the above parties the Sahajias and the Caste Goswamins became the most obstinate obstructors to the onward progress of the universal movement of Lord Chaitanya."(Sree Sreemad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Back to Godhead, March 1952, Vol.I,Part IX)



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We have to take the spirit of Bhaktivinde's teaching to heart: To get our own house in order and not become a pseudo branch on the Caitanya tree, but rather a genuine limb with a strong connection.


Even with scandals and infighting over the rtvik issue, at least Prabhupada's institution, and most of its offshoots, have managed to maintain the puja, the kirtan and the festivals. Such is the power of the holy names.



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“Regarding the position of a person who does not speak even when he knows the truth: jani saksi nahi deya tara papa haya. A person who knows things as they are and still does not bear witness becomes involved in sinful activities.” (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Morning Walk, May 17, 1975, Perth, Australia)




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 04-15-2002).]

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