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Almost all spiritual gurus worship shiva and celebrate life like the vishnu avatars, in full envy of them.


There is no vishnu avatar which went demolishing the shiva philosophies etc. Avatars like Rama and Krishna were devotees of Shiva.


It's the high ego of the vaishnavites which force them not to accept the full picture of their own lords. They allege that the shaivites paint a picture of their lords as devotees of shiva. This is a mere allegation.


There are plenty of vaishnava devotee of sai baba. Sai baba is a staunch shaivite. He's alive today, we know it. Tomorrow, through propaganda machinery the vaishnavite devotees will make it look as though sai baba was anti-shiva. Vaishnavites will pay a price of their own ego, that don't accept their gods in full. They only follow what they like to hear.


In summary, merely looking at the spiritually experienced vaishnava gods should tell that most were devotees of shiva. The two groups are already merged.


Any vaishnava god not praying to shiva has experienced limited development spiritually. Reading some of the quotes of Srila, it's possible to think that he ran iskon like the way how madarsas are run. Madarsa would be a wrong place for krishna who is full of boundless freedom and non-differentiatedness.

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Opposition, controversy, and allegations


It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with Allegations against Sathya Sai Baba. (Discuss)

Main article Allegations against Sathya Sai Baba


SSB has been and still is the target of criticism by skeptics, ex-followers and other critics that question his claims to perform miracles and other paranormal feats. For example, in 1976 the physicist rationalist and then the vice chancellor of Bangalore University Dr. H. Narasimhaiah who founded and chaired The Committee to Investigate Miracles and Other Verifiable Superstitions publicly challenged Sathya Sai Baba to perform his miracles under controlled circumstances, a challenge which Sathya Sai Baba ignored. The committee exposed a boy called Sai Krishna that, according to the committee, had SSB’s endorsement as a fraud. SSB said in one of his rare interviews with the press (Blitz magazine September 1976) that he had no connection to Sai Krishna and that he found the attitude of the committee improper and that the committee did not understand spiritual life. As a result of this episode, a public debate about SSB raged for months in Indian newspapers.[16] The Canadian skeptic Dr. Dale Beyerstein concluded in 1994 in his extensive literature study of SSB's claims and miracles that SSB's extraordinary claims needed extraordinary evidence and that SSB provided insufficient evidence to support them.[17] The 1995 TV documentary "Guru Busters" by UK's Channel 4 accused the guru of faking his materializations. The magazine India Today published on 4 December 2000 a cover story about the Baba and the allegations of fake miracles quoting the magician P. C. Sorcar, Jr. who considered the Baba a fraud. The skeptic and amateur magician Basava Premanand asserted that he has been investigating SSB since 1968. He also asserted he was a member of the Sathya Sai Organisation between 1968 until 1974 and showed in the 2004 BBC documentary Secret Swami that he could produce some of the same acts as SSB that the latter presents as miracles, such as materializations by sleight of hand and the production of a lingam from his mouth by regurgitation. Critics such as David C. Lane and SSB’s former followers have footage of his alleged materialization on their websites that they consider at least suspicious and at most evidence of fraud. [18]


In 1986 Premanand and K. N. Balagopal, a rationalist advocate in the Supreme Court of India, filed a court complaint against Sathya Sai Baba for allegedly violating the now repealed Gold Control Act that imposed restrictions on the "manufacture, possession, sale and transfer of gold" since Sathya Sai Baba "materialized" gold ornaments to be given to devotees. High Court Judge Justice Y.V. Anjaneyulu, a follower of SSB, dismissed the complaint citing that an article materialized by spiritual powers cannot be said to have been manufactured, prepared or processed. [19]


On June 6, 1993 four people who were armed with knives were killed after they had intruded in Sai Baba's bedroom. The intruders had killed two aides of Sai Baba. The incident was widely published in the Indian press, but the main body of Indian journalists investigating the "ashram murders" were unable to obtain more than very sparse information on the Central Trust's accounts and dealings. SSB claimed in his 1993 Gurupurnima discourse on July 3 that jealousy among his followers was behind the incident without giving a detailed explanation of the events. [20] The former Secretary of the Home Minister of Andhra Pradesh, V.P.B. Nair who came from of a police background expressed in the BBC documentary his belief that the four assailants in 1993 had unnecessarily and illegally been shot by the police. Both Premanand and Nair wanted the case to be re-opened and believed that it had been silenced to prevent revelations about illegal practices by Sathya Sai Baba and his organizations.


Another critic, ex-devotee and retired researcher/lecturer in philosophy, University of Oslo, the former national coordinator of the organization in Norway, Robert Priddy, has pointed out on his homepage and also in the book End of the Dream published by Premanand that Sathya Sai Baba's assertions on many subjects exhibit basic ignorance of physics, geology, religious history and much more. For example, Priddy claims Sai Baba's 'teaching' on magnetism differs greatly from generally accepted science, being wholly incommensurate with many simple and basic known facts. Priddy had previously written for the Sanatana Sarathi magazine and wrote a positive book about Sai Baba claiming vibhuti had healed his cat and his mother was visited by Sai Baba which resulted in a healing of her chronic pain.


What is the most vehement criticism since the year 2000, first published in 1976 are the accusations of inappropriate sexual relations with young men and boys among his followers. The major cause of this controversy was the appearance on the internet of a document called The Findings compiled by the Welsh concert pianist David Bailey and his wife who were well-known devotees. [21] [22] SSB is said to give "oiling" between the scrotum and anus, on the genitals, above the genitals, on the chest or on the head. The Dutch follower W.G.J. van Dijk has attempted to explain the 'oiling' phenomenon in terms of 'kundalini' arousal in a magazine for the members of the Dutch branch of the Sathya Sai Organisation.[23] Much worse abuses are alleged by young men, all but two 18 years of age or older, in testimonies, also published widely on the Internet and backed up by filmed testimonies in films, including "Seduced by Sai Baba" by Denmark's national television, and documentary film "Secret Swami" by BBC. The India Today article referred to a signed affidavit in their possession by the German Jens Sethi who claimed to have been sexually abused as an adult by the Baba. Sethi complained in a testimony published on the internet that he was treated as a criminal by the Puttaparthi police after he was found with papers critical of the Baba in Puttaparthi. The magazine wrote that Sethi filed a criminal complaint in Munich. The TV documentary "Seduced By Sai Baba", produced by Denmark's national television and radio broadcaster Danish radio aired in Denmark, Australia and Norway. Al Rahm (then under the pseudonym Young), said in the TV documentary Seduced by Sai Baba that he talked with the highest leader in the USA (Michael Goldstein) about the sexual abuse by SSB of his son who was 18 at the time of the alleged incidents and returned for approximately 14 interviews and did public speeches extolling Baba's virtues before he made his claim. According to Rahm, the leader responded by saying that he hated the idea of having wasted 25 years of his life and that he accepted SSB's statement "Swami is pure" as the truth. Goldstein, the International Chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisations, stated in the BBC documentary Secret Swami that it was against his "heart and conscience" to initiate or approve of a proper legal process to investigate the allegations against Sathya Sai Baba. Isaac Tigrett, a prominent follower and co-founder of the Hard Rock Café, stated in the documentary that his admiration for the Baba will not change even if the charges of paedophilia and murder were proved beyond all doubt. The Danish jounalist Ojvind Kyro who was involved in the production of the documentary asserts, as published in Robert Priddy's book "The End of the Dream", that he has in his possession ten signed affidavits of young men from around the globe who claim to have been seriously sexually abused by SSB. He writes that these affidavits are open to see for official investigators and accredited journalists but not for the public. According to the journalist Michelle Goldberg of salon.com the fact that the Baba has high ranking Indian politicians as his supporters and the charity works done by the various organizations associated with the Baba help to explain why he has not been brought into court. The Indian consulate website states that crime victims must file charges with the police. No alleged victims have done so to date. SSB did not give a detailed public rebuttal to the accusations of sexual abuse. In his Christmas 2000 discourse SSB said that people disseminate false negative stories about him because they have been bribed.


Several sexual abuse testimonies claim that Baba can change into a woman instantaneously. These puzzling testimonies have led some to the conclusion that Baba is a hermaphrodite. Alexandra Nagel has argued in her 1994 Dutch language article De Sai Paradox/The Sai Paradox published by the Free University Amsterdam and her . article Sai Baba as Shiva-Shakti: a Created Myth? Or? published on websites of critical former followers that this alleged sex change may be related to Baba's claim to be the incarnation of both the male and female aspects of God, Shiva and Shakti respectively.


Critics, like Hari Sampath say that school records, as also published in the devotee book Love is My Form (2000), revealed several different birth dates for the boy (under his original name Sathyanarayana Raju) and suggest that he invented the 23 November 1926 day of birth to enhance his credibility of his claim to be an avatar, because on 24 November, 1926 the famed Hindu philosopher-mystic Sri Aurobindo said that that was the day the Divine had descended on Earth.[24] According to the Australian critical former follower Brian Steel, who has written several published positive books about SSB's life and miracles that he as of 2005 rejects on his homepage, the birth date in the school record may simply be a mistake. Moreno (a Baba proponent) published a detailed article about the Bukkapatnam school records, that gives relevant information that has been ignored by critics [25].


Additionally, Brian Steel asserted, on his homepage, that he has documented strong indications that the original Telugu discourses by Baba have been heavily edited to improve them. Followers were given the impression, if not explicitly told, that the discourses published in the Sathya Sai Speaks series were the literal translation of what Baba said. [26] However, Moreno (a Baba proponent) critiqued Steel for his contradictory positions, regarding the English translations to Baba's Telugu discourses, in which Steel argued that the English translations were "highly edited" and "inaccurate" but then referenced these same English translations as inerrant references to what the Guru actually and literally said in Telugu. [27]


Steel also wrote that many authors who wrote or still write positive books about Baba did not fulfil their responsibility of adherence to basic intellectual, journalistic and scholarly standards and hence may unintentionally misguide both followers and the general public. He contends that the claims of Baba about himself fluctuate and are inconsistent. He asserted that has recently discovered a trend to tone down the extraordinary claims that Baba makes about himself which Steel thinks is done to avoid embarrassment and loss of credibility.


According to David Bailey, the results of the drinking water projects were claimed, but its results are exaggerated and have largely failed to function. The Rayalaseema project was taken over by the Andhra Pradesh State government. According to the American-Iranian Said Khorramshahgol ex-follower, SSB's assertion that betel is healthful contradicts scientific findings.


Additional criticisms made by critical former followers are quackery [28], broken promises [29] [30], and giving worthless materialized trinkets to devotees that SSB claims are talismans of protections and symbol of the bond between followers and him (Blitz interview 1976), while presenting them as something valuable. [31]


In the years 1999 and 2000 SSB has repeatedly belittled the internet and discouraged its use. According to the former follower Alexandra Nagel, this was because he must have felt threatened by the internet.


According to Donald Taylor in his 1987 article Charismatic authority in the Sathya Sai Baba movement in Hinduism in Great Britain, SSB made extraordinary declarations to be God to keep his authority at the center of the movement and he made his claim to get reincarnated as Prema Sai Baba in 1963 to maintain his authority and to prevent a struggle about his succession as long as he lives. [32]


Some ex-followers believe in the truth of the allegations but at the same time refuse to retract the stories of miracles that they claim to have experienced directly. For example answers to prayers which they attribute to him or clairvoyance during an interview. Hence some ex-followers believe that while he has siddhis (psychic abilities) it is only because he is a powerful rakshasa or demon, while some claim he is simply a fraud and now totally deny they ever had any paranormal experiences they can attribute to SSB. [33]


Other ex-followers such as David Bailey and Hari Sampath consider Baba a cheat and believe that some of the miracles are real but are mistakenly attributed to Sathya Sai Baba. They believe that when a follower prays to Baba while having faith that he is God, God will listen to his prayer, in spite of his mistaken belief.


Sceptics such as Premanand believe him to be an out-and-out cheater and charlatan while his followers are but gullible at worst, naive at best.


Tal Brooke, an American evangelical Christian wrote in his 1976 book Avatar of the Night that SSB is a false prophet and an Antichrist, as predicted in the Bible. Brooke spent a lot of time as a close disciple of Sai Baba, as described in the book. As a young man he packed up all of his belongings and left America for India on a spiritual search.


In 2006 followers of Shirdi Sai Baba in the Ahmednagar district sued followers of Sathya Sai Baba for use of the name Sai Baba in the court of Rahata. The case is as of January 2006 pending.



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Krishna or Shiva?


For many years I have thought myself a devotee of Lord Shiva. Recently my daughter was diagnosed with cancer and i find myself worshiping Lord Krishna and have had many incredible Krishna and Jagannath experiences. Nirantara dasa (06-05-04)


This of course leads me to think I am supposed to be with Krishna. Which is what I felt many years ago as a teenager. Would you please tell me the best way to investigate this?


Dear Asha


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Shree Guru & Gauranga!


in matters dealing with the understanding of the Absolute Truth, we use three paths, namely guru, sadhu & shashtra. of the three, the focal point is shashtra. i will answer you inquiry based on Shashtra as taught to me by my spiritual master, ISKCON Founder-Äcärya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Shreela Prabhuapda as follows...


Shree Krishna personally says Himself in Bhagavad-geeta that four kinds of persons approach Him : O best among the Bhäratas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me-the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute."


In the Shreemad-Bhagavatam, Shukadeva Gosvämee recommends the following: "A person who has broader intelligence, whether one be full of all material desire, without any material desire, or desiring liberation, must by all means worship the Supreme Whole, the Personality of Godhead, Krishna."


Now to answer your question directly, yes, you ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH KRISHNA. The whole Bhagavad-geeta, nay, the entire Vedic library, is targeted to this most important point: that every living entity is meant to love Krishna. Everyone of us is part and parcel of Krishna, just as your daughter is part and parcel of you. Since we are part and parcel of Krishna, we are meant to love and serve Him eternally, and that is the only reason why we exist in the first place. Of course, as soon as we use the word "love & serve" that means there is free will, minute independence. Love means there cannot be force, it has to be voluntary. Krishna never interferes with our free will.


It is usually after a long cycle of birth and death, one after another, that a particular person surrenders to Krishna once and for all, as mentioned by Krishna Himself in Bhagavad-geeta as follows: "After many births and deaths, one who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare."


If you want to understand fully your eteranal relationship with Krishna, then i beg you to purchase from www.krishna.tv as many books of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Shreela Prabhupada, especially Bhagavad-geeta and Shreemad Bhagavatam, because ISKCON is dedicated to this single mission... that everyone should scientifically understand their individual and eternal relationship with Krishna.


Even if you have other versions of Vedic texts, such as Bhagavad-geeta, etc., you should read the ISKCON versions only because other versions will not be as authoritative or as accurate or truthful as ISKCON's


Krishne matir astu


Nirantara dasa

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Shiva is in you and you worship krishna. So it becomes shiva worshipping krishna.




Krishna manifested in his physical form in this earth. He's spiritually immortal before that physical existence and after. This is mentioned by him in BG.


This is the same for arjuna. THis is the same for all of us. Krishna in the initail half of BG never seperates himself from arjuna and the common man. Only in the place were he expresses awareness of the previous janmas he does seperates out from arjuna. Else he is referring to himself and arjuna.


Krishna is placed a challenge when arjuna claims incapable of spiritual realization like how Krishna already is. So Arjuna was the first one to space out from krishna in BG. It's only after that portion in BG that Krishna takes charge and assures arjuna lika a god. Afterall the clock the ticking for the battle and arjuna with a dry throat has put down his bow. Krishna for sure is an action man, supremely dynamic spiritual self.

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Sri Vakrathunda mahaakaaya kotisuryasamaprabha

nirvighnam kurume deva subhakaryeshu sarvadaa



I would really appreciate it if you can tell me what this matra means? I have heard it so many times and I love the sound of it, but unfortunatly I can read sanskrit but cant not understand the words.



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Jain Ganesh


This small prayer is usually chanted before starting anything auspicious.This prayer invokes Lord Ganesha, who has a huge body and twisted trunk to remove all obstacles which normally come our way while we start any new work. <CENTER>

Vakratunda mahakayaKoti soorya samaprabhaNirvighnam kurume devaSarva karyeshu sarvadaa.</PRE></CENTER>

<HR color=#000080>


Agaajaana Padmaarkam :

We pray to Lord Ganesha,on seeing whom Mother Parvati's face lights up like a lotus flower blooms at the sight of the rising sun. We pray day and night to the one tusked Lord Ganesha who grants many boons to his devotees. <CENTER>

Agajaanana padmaarkam GajaananamaharnishamAnekadam tham bhaktaanaam Ekadantam upaasmahe</PRE></CENTER>

<HR color=#000080>


Gajaanana :

O, Lord Ganesha, master of hordes of ganas, who loves wood apples and the juice of rose apples, who is the son of Uma and destroyer of all sorrows and obstacles, I bow to your lotus feet. <CENTER>

Gajaananam bhoothaganaadhi sevithamKapitha jamboo phalasaara bhakshitamUmaasutham shokha vinaasha kaaranamNamaami Vighneshwara paada pankajam</PRE></CENTER>

<HR color=#000080>


GajaananaChaaru :


Gajaananam chaaru vishaalanetramLambodaram mooshaka vahananchaChaturbhujam chanchalokarna yugmamprasanna meede sutameeshwarasya</PRE></CENTER>

<HR color=#000080>


Sri Maha Ganesha Pancharatnam :


Mudaa karaatha modhakam sadaa vimukthi saadhakamKalaadharaavathamsakam vilasilokarakshakamAnaayakaikanaayakam vinaashithebhadaityakamNathaashubhaashunaashakam namaami tham Vinaayakam </PRE></CENTER>(I prostrate before Lord Vinaayaka who joyously holds a modaka in His hand, who bestows salvation, who wears the moon as a crown on His head, who is the sole leader of those who lose themselves in the world. The leader of the leaderless who destroyed the elephant demon called Gajaasura and who quickly destroys the sins of those who bow down to Him, I worship such a Lord Ganesha)


Nathetharaathibheekaram navodithaarkabhaasvaramNamathsuraarinirjaram nathaadhikaapadudharamSureshvaram nidheesvaram Gajeshvaram GaneshwaramMaheshvaram thamaashraye paraathparam nirantharam</PRE></CENTER>(I meditate eternally on Him, the Lord of the Ganas, who is frightening to those not devoted, who shines like the morning sun, to whom all the Gods and demons bow,the one who removes the great distress of His devotees and who is the best among the best.)


Samasthalokashankaram nirasthadaithyakunjaramDaretharodaram varam varebhavakthramaksharamKripaakaram kshamaakaram mudaakaram yashaskaramNamaskaram namaskrithaam namaskaromi bhaasvaram</PRE></CENTER>(I bow down with my whole mind to the shining Ganapati who brings happiness to all the worlds, who destroyed the demon Gajasura, who has a big belly, a beautiful elephant face, who is immortal, who gives mercy, forgiveness and happiness to those who bow to Him and who bestows fame and a well disposed mind.)


Akimchanaarthimaarjanam chiranthanokthibhaajanamPuraaripoorvanandanam suraarigarvacharvanamPrapanchanaashabheeshanam dhananjayaadibhooshanamKapoladaanavaaranam bhajepuraanavaaranam </PRE></CENTER>(I worship the ancient elephant God who destroys the pains of the poor, who is the abode of Aum, who is the first son of Lord Shiva (Shiva who is the destroyer of the triple cities), who destroys the pride of the enemies of the Gods, who is frightening to look at during the time of world's destruction, who is fierce like an elephant in a rut and who wears Dhananjaya and other serpants. as his ornaments.)


Nithaanthakaanthadanthakaanthim anthakaanthakaatmajamAchinthyaroopam anthaheenam antharaayakrinthanamHridanthare nirantharam vasanthameva yoginaamThamekadantameva thamvichinthayaami santhatham </PRE></CENTER>(I constantly reflect upon that single tusked God only, whose lustrous tusk is very beautiful, who is the son of Lord Shiva, (Shiva, the God of destruction), whose form is immortal and unknowable, who tears asunder all obstacles, and who dwells forever in the hearts of the Yogis.)


Mahaa Ganesha pancharathnam aaharena yonvahamPrajalpathi prabhaathake hridi smaran GaneshwaramArogathaam adoshathaam susaahitheem suputhrathaamSamaahithaayurashtabhoothim abhyupaithi sochiraath</PRE></CENTER>(He who recites this every morning with devotion, these five gems about Lord Ganapati and who remembers in his heart the great Ganesha, will soon be endowed with a healthy life free of all blemishes, will attain learning, noble sons, a long life that is calm and pleasant and will be endowed with spiritual and material prosperity.)


<HR color=#000080>

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Dear Caru Das,


You convenniently left out the important part and erased the names of the "Gods" and the name of the Great Purana.


I will tell the forum. The Purana is Shiva Maha Purana!

And the names of the arguing Gods were Brahma and Vishnu (Krsna)!!

And once upong realizing Shiva as the greatest and his eternal gereatness, they started wprshipping him. Ever since Vishnu/Hari/Krsna has worshiped Lord Sadashiva in his every incarnation. Thank you.


"The Puranas also narrate another incident. The gods argued between themselves as to "who is the greatest". Lord Shiva appeared before them as an unlimited pillar of fire, of which no one could find the beginning or the end.


They realized the greatness of Shiva and worshipped the Shiva lingam which is the form of the flame. "

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Jai Ganesh

Sorry in haste I copied many verses in my previous post,

Below is my naive attempt at translating the verse please furgive me if I err.


Vakratunda mahakaya Koti soorya samaprabhaNirvighnam kurume deva Sarva karyeshu sarvadaa.</PRE>Vakratunda (twisted trunk) mahakaya (huge body) Koti (thousands) soorya ( sun) samaprabha (luminous like)

Nirvighnam (with out obstacle) kurume ( I perform) deva (Lord) sarva (all) karyesu (endeavour) sarvadaa (always)


Invoking Lord Ganesha,

Who has a huge body and twisted trunk who is as effulgent as thousand sun

Please remove all obstacles o lord in executing all my work.

In some places sarva is substituted by Subh, which means Auspicious

Jai Shree Krishna


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Yes it is so true what you just said on Vaishnava_dasa's long effort to prove his vaishnava "supremacy".

The Iskcon agenda has always been to prove their supremacy over others and this is becoming sickening. They do not understand and take the ancient Vedic stance on it. They move by teh 500 year old culture deparately trying to thrust it forward as Vedic - the one and the only Vedic culture!!




It prooves the ingnorance. Remember that both are one and the same. As creator, Rajas has to predominate, as perserver, sattvas has to predominate and as destroyer tamas. They are all one and the same and there is nothing gained by lowering others. Only those who realize this have realized the Absolut e

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Lol! You got it all wrong boss!!


Shiva is in us and we worship Shiva!!





Shiva is in you and you worship krishna. So it becomes shiva worshipping krishna.




Krishna manifested in his physical form in this earth. He's spiritually immortal before that physical existence and after. This is mentioned by him in BG.


This is the same for arjuna. THis is the same for all of us. Krishna in the initail half of BG never seperates himself from arjuna and the common man. Only in the place were he expresses awareness of the previous janmas he does seperates out from arjuna. Else he is referring to himself and arjuna.


Krishna is placed a challenge when arjuna claims incapable of spiritual realization like how Krishna already is. So Arjuna was the first one to space out from krishna in BG. It's only after that portion in BG that Krishna takes charge and assures arjuna lika a god. Afterall the clock the ticking for the battle and arjuna with a dry throat has put down his bow. Krishna for sure is an action man, supremely dynamic spiritual self.

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