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Who were the Aryans?

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No one can erase the origin of this race it is India and most Indians are pure aryans.


All of your racial info. are recorded in your DNAs. Accept my suggestion if you are bold enough.

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I'm sorry, but when I hear someone say they practice the aryan religion, I have to speak out. Assuming that the Vedas represent the scriptural foundation of this "aryan religion", where, I ask, is anyone that still practices it? And don't start talking to me about Puranas, Itihasas etc. For, as is clear to anyone with an ounce of objectivity, these fall clearly outside the scope of the Vedas. All too often one hears new converts and other poorly informed individuals proudly proclaim they are following the Vedas, when, in fact, they have never even read them. "Vedic" religion and "Vedic" science is all the rage, yet amazingly little of what is touted as such actually stems from the Vedas themselves. Call me a purist, but a text being composed in the spirit of the Vedas does not qualify it for being labelled as "vedic". So if the powers that be wanted the content of the Gita, the Puranas etc. to be held in the same regard as that of the Vedas, they would have seen fit to include these in the Vedas themselves. Yet, as we all know, this is not the case, and therefore all which falls outside the scriptural scope of the Vedas is not vedic per se, but puranic, itihasic, etc. While I would never disagree that a wide majority of Indian nationals follow puranic religions, I must object at calling this "vedic", let alone "aryan religion".

To put it bluntly, most Indian nationals, and most "modern" people for that matter, simply lack the spiritual stomach to practice the aryan religion as it is recorded in the Vedas. They can't stand the idea of animal or human blood sacrifice (which was undoubtedly central to the old faith) and subsequently try to invent esoteric, spiritual and/or pacifist intepretations of the ancient, sacred hymns. Neither do they like the idea of sacrificing to a multitude of gods in order to attain material benefits, something apparently far too "unspiritual" and "materialistic" for their modern sensibilities.

The reason for this lies deep: it has to do with the value placed on living in the here and now. Modern man has convinced himself that life in this world is the result of either sin or ignorance, is filled with pain and, as such, is a condition to be remedied as soon as possible. He has become disillusioned with existence, and wants to escape it, unwilling to accept that those that want pleasure have to accept a little pain as part of the deal. The Aryans, on the other hand, really enjoyed life - they wanted more of it, and were willing to bribe a few gods in order to get it. And if that meant sacrificing some cattle, so be it!

Well, this is not really the place to get into the psychological differences between "noble" aryan and "cowardly" modern man, so I'll get to my point: Leave the aryans alone and stop dragging them down to our level. Who are we to judge their actions? Who are we to falsify their legacy? In my opinion, no one alive today has the right to call themselves practitioners of the Aryan Religion. Especially not the Indian nationals, who, in a state of blatant denial, have begun passing laws forbidding sacrifice as it is prescribed in the Vedas. So much for "most Indians" following "the Aryan religion and culture".


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Dear readers,


It is unfortunate the highly developed ancient Tamil civilization was systematically destroyed by violant aryan ardents, that includes my own ancestors.

The fact the vedas are primitive and glorifies war and conquest is indisputable. Even though ardent followers may blindly reject my view, I request objective viewers to read the passages of vedas without bias, you'll definitely find glorification of war and celebration of wines and sacrifices.

Compare this with ancient Tamil scriptures, they are more pacifist and secular in nature.But definitely not atheist like what DK guys are now trying to advertise.



We all know that Tholkappiam was the oldest attempt to define grammar for a language.


lists of Gods found in Rigveda are 33 gods, and the break up: Adityas 12, Vasus 8. Rudras 11, Vasatkara 1, Prajapathi1,so totaling 33. The assertion of Rigveda to restrict the number of gods to 33 baffles us, which goes into the question of the rationale of this particular scheme of classification. When refering Tamil Grammar Tholkappiam particularly on alphabets we can find 33 letters in Tamil script to be the clue for this particular scheme of classification of 33 gods in Rigveda. 12 Vowels, 18 consonants, 1 Aidham, I Kutrialugaram, 1 Kutrialigaram together makes to the 33 letters. This is a marvelous new line open for research and need further deeper consideration. At first stage of impact between the highly developed Dravidian civilization and the nomadic and vigorous Aryan people, a process of civilization of the latter took place, as elsewhere, leading to the birth of Sanskrit language and the evolution of Sanskrit literary conventions from the Dravidian base. The first result was the coming into being of a mixed language, which we today call Sanskrit. The material for the literary compositions in this language were taken from the culture of the teachers, who obviously were Dravidians, and who found in this process a convenient and secretive way of preserving their culture with a key only known to themselves. These early compositions must have been the work of small groups or schools, working in conclaves independently, but with the same inherited material. Long afterwards an attempt appears to have been made to bring together and systematize the whole material, whence the Vedas, as we know now emerged. But by this time the Dravidian origin of the language and culture was forgotten, not merely due to the lapse of time, but also apparently as an outcome of cultural elimination. Thus the key to the puzzle has remained lost now.


The admixtures and adulterations carried out in the languages of the invaders and the subdued indigenous people needs a specialized study to establish the origins of many concepts including the Godhood. An impartial enquiry will bring to light which are the Dravidian or Aryan origins of many social customs, religious practices and literary products including grammar, and unless an unbiased attempt is made in search of truth fabricated truths will rule the roost. It is true that cultural elimination had left a deep adverse impact on the Tamil literary history. The burning away of palm-leaf inscriptions in Bogi fire, and the habit of throwing Tamil texts in Adi-perukku are designed well to serve the process of cultural elimination well, thereby Tamils lost numerous texts which could have been of greater help in reconstruction of the literary and other history. In this age of Netizens , Tamil citizens of various countries are engaged in preserving the palm leaf texts as digital texts, and of particular mention is that of Mr.Na.Kannan who resides in Germany ( tamilheritage.org ). In Karnataka and in Orissa there are many stone inscriptions and cave paintings which have to be deciphered, and like U.V.Swaminatha Iyer if many Tamilians look for Tamil Manuscripts from Museums and other places all over the world , lot of hidden history could be unraveled.


Unfortunately interest in reviving the loast Dravidian cultural text was cruelly put down by Tamil brahmins of the past, this sin committed by my ancestors will continuously haunt me, and I firmly believe we Tamil brahmins are suffering now due to the sins of our ancesters.

Dravidians are now totally outnumbered and are financially not in a good position to start of a full scale scholarly research. Let us hope that in future, situation is more favourable and the world will realize the the pacifist and compassionate nature of Indians has roots deep inside the ancient Dravidian civilization.

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Let us destroy the evil concept of Varnas and racism.


let us respect and learn to love fellow human beings.


let us not search for god in scriptures written on pieces of paper, instead let us search for god within our heart.


Please discard Manu smrithis, please discard vedas.


let us embrace Thirukural.


Unless Hindus start looking at their real past, hinduism will never recover the face it lost due to evil caste descrimination.


Look at the similarities between pacifist saivam and christian religions:


ISA in ancient tamil scripture means god.

ISA in aramaic language, spoken by christ means Jesus.


Christianity embraces love and compassion for all human beings irrespective of caste and creed.

Dravidian Thirukural and Thirumurai propogates the same theories.


You may quote bits and pieces of vedas and BG to prove they also propogate the same theory, but the central theme of Sanskrit scriptures is nowhere near propogation of love and compassion.


If you really want to fight conversion, Dravidian religion is the only salvation. Vedas are simply not the right scriptures.


You may win scholarly debates with Vedas, but if you want to win human hearts....

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He he,


whats on the earth can make anyone to debate on this ? Arya means adavced - anybody who is spiritaully advanced, be it be tamilian, mallu, kannadiga, Indian , american , or for that matter any creature in this universe which is spiritually advanced is 'arha ' or deserve to be called as Aryan. and the rest are just junks cos they can be called as " an-arya "


So don debate on the word , go into the detail,and there u re with the truth.


" Soul matters not the body, details are required not the superficial "

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Dear friend,


Intelligent and scholarly people can derive any kind of interpretation from a given sentence, but common man will only see one interpretation.


To a common man, the word Aryan is what it really is.

As Ramalinga adigalar has said before, the scriptures are all hidden in great many twisted interpretations and misinterpretations by great scholars (All due respects for them).


But a common man will always find source for the caste descrimination in Sanskrit scriptures if he gets chance to read them. I being a commoner myself.


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There is very little doubt that indian astrology was indeed influenced by the greeks. Nowhere in the vedas is there any specific mentioned of the bhava chakra or rasi. The terms kenda,(quadrant) kona(trine), apokolima etc. Varahamihira was a parsi iranian. And he was the prime astrologer in vikramaditya's time. He wrote the jyotish classic called Brihat Jataka is even now considered a jyotish standard. the hora shastra that u mentioned is brihat parasara hora shastra or BPHS. It is considered as the bible of jyotish. However some quarters in Kerala doubt it's authencity.

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I don't mean to be disrespectful, but:


- Are you sure your ancestors were "Dravidian"? (Can one be sure?) Or do you want to identify yourself with a (hypothetical) people who have supposedly been forcefully subjugated by the ancestors of those currently in power? Isn't it easier to view oneself as a victim rather than accept (at least partial) responsibility for the nations woes?

- Is pacifism and secularism really better? Or is it simply in line with the liberal intellectualism of modern western(-ized) nations? And are they morally superior for promoting them? Or is their support simply driven by their greed for economic growth, for which a passive, secular, homogenous consumer culture is best suited? (And don't throw Gandhiji at me, claiming that he proved pacifism is the right way: all he did was prove that the moral conscience of England was, in the end, greater than its desire for land and power. Had Gandhi tried non-violent resistance in Iraq, for example, he would have simply been shot and quickly forgotten.)

- Is victory in battle in itself evil? Or is it only evil when the "enemy" (those violent, bloodthirsty, barbarian invaders!) is victorious? Had the supposed "Dravidians" won against those dastardly Aryans, wouldn't you now be singing songs in the praise of your ancestors?


Like I said, no offence intended. I just want to offer some food for thought.



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Intelligent Intepret,


Foolish mis-intepret


Intelligent and scholarly people can derive any kind of interpretation from a given sentence, but common man will only see one interpretation


If some one derives any kinda meaning so to say then that class of men cant be called as INTELLIGENT. When intelliget sit they come out with a same meaning if they are truely intelligent


But a common man will always find source for the caste descrimination in Sanskrit scriptures if he gets chance to read them. I being a commoner myself


So the best way is to lisetn to the itelligent he he


" Aham brahmasmi- I am transcendetal "

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"" Had the supposed "Dravidians" won against those dastardly Aryans, wouldn't you now be singing songs in the praise of your ancestors? "


Any advanced race would never want to seek violence ending. Only the primitive ones would become barbarians. History speaks for itself. If you look deeply into tamil history and read tamil scriptures you'll see their way of life.

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