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Question from 7th, vol.3, hitopadesa

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Please trans. --

yathA AjnApayati devaH

Please expl. the structure of --

tatas tena siMhavyAghrAdIn uttamaparijanAn prApya sRigAlAn avalokya lajjamAnena avajnayA dUrIkRitAH svajnAtayaH

Is "uttamaparijanAn" appositive to former word? Is "lajjamAnena" an adv.?


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yathAjJApayati devaH is the standard response of a servant to a king's order. "As you command, O Lord."



tatas tena siMha-vyAghrAdIn uttama-parijanAn prApya sRigAlAn avalokya lajjamAnena avajnayA dUrIkRitAH svajnAtayaH<hr>


This sentence is confusing because it uses a passive construction. The subject of "prApya" and "avajJAya" is in the instrumental.


sva-jJAtayaH tena lajjamAnena dUrIkRtAH |


"When the jackal gained the association of such high class animals as the lions and tigers, he became ashamed of the other jackals and abandoned them with a flurry of insulting remarks."


(slightly embellished).



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