Guest guest Posted September 5, 2003 Report Share Posted September 5, 2003 I want to know abt the avatar Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 6, 2003 Report Share Posted September 6, 2003 it is 432,000 minus some 5000 years away. it is more wise to know about krishna avatar and his lilas and message in gita. jai sri krishna! - madhav Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 6, 2003 Report Share Posted September 6, 2003 will appear in just about 15-20 years from now. He will be a Hindu from Tamil Nadu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Avinash Posted September 6, 2003 Report Share Posted September 6, 2003 What is your source of information that Kalki will appear in about 15-20 years and will be from Tamil Nadu? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandy Posted September 6, 2003 Report Share Posted September 6, 2003 I have heard that he is born in Tamilnadu and doing lot of Miracles. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 6, 2003 Report Share Posted September 6, 2003 has predicted that Kalki will be from TN around the early part of this century. He has also predicted many events surrounding his birth and younger days, like the rise in Islamic fundamentalism, utter lack of values in the western world and so on. At this stage, a Hindu (not just a name-sake one, but none who practises Dharma) will come along and change India's destiny. And when that happens, the world's destiny will change as well. In short, India will rise again only because Sanatan Dhrma has to rise again. India will become the most powerful nation, not to trample on the weak but to save humanity. Interestingly, he has also predicted that China will split into many republics (i guess like USSR), US, japan and germany will go down the drain, adn many things related to Islamic terror. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theist Posted September 6, 2003 Report Share Posted September 6, 2003 Sounds like the Armegedan war and various other predictions some Christians claim they get from the Book of Revelations. The difference being of course India saves the day. Interesting I think they also talk of God or some angel riding in on a white horse. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theist Posted September 6, 2003 Report Share Posted September 6, 2003 TRANSLATION SB 1.3.25 Thereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas, the Lord of the creation will take His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Visnu Yasä. At this time the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers. PURPORT Here is another foretelling of the advent of Lord Kalki, the incarnation of Godhead. He is to appear at the conjunction of the two yugas, namely at the end of Kali-yuga and the beginning of Satya-yuga. The cycle of the four yugas, namely Satya, Tretä, Dväpara and Kali, rotates like the calendar months. The present Kali-yuga lasts 432,000 years, out of which we have passed only 5,000 years after the Battle of Kuruksetra and the end of the regime of King Pariksit. So there are 427,000 years balance yet to be finished. Therefore at the end of this period, the incarnation of Kalki will take place, as foretold in the Srimad-Bhägavatam. The name of His father, Visnu Yasä, a learned brähmana, and the village Sambhala are also mentioned. As above mentioned, all these foretellings will prove to be factual in chronological order. That is the authority of Srimad-Bhägavatam. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
livingentity Posted September 6, 2003 Report Share Posted September 6, 2003 I prefer the info based on the authority of SB. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I_love_krishna_ Posted September 6, 2003 Report Share Posted September 6, 2003 1) kalki is born in Nepal. 2) kalki is born in Tamil Nadu. 3) kalki is a 24 year old guy in Andra pradesh India. 4) Kalki is muhammed. 5) kalki is not born but will be born in this century. 6) Kalki will not be born in this century and he will be born at the end of this yuga. but mahabharat says that kalki will be born to Vishnuyasa who is a brahmin scholar some place called sambala. It would be quite obvious for us to know who kalki is, because krishna always incarnates in his 2 handed form along with all his characteristics. People will treat him like a normal human being, but his identity will be obvious for his devotees. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 6, 2003 Report Share Posted September 6, 2003 Here is a collection of links: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 7, 2003 Report Share Posted September 7, 2003 Sambala is symbolic rather than a physical place. It refers to the forehead or can mean "Born of the Forehead." Kalki consciousness awakens or is born in the ajnea chakra (third eye) and arises to shasrara and beyond. When the kundalini and point of awareness meet in this center states of enlightenment common to a Buddha occur. That is possibly why that particular avatar-the sampoorna or total avatar- is generally considered far less worldly and more warriorlike than the other avatars of Kaliyuga (who typically awaken in the heart) and is strongly associated with enlightenment-often called "The Lord of Enlightenment" or "Annihilator of Ignorance". He will not hinder man by awakening below the knot of karuna right above the anahata or heart center as have previous avatars. The knot of karuna keeps man bound to devotion, to old orders, to religion, sentimentality, to history and to compassion. When an aspect of God has awakened in the heart the devotees get very attached to the religion and old orders and there is little momentum to progress to higher states. The knot of karuna sees to that. When it is tied, it is very difficult to determine what is essential for life on this planet and what is irrelevant. Vishnu in His infinate wisdom has realized this and in this incarnation (Kalki) awakens in consciousness from well above the knot of karuna. Sambala. Men and women will seek to be with him thus unraveling the knot so they can attain liberation. The legendary place called Shambala that many seek is right inside also refering to Ajmea, symbolically. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kalkinoire Posted September 8, 2003 Report Share Posted September 8, 2003 "kalki fijndi aime you faans firjir thef xon abraxas arhat sonatom". chant this phrase 100 times and You will feel the presence of the Kalki who is to come. You must be outdoors!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 20, 2003 Report Share Posted September 20, 2003 Here is an article from a new age magazine on Sri Kalki. Kalki, Enlightenment and the Golden Age By Kiara Windrider Sri Kalki, or Bhagavan, as many of his disciples call him, is known as the “Mukti Avatar”, a Divine Incarnation whose specialization is to impart enlightenment. His presence and his mission reflect for me the highest gifts Mother India has to offer humanity, and having met him and experienced who he is, I feel that I can now rest in complete trust that humanity is going to make it, no matter how fragmented, meaningless and chaotic our existence has been. Grace and I met with him three times over the few weeks that we were at his ashram near Chennai. Our first meeting was a group “darshan” (or interview) for the teachers, including myself, at the “Experience Festival” that was being held there. During the darshan he spoke of the dilemma most people experience if they are serious about enlightenment. No matter how hard we may try to get there, we still have concepts and expectations about what enlightenment must look like. There is always an effort to get from the state of non-enlightenment to a state of enlightenment, which creates and furthers the very duality we are trying to dissolve. Even when we let go of the effort, we are still “conditioned” by the deep subconscious programming within our minds that keeps us separate from external reality, separated from directly experiencing the world without the running commentary of our thoughts. We cannot through effort empty out our minds any more than a bucket can empty out an ocean. Enlightenment happens by grace in the recognition that it is our natural pre-conditioned state. I had been seeking enlightenment for many years. I had had a few enlightenment experiences but it wasn’t a permanent state. After decades of unsuccessful effort I noticed myself becoming weary of the search, especially since I did not want to create more duality between where I was and where I wanted to be. I started telling myself that maybe I was already enlightened, just didn’t know it yet. I created a wonderful enlightened persona around myself, asking myself how I would live and act if I were enlightened, and trying to incorporate that “as if enlightened” state into my daily walk. It made me a better person, but it was still an act, just another layer of spiritual ego to get attached to. I believed I suffered less, but I wasn’t enlightened, and in the denial of that truth, suffered more. Now here was someone saying that it did not require centuries of effort, and that anyone could indeed get enlightened, just like Buddha or Jesus. I was intrigued. Not only is enlightenment easily attainable, but it is our natural state, continued Kalki. We were originally created with a different program implanted in our DNA, and every child was born with the ability to directly experience the world as a unified field of consciousness. We have mutated from that due to various distortions in our collective conditioning, yet the original programming still remains within our DNA. Just like a computer cannot change its own programming from within a program, we cannot change our mental programming from within our mind. It must either come through divine grace, which is difficult for many people because of our restrictive concepts about God, or it can be transferred by someone who knows how. Sri Kalki acknowledges himself as an avatar, but doesn't require that people believe in him as such or follow his teachings. In fact, he emphasizes, all teachings are useless if you are seeking enlightenment because they only create another concept for the mind to hang on to. Even the non-dualistic teachings of someone like Ramana Maharshi can become a barrier if it creates a craving for enlightenment distanced from the present moment. Teachings can follow enlightenment, but no teachings can produce it. No amount of effort can get you there. Our efforts can take us to the threshold, but no further. Instead, enlightenment is a neurobiological process, Kalki insists, and he sees his own role as being merely a “technician”. He even encourages people to design their own enlightenment! Through a certain kind of "divine surgery", and with adequate preparation, the neurobiology and the DNA of a seeker can be changed so as to naturally become enlightened, and then all teachings and guidance naturally flow from within. A divine energy is transferred into the neo-cortex of the brain, which reorganizes the entire framework of consciousness. It has its own intelligence, and interfaces with the deepest longings and blueprint of each individual soul to create a new command center that bypasses the mind. There are as many kinds of enlightenment as there are people, he affirms, yet what is common to all is the awakening of the true self within and the permanent dissolution of conflict and suffering. The entire framework of past conditioning disappears, as do expectations of the future. Since suffering is caused by addictions, attachments, cravings and aversions based on past conditioning, when this conditioning disappears, suffering disappears as well. This is often accompanied by states of cosmic consciousness, journeys to celestial realms, profound perceptual changes, sharpening of the senses, various “siddhis” (spiritual gifts), and profound ecstasy. The physical body becomes illumined with an inner light, and the sense of a separate continuous identity dissolves. The questioner vanishes along with the questions. The mind becomes a hollow reed through which all creation can flow. Thoughts can still flow through the mind, but do not emanate from the mind. I felt a thrill of recognition in my soul as I listened to his words. Grace and I decided to do a preparatory "mukti" (liberation) program led by one of his disciples designed to bring the various "koshas" (bodies) into alignment. Towards the end of this all the participants were called into his presence for a darshan. There were about 40 of us in the room, along with several enlightened "dasajis", or disciples. He announced that we were to be given the "diksha" (initiation) of enlightenment, and that the dasajis would be assisting in transmitting the divine energy. Kalki explained that if he tried to transmit the energy directly it could likely blow some fuses, but that he would be working through the dasajis to perform the divine surgery in a controlled fashion. Some of us would get enlightened right away, he informed us, while others would take longer, perhaps a few weeks or months, depending on individual factors. All of us in the room would become enlightened, he promised. He further said that it would be a functional enlightenment (“sahaj samadhi”). When he first began to get people enlightened they would sometimes go into ecstatic but immobile states for months, and he has learned to give a more integrated enlightenment now, since we are needed out in the world. The normal procedure at Kalki's ashram involves a much longer period of preparation before the enlightenment diksha could be given, so all of us in the group were stunned and elated to hear this. This was going to be an experimental group, he went on to say. The majority in the group were Westerners, and Kalki said this would be the first time that the enlightenment diksha was being given enmasse to a group of Westerners. The time for mass enlightenment had begun, and as these enlightened people returned to their home countries to hold the energies in their respective lands, the transformation of the human race would begin. Once 64,000 people had become enlightened throughout the world, he said, the morphogenetic fields would ignite, and everyone who had become enlightened would then themselves be able to transmit this state with a touch, with a glance, with a thought or a prayer. From then, it would be a very short time before all of humanity would revert to their original program of oneness. This could all happen well before 2012, says Kalki. We were asked to sit with our eyes closed as the dasajis moved among us in a state of ecstatic cosmic union, placing their hands on our heads, and allowing themselves to become vehicles for Kalki. It was a different experience for everybody. In a group sharing the following day, it turned out that although only a couple of people had actually become enlightened in that moment, most people had begun having enlightenment experiences, which Kalki said would stabilize into a steady state of enlightenment in the days or weeks to come. Grace passed through periods of intense physical pressure and disorientation for a couple of days, and then on the third day felt the kundalini energy moving unobstructed through every “nadi” (subtle nerve channels) clearing out all the koshas all the way into the "anandamayakosha", or "bliss body". As she experienced her bliss body, it propelled her into the classic enlightened state, which she has continued to maintain since. It has been fascinating for me to watch and participate in her process, as her entire nervous gets reprogrammed to respond directly to a completely different command center, the Soul. It is like getting unplugged from the "Matrix" (referring to the well-known movie of that name), and plugging directly into the Infinite. She reports that the moment of enlightenment was like simultaneously giving birth and being born. She found herself literally experiencing the world through the perceptions and senses of a newborn, while at the same time witnessing the entire process from a place of mature wonder. In the days following she found herself slowly “growing up”, first a two year old, then four, then eight, sometimes fluctuating between various ages up to adulthood, eventually feeling like all of them and none of them simultaneously, young and tender, wise and knowing, ageless and vast. It is an ongoing journey into universal consciousness. At the time of this writing, two weeks after the diksha, my own enlightenment process is just beginning to happen. I am noticing currents of energy coursing through my body which are beginning to open up the deeper kundalini pathways. We had another darshan with Kalki just before we left, and he warned me that it would lead to a total reorganization of my consciousness. Some people are born with free will to shape their lives any way they wish, while others have a chosen destiny that cannot be changed. He told me that I came with a destiny to help the world, that my enlightenment would prepare me for this, and that he would work with me. Sri Kalki and his wife, Amma, have about 15 million followers in several countries, and their “Golden Age Foundation” is possibly the fastest growing movement in the world today. Several hundred people have become fully enlightened in the past few years, with the numbers growing rapidly. Miracle stories of all kinds are being reported every day, not very different from those experienced around Jesus. Kalki says there will be significant earth changes happening throughout the world before the end of the decade, which can be averted if there are enough enlightened people living in those areas and interfacing with the land. He invites us to walk through the Doorway to Eternity, and then back again to help bring all of Earth and humanity through. If something about this possibility resonates within your soul and you feel the urge to explore it further, please check out,, or Introductory programs are offered worldwide, but the final “jumpstart” at this point is only being offered by Kalki and his direct disciples in India. Kalki promises that anyone who comes with serious intent will become enlightened. A major aspect of this work right now is the construction of a “Shakti Sthal”, or Temple of Light, built according to the principles of "vaastu" (vedic sacred geometry). It is expected to be completed early in 2004, and will hold up to 8000 people meditating together at any one time to build a continuous wave of unity consciousness in the world. Once this project begins it will greatly accelerate and focus the work, and people will be able to get enlightened much faster. A lot of positive change will begin to happen in the world from then onwards, promises Kalki. I had a dream recently, which reveals to me what this unity consciousness might look like. I am at a birthday party. It is my sister's birthday and she is six years old today, and in the dream I am also my sister and experiencing the magic and wonder of everything around me directly through her eyes. I feel how much she adores me, and I am so touched I want to cry. I live through an entire day through her eyes, and then I find myself in the body of my grandmother when she was still alive. Again, I see all the familiar relationships from a totally different perspective. I touch her pain, I touch her love, and I realize I am seeing her like I've never seen her before. The dream continues all night long. I shape shift and feel myself becoming all the people that are important to me, family, friends, loved ones, even people I don’t know in other periods of history and other lands. Soon I learn that I can be in any one incarnation and shape shift in and out of various people at will. I become aware of the unchanging wheel of life that holds still as the players change. I see that everyone wants the same things, and that the only common connection is love. I see myself as no longer identified with myself as a personality, but as the One Presence, incarnate in any or all of these personalities simultaneously, and extending throughout the planet. I awoke from the dream feeling great waves of love. It felt like a prelude to the enlightened state. Love is as simple as seeing through another's eyes, and knowing that we are the same. There is only one Mind, and beyond that, only one Self. If each human glimpsed a tiny fraction of this through direct experience, could we ever go to war or hurt each other or any aspect of the One Presence ever again? This is the love I have felt from Sri Kalki. I feel so grateful to know that he is here on Earth. I feel he is a genuine avatar, perhaps one of the greatest avatars of all time. In his ability to bestow the gift of direct experience to anyone seeking to know themselves, his advent represents a grand unification of all religions and spiritual traditions. As the beginning of the Golden Age draws near, his mission is to help enlighten not just a few but the entire world. “Humanity is entering the most crucial phase of its existence,” says Kalki. “The coming decade shall witness the most unprecedented and undreamt of changes in the course of its long evolution. There is nothing much humanity can do about it other than to understand the changes that are overpowering it. Towards the end, humanity will enter a new age – the Golden Age!” ---------------------- If any of you wish to follow up, please begin by checking out the websites listed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 2004 Report Share Posted April 7, 2004 hi, please see this website and you all will understand what is kalki bhagawan and what is his mission. thanks kishore Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kishore Posted April 7, 2004 Report Share Posted April 7, 2004 hi, please see this web site you all will understand what is kalki bhagawan and his mission according to our vedas. please go throw the site and if you have questions ask me without any hesitations. thanks kishore Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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