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Is eating a egg wrong?

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Eggs are a form of flesh and blood - being either an embryo or the chicken menses. It does not matter if the egg is from a chicken raised on a so-called "humane egg farm" or not - this fact does not change.



I agree that eggs are a form of flesh and blood. This is why we do not offer these things to Bhagavan, however I think a moral argument is needed for society at large. Using aesthetic reasoning, i.e. "it's disgusting" is not convincing since some vegans utilize similar reasoning against the consumption of milk products, i.e. "milk is the bodily secretion of a cow, and I do not dine upon bodily secretions." The best reason as to WHY a non-Hindu should not consume flesh and blood is because violence was committed against another being to procure food which is not necessary for our survival, period.


Gitananda / gitadharma/



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Some people will never get it no matter what you say or do. You can talk until you are blue in the face and they will continue to chow down on their animal flesh sandwiches.

So perhaps the best method is the right in the face gross out such as the Meet your Meat video. Make them gag at the thought of eating flesh.



I would be interested in knowing how I can procure this video. Thank you.


Gitananda / GitaDharma/

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Well, I have been a vegetarian for over 30 years. I am now 46. I stopped eating meat due to ethics. My ethics state that I should not eat anything that I am not willing to personally kill myself.


I am willing to personally kill plants, and I am willing to milk an animal and steal from a fowl. I am not willing to kill fish, kill chickens, kill cows, kill pigs, kill sheep, kill goats, etc.


My purpose is that by killing animals, which in some ways resemble people, you are making it easier to kill people. I want it to be as difficult as possible to kill people, because I and everyone I know as friends are people. Well, I do have some cats that are friends.


The not eating of meat is for my health and the protection of the sacredness of the life of humans. It is not for the benefit of the animals.


My philosophy also makes it possible for me to eat meat to survive as long as I kill the animal.


I do worry I may someday have to kill another human in self defense and I am not sure I would be allowed to eat the failed attacker, hehehe. (That last bit was a joke son, a joke, ok?)



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If you claim knowledge of the unknown without tangible proof then your words have no meaning for me.



What is your idea of 'tangible proof'? If you mean, direct experience, I can understand for I do beleive that direct mystical experience is one way of acquiring knowledge. However, direct experience is not always of the 'tangible' variety. And 'proof' is simply a subjective thing. i.e. 'evidence' may not rise to the level of 'proof' for one person but it may be more than sufficient for another.




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Haribol. It is not "wrong" to eat an egg. You eat what you eat, there is no question of eating of anything to be right or wrong. Except, I may say that it may be wrong to kill your mother and eat her carcass, just to protect myself from criticism, but even then, it is not wrong.


If we can "DO IT", it is our birthright. The form of matter and the false identification to such matter by the self is all made possible by the Supreme. In other words, we have been given full facility to act as we may. Hitler and the Pope are fully equal in this regard.


But (heres the but, always a but), if one wishes to be pleasing to Srila Prabhupada, he suggests certain things that will please Him. One thing is pleasing to him, that is, an egg-eater renouncing egg-eating simply because the one who has kindly given me the tools to not only get out of the world of birth and death, but to reestablish my forgotton relationship with Krsna, suggests such abandoning of the habit will be beneficial.


This always comes up when discussing dos and donts, but seldom is the question answered properly. All the stuff about life of the egg, health of the egg eater, even the offer-ability of eggs, all is nonsense. Hell, this is kali, even fresh milk has dead fish and rat turds in it. Nothing to do with anything. To refrain from eating eggs is beneficial to an aspiring follower of Srila Prabhupada simply because He requests his followers to refrain from such habits. No other reason. This has no bearing on Bhaktivinode thakur eating fish or all the other nonsense I have read, this is a simple matter of the heart between disciple and guru. Bhimasena eating of a large animal all by himself, or rama and laxmana eating deer killed in the forset is not pertinent to any discussion of a disciple-guru relationship.


So, it is okay to eat eggs, some will hate you for it because they dont, but maybe they hated eggs anyway (like me) and giving them up was effortless (thus without much benefit in the abstinance thereof). But, we pay for things of value. To please Srila Prabhupada has value that cannot be adequately measured, and if one gives up eggs sincerely attempting to please Prabhupada by such abstinance, what a wonderful thing you got. Right and wrong have no place in Vaisnava philosophy, in fact, they muddy the philosophical waters.


hoipe ya catch my drift here, hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Haribol, if you are addressing me, avoid has nothing to do with anything.


Do I not provide milk for offering to krsna, knowing about the rat turds or the dead fish, no, I will not avoid offering milk to krsna. Will I scarf down twinkies, no, I wont do that either.


We must be pragmatic and realistic, knowing the pollution of Kali. Do I not breath, knowing that each breath annihilates universes full of living entities, maybe even 1000 different human species? No, I breath without so much of a concern for the problems my biological being causes. I am not this body, it is a clumsy vehicle that disturbs everyone, that is all.


Like I say about the regs, this is part of the sadhana process. If my guru says not to offer milk because it may have rat turds or other contaminants in it, then Ill refrain. But I am fortunate to have a pragmatic and realistic spiritual master who is not fanatic, who teaches actually that there is only a two-fold regulation, to always remember and never forget Krsna.


The twoinkies cookies and other things you mention are contaminated not because of the possibility of having junk in the product, but because they are prepared by non-vaisnava and not prepared for the Lord. If they were as pure as pure can be (which is impossible), to eat such things would be just as karmically binding as raw cow carcass. To eat a piece of lettuce means that I slit the throat of a being that has all the symptoms of life, I am a murderer if I do this.


Hope I answered your point, whatever it was.


ys, mahak

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  • 7 months later...
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That logically proves that the Psychiatrist is the Mad/Insane one when s/he gives the patient in the mental hospital a diagnosis.


Thank you for clarifying that point.

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