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Going through the Gita

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So every 3rd conjugation root duplicates in present tense.

If "dadAti pratighRNAti" is put into past or future tense,

then duplicated da prefix drops?

A few more examples?

Sometimes we see consonant change & duplication:

veda, vidyA-vadhU, vit, vetti, vettha, viThThala:

vedAnta kRT veda-vit

evam yo vetti tattvataH

yei KRSNa-tattva vettha sei guru haya (Bangla-bhAsA)

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I'm not sure what you mean in all these examples, none of which show reduplication of the verb stem or root.


vid is a verb root that is conjugated according to two different systems with different meanings. It produces a lot of different forms as a result.


The reduplicated forms would be

vividiSati for desiderative ("he wants to know") vividiSA ("the desire to know"), vividiSu ("one who wants to know")

viveda for the perfect ("he knew")

vevidyate (or vevetti) for the intensive ("he really knows, he keeps on knowing")


The present tense conjugation

vedmi I know

vetsi you know

vetti he knows

vidmaH we know

vettha you know

vidanti they know


vettR (nom. vettA) "knower", vit ("knower," at end of compounds, as in veda-vit.


viTThala is something totally different.


vi- is also a prefix, so that may add to the confusion, but I don't think there is any form of the verb vid with a vi- prefix.

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