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Schizophrenia and Hinduism

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I know that Christianity looks at Schizophrenia as Demonic Oppression. They believe that a Schiz sufferrer needs a deliverance from a faith healer in order to be healed. I havent found much information on the Buddhist outlook. However what I have found is that they strongly stress in meditation that experience is illusion. Much more so than with normal practitioners because of the nature of the disease. I've never found any Buddhist specific practices for sufferers like the the Christians do. It has been suggested to do the Medicine Buddha practice but as I said nothing geared specificaly for Schizophrenia.

How does the Hindu religion look at and treat Schizophrenia?


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yes all material nature is illusion but we accepted this illusion in order to learn important lessons and go back home to God.When you see a person having some disease,you know only his/her material body is diseased.The "real" person is pure conciousness.So according to Krsna culture which is a genuine path to God you help the person.All suffering is caused by past desires and actions.The vedas say a devotee of the lord feels no pain for himself but when he sees suffering of others he takes it as his own and tries to end all miseries by taking them back to Godhead.He always works for welfare of all beings.


Pure conciousness is now contaminated by matter as light coming through colored glass appears to change color.So in this sense nothing is demonic.Even so called sin is actually ignorance.Actually diseased persons are great teachers who teach us how to love unconditionally.


Mental diseases are not demonic.It is as real as diabetes or cancer.There are many ways to help oneself for example meditation,reiki therapy,yoga,medicine,seeing a therapist,etc.


Hope this helps.


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I don't know anything about schizophrenia but I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder or manic depression in my early 20's. I personally couldn't bear the thought of being under the control of a psychiatrist my whole life and being forced to take medication so I opted out of the system all together and it was the best thing I ever did. Ever since I have found Krishna Consciousness I feel like I have gotten to the root of my problems and it has stabilized my emotions. I realize there are people that suffer much worse illnesses than mine and Krishna Consciousness might not be a cure all for them but in my case I felt like everything else was a temporary band aid and ultimately a waste of time. Once you realize you are not this physical body and your true home is with Krishna in the spiritual world it makes tolerating the ups and downs of the material world much easier.

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Both nice advice to this perplexing condition.

In a sense many of us have dual personality disorders, that is our real self and apparent self in this world, are vying to gain the ascendancy over the other. But it is really only when we become fully Krsna conscious that we become properly adjusted to the actual person we are. Thru self realization the shadows disappear, but untill that time we are afflicted with all kinds of behavioral maladies. Even then we may be seen as as insane by those who don't understand such symtoms of devotion. One only has to visit the Holy dhams and wittness many unusual devotees rolling in the dust or hugging trees in ecstacy. But try doing it any mainstream western city street and they may well lock you up with some like minded company.

A word to the wise, keep control of your schitsophrenia, at least in public where everyone is convinced of their own sanity.

We could even say that Mahaprabhu is the Supreme schitso phrenic and there were times he didn't even try to control it, sometimes Srimate Radharani, sometimes Sri Krsna, other times both combined.

It helps to know the person behind the behaviour I've found no problems communicating with such people if I don't act alarmed, after awhile, like dislocated jungle animals they recognize that you are relating real person to real person, and the other identities and masks are dropped.

If you can communicate with love on the inner platform of the soul, confidence will take the place of mistrust and hiding from a world that doesn't understand them, and maybe something very wonderful can come of that.

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Mental or physical, all diseases are certainly caused by the past Sanchit (accumulated) Karma, which makes a soul to take a suitable body, in order to pay for it. Since this Karma is our own doing, one cannot escape it by any means. However, saints and sages have recommended constant chanting of the Holy Name (Japa), to ward off the strong effect of this Karma. By so doing, the Karmic effect is alleviated in the sense that, one's own tolerance power and the level of satisfaction, understanding the vanity of the material world, detachments etc. increase. So, on one hand the Sadhaka (one who wants to attain salvation) undergoes the suffering (or enjoys) due to his/her past Karma, at the same time, his devotion increases, thus purifying his soul.This purified soul gets a still better birth and so on, finally, the Sadhaka attains the salvation.

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It seems Hindhuism accomodates just about everyone and everything, accept Muslims maybe, as much as they try.

But generally devotional behaviour can very much appear schizophrenic, and previously there were no official sanitariums to treat this disorder, so most people suffering from it were roaming free on the street, like everyone else it was accepted as just one more condition of this strange human species in a whole world of maladjustment.


When I fully understand Who I am, and act on it, this duality of identities will pass. But it does take coming into contact with a devotee to find that out, instead of the jungle of false identities all these salesmen are promoting out there.

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If you want to solve material problems then you must first know who you are.God reveals himself by his grace.Jesus the Christ confirmed this,unless the father wants nobody can come to him.So when one meets a pure devotee of God he must know God has chosen him for service and his time is coming soon to return to the spirit world.There are lot of different philosphies out there and how they are working for our highest good is very difficult to understand.


It is true one can subdue his lower self by higher spiritual self.We are geeting more help than we will ever know.God is great.All glories to his devotees.




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schizophrenia is a result of a persons mind being

able to see reality without understanding what is going on.


It has been compared to LSD or other psychoactive

plant effects.


the schizophrenic sees an underliying order and control

over everything ,seeing everything connected and

seemingly they also sometimes believe that they are being communicated to, by demons ,aliens, god , etc.


This has been described to be similar to the state

that mystics have achieved, the difference is that the schizophrenic doesn't know what is going on, he cannot

intelligently discern the situation, whereas the mystic

has undergone training and education and can appreciate

reality from "behind the scenes".


So education is one way to go, although in the present day and atmosphere of modern medicine and psychiatry

spiritual education is not a viable option.


This link is from a couple of guys, one a professor

at Harvard, another a lecturer there also.







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I'm absolubtly amazed at the replies I'm getting in this forum.

In the Buddhist Forum I am also a part of they seem to be almost scared in trying to define and suggest practices schizophrenia.. They all have said that Schizophrenics are incapable of understanding buddhist philosophy and therefore should focus only on Physical Based practices such as Tai Chi.

Where as here the responses have been defining the nature of the schizophrenic.. The Buddhist forum does agree that Schizophrenia is a Karmic problem.. but it seems that is far as they will go in talking about the disease.


Thank you all for your wonderful responses

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I would like to tell you one great site.Ever heard of near death experiences of nde?


Visit near-death.com


Site has many profound nde's + extensive research.There are answers of why a person would choose to be born with certain disability.




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There is another understanding of this condition, as Shiva has mentioned LSD can open up chakras unnaturally. When this happens the kundalini opens doors, wide open. That under the usual gradual process of Yoga are opened and always closed again through careful attention and guidance. There is an astounding amount of power unleashed in this practice, and it can truly 'blow your mind' if it is misused.

When these chakras are artificially kept open, it opens the door for ghosts to inhabit the body while sleeping, in astral travel ghosts seize the opportunity to posses anothers' body and mind, hence different personalities can develop, often the host doesn't know what is happening, and doesn't know how to shake them. They can become quite mystic or psychic from this experience which can last for years, but it is of no value if they have no control of their own vehicle. It can appear like there are many drivers at the wheel of the same car, which can be dangerous if they don't have a liscence.

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I'm thankful this subject has come up. Two of my three children were diagnosed with schizophtenia at separate times. The first time was with my youngest son when he was 17 and went on an lsd trip despite my warnings of 'been there, done that' and better if he just avoided it. He's a very sensitive person who thinks too deeply at times. He'd been reading stuff like Naom Chompsky while hanging out with friends who were into Heavy Metal, that coupled with obsession with video games wasn't exactly the perfect environment to 'explore' mind-expanding drugs.

When I came home one night he and his friend were 'flying' on something and being experienced in these fields, I knew right away.


They had drawn a map of the world and renamed the countries, tripped out on being future lords and controllers of the planet. I didn't know how to handle it so I went to bed hopeing he'd come down by morning. He didn't come down for days without sleep and ended up in the hospital. A young doctor gave the diagnosis and when I said it was the lsd he referred to 'recent research' that says a person 'always' comes down after 8 hours. My real-life research indicated that it's not always the case. With the help of the same friends who assisted him in getting messed up, he came out of his mega-delusion eventually but it took a couple of months. He's now sane, clear, preparing to go to get a degree in law and escaped the life-long medication and intervention (here in Canada)that goes with being diagnosed as schizophrenic.


My other child was not so lucky. Doesn't do or like drugs or alcohol but had a severe emotional breakdown, a series of them that got her certified and in and out of hospitals for years. Only recently have things changed for the better when she began seeing a renowned physiciatrist,Dr. Abraham Hoffer, who is an expert on treating schizophrenia with vitamins and herbal remedies. After months we received her medical files and discovered that at times she'd been on 5 different kinds of medication while in hospital and then interviewed to determine her 'state of mind'.


Since coming off the heavy medications she is becoming more clear and focused, less depressed and hasn't exhibited the pychotic states she was in while being 'under the care' of the pychiatric hospitals. A new puppy has done wonders and now that she isn't insistent on living on her own (making it on her own)she's become more secure and less paranoid. I think my point is that often people are labelled and misdiagnosed with schizophrenia or bi-polar when it could be other reasons for a person being in a temporairy state of pyschosis or delusion.



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I live in Berserkeley Ca and see it everyday. People walking around talking to demons and other imagined things. Totally dishevled and with nowhere to sleep. Some are rather dangerous at times. I see the same folks sometimes for years and can notice their changes even though I keep my distance. Usually they get worse and noticably more angry with time.


This is due to our attempt at respecting their freedom. That is important but not to the point where they can't care for themselves, which most cannot. They get picked up from time to time, taken to a hospital where they receive medication. After they stablize for a few days they go back on the street and the cycle repeats.


I do accept astral entity possession but consider it rare. I also suspect that the illness makes them more suseptible to such.



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Dear Bhaktavasya,

There has definately been no lack of drama in your life, I am happy to hear that your children have come through those dark hours, and hope they find their way back to their real eternal wellfare, through your loving concern, otherwise just find a sober and balanced existence in this disfunctional madhouse they call the world.

I sympathize with you on the kids being brainwashed with all these false gods in disguise, trying to lure them along the way of their owm crazy mixed up minds.

Music is one of the major problems and influences in the world today along with the mind altering substance abuse that breeds confusion, taking unsuspecting adventurers into dimentions they never bargin for. Not that there isn't some good sounds in the air.

Is the childrens father still around to help them?

We all came through a very dynamic jolting time in history, that maybe gave the strength to handle even more extreme times ahead and if it weren't for the grace of the great Gaurdiya vaisnavas it could have been a thousand times worse.

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This is why community is so important. The early days of the Hare Krishna movement were full of examples (just because the stories haven't been told doesn't mean it never happened)of devotees who would never have been able to take care of themselves or 'make it' in the harsh world of materialistic consciousness and were surely destined to become fodder for the experimentation of newer and newer drugs that are often more harmful than beneficial. Or left to die in the streets.


Many of them blossomed into dancing 'fairy-like' adult children, singing and walzing with the floor-mop. Occasionally talking to it but not a problem. A disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta was said to be so humble that he would offer obeisances to the sweeping broom in the corner of the temple. Some of them even became notorious leaders but that's another story.


There is a growing movement towards reconsidering the role of anti-pyschotic, anti-depressent drugs in curing the chemical imbalances of the brain (they have never been able to cure, only suppress and dull the 'symptoms')and the role of vitamins and minerals in correcting the imbalance along with stress free enviroments, diet and excercise.


Also just as valuable is the role of community in assisting and most importantly befriending those who are 'disleveled with no place to go'.


Having family and friends is often what makes a difference between the 'hopeless cases' and the ones who can eventually get on with their lives but the people you are referring to apparently don't have any left living who care.


BTW, are there any prasadam programs for the homeless there in the Frisco Bay area?






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  • 4 months later...

Hey Prabhu cool page. I need some help. I was initiated into Krisna Consciousness about 6 years ago in India however for one reason or another i did not communicate adequately with my guru (i was terrified as i was still confused over personalism vs monism and i didnt want to lose my girlfriend as well) so i eventually found myself back in the west in a very confused and anxious state. So of course i was nabbed by a psychiatrist. I was confused and anxious because i had found that suddenly Krishna was talking to me through everyone and everything and as you say i did not have sufficient education on the matter. Anyway i had a harrowing few years and then i finally tried and eventually managed to follow the reg. principles as Srila Prabhupada recommends. And sure enough after some time i acheived liberation. Then AFTER this i got hold of the 4 scriptures He recommends and i found exact accounts of all my crazy Krishna conscious experiences. This was 2 years ago. Now i am still under enforced treatment but all of my "worrying symptoms" have turned into ecstasies. I still have to take terrible medication and i am not allowed to go back to india and there are no other devotees i know of here (Malta). However recently my psychiatrist has indicated that he would be willing to give me a trial off medication ("against his better judgement") but says that I need to find a way of differntiating the symptoms outlined in scripture from those of mundane schizophrenia. It seems that he will only accept evidence from an accepted psychiatrist preferably published. Can anyone help me in my search pleeeeeease

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Purnadas, If Krishna is the path you choose I suggest you find an ordained practitioner to work with.

I think the two of us should seriously talk. I believe I could help you. I'm very informed in spiritual matters (Specially in Christianity, and Yoga practitioning religions) and how it involves with diagnosed Schizophrenia. Unfortunatley you live in Malta so I MIGHT not be able to help you in legal senses (Patient rights) If you would like to discuss this futher with me I would be very happy to. Just give a reply so I know your interested and I can give you my eMail. I would like to add that I have Psychiatrists and Therapists that I work with that may be willing to stand by my claims.

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Please help but how do we exchange addresses? I am aware that i need to associate with other devotees but want to get this psychiatrist out of the way. I am in contact with ISKCon in england but my psychiatrist specifically wants some sort of indication from a fellow psychiatrist that he will be able to tell the difference between transcendental symptoms and mundane symptoms even just a doctor recommending that we consult Srila prabhupadas books in this connection would be a great help as i could then do the rest myself. Thanks for replying

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Dear Bhaktavasya,


PAMHO. AGTSP. I read with great sadness how your second son did not come out of it (the Schizophrenia) and something came to mind I felt I should share with you, or anyone else for that matter. I do not claim it is always the cause, just one that is often not known about. I also have not read the rest of the posts.


I once took a book out of the library due to severe allergies. In it was one chapter giving a very convincing correlation between Schizophrenic attacks and various allergies. Now, this may sound too easy, and as I said, its not always the case. Though anyone who has had allergies knows it is not easy to find out EXACTLY what a person is allergic to.


With that said, I mentioned this book to a frined of mine who also has a child with schizophrenia. Surprisingly she told me that when her child would get attacks, she noticed (with hindsight) it happened when around a mildewy, moldy basement, or bear the chemial chlorine or other chemicals, including some harsh laundry detergents, and household cleansers (Ajax would be one example). It can also include food to, or fabric, nearly about anything. Just, this is something to consider.


I don't have the title of that book because as I mentioned, it was from the library. But I may be able to find it out, maybe, if anyone is interested. If this helps, it is an old book put out by PREVENTION or RODALE. Maybe it can be back ordered at their web site, tho the library is worth a try.


Again, there are many reasons, be it karmic or whatever (and really, its all karmic, be it the disease, allergies or even cures or potential solution, even partial), but I am not going into the cause here. Just want to offer the little help I might have.



Prtha dd

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if you want my opinion you need to give

me more info on what you are experiencing.


If you think that god is trying to communicate

to you through everything and everyone,

then that may be what is happening.


that is described by sridhar maharaja, seeing

guru everywhere, that is the advanced state,

and for those not ready it can be disturbing

to the mind, i know .


but if god wants to talk to you, don't try

to stop the process, that will not work.


the advanced state of god consciousness

is an awakeining of awareness, in reality

god is conducting everything like a conductor

of a symphony.


This state of realization is not attainable

through our effort, it is given to you,

and is called brahman realization.


brahman is the all pervading nature of god,

in everything from the chirping of the birds,

to the screech of tires on the road, all is

connected and controlled.


actually percieving that truth is a stage

of god consciousness.


after that there is paramatma realization, percieving

god within ourself, this can cause even more difficulty,

for those who are not prepared,seing our own actions

as being controlled by god, as the isa upanisad

tells us, our body is like a cage, and there are two birds in this cage, one is sitting silently,the other

is doing this and that,unaware of the other bird.

so, at that stage you become aware of the other presence

within yourself.



the last stage is bhagavan realization, and this is

perception of the personality of god behind everything,

not just the power ,presence and guiding aspect of god, but

the personality, the person behind the curtain.

that become revealed to you then, and everythingelse is seen

as a manifestation of the personality of god.



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