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Kshatriya Developments in Fiji and Carribean

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The Secretary General of the Sanatana Dharma Maha Sabha Inc., (SDMS)

Shri Satnarayan Maharaj has called upon Hindus in Trinidad “to sing

their battle songs” in defense of Sanatana Dharma and has issued a six

point Charter of Protection for the protection of Hindus and Hindu

property like mandirs, schools and communities in Trinidad and Tobago.

This action of the SDMS has come about following the latest act of

desecration against a Hindu mandir in Malick, San Juan, where the Hindu

mandir was broken into and sacred icons stolen. The Secretary General of

the SDMS made this position public at an open air Hindu meeting on

October, 3, 2000 at Barrackpore in south Trinidad. In recent times

several Hindu mandirs have been violated, criticism of the presence of

Hindu jhandis at public places following Divali functions, attempt to

uproot these Hindu jhandis and in fact this was done, and vicious

ideological campaigns by exclusivist groups openly designed to uproot

and destroy Sanatana Dharma – they actually openly proclaim their

anti-Hindu agenda.


The aim of this article is to argue that what is required is both an

ideological defense of Hindu society and Sanatana Dharma which is as

important as the physical defense of Hindus in this country. As such

one must fully support the SDMS Charter of Protection but also go beyond

this in being clear about the ideological work which is necessary. In

fact, when one can properly ideologically defend oneself this can serve

to prevent physical attacks since the enemy would be fully aware that

one is aware of what is taking place and one is also fully prepared. One

is also positing that the World Hindu Conference, 2000, failed to

seriously address issues pertaining to the Hindu presence, and was

devoid of Hindu ideology.


Hindu societies are under siege in India and in areas where the Hindu

presence has been established as a result of migration of Hindus from

India over the last few hundred years. One must be aware of Hindu

History in order to be fully grounded for the ideological defense of

Sanatana Dharma. Bharatavarsha (India) was subjected to a most brutal

invasion by Islamic armies beginning with the invasion of Sindh in 712

AD. For several hundred years Islamic armies of occupation plundered

India. From the sixteenth century European imperialists established a

presence in India. Even when freedom for India was obtained in 1947 it

was in a truncated India with the imperial prescription for internal

warfare between India and Pakistan, the legacy of Islamic imperialism in

Bharatavarsha. The condition of Sanatana Dharma was extremely difficult

in India since the leaders of independent India were for the main part

hostile to Hindu society and look to Europe for models to organise and

direct Indian society and economy.


Thus today Hindu Indians are the most discriminated people in India. In

Kashmir, for example, several hundred thousands of Kashmiri Hindus have

been driven out of the Kashmir valley by Islamic terrorists and are now

refugees in various parts of India. In the Northeast States of India

Hindu Indians are subjected to violence and discrimination because in

these states Indian who control the state governmental apparatus are

Christians. In West Bengal and Kerala, Indians committed to communist

thought system control the government and openly discriminate against

Hindu Indians. In the Organiser Weekly (1/10/2000 p. 7) it was

reported that hundred of thousands of Hindus used the occasion of ONAM,

the most important festival in Kerala, to protest “the Communist Party

(Marxist) Government and police harrassment and intimidation of Hindu

organisations by implementing false cases and torturing the arrested

(Hindus) in gross violation of all accepted norms of organisational

freedom and Human Rights.” This is routine in India. It is well known

that Hindu mandirs are controlled by state governments which the

religious buildings of other groups and minorities are not interfered

with. Hindu educational establisments do not receive equal treatment

with those of other minorities. Even in foreign policy Saudi Arabia

demands that the India ambassador must be a Muslim and this is complied

with and Indian Muslims are assisted by the government with their

pilgrimage to Makkah. Of course, Hindus are not accepting this state of

affairs and are actively engaged in the defense of Hindu society in all



Indians migrated to the Caribbean and other areas of the British Empire

as a result of the domination of India, and the weakness of India as a

result of a thousand years of domination. Several million Hindus were

killed, enslaved and exported out of India during Islamic imperial

conquest of India. The Hindu Holocaust is one area of Indian history

Indians do not like torecall and address. The many millions Indians who

adhere to Islam, Christianity, Communism and other exclusivist thought

systems are a legacy of this history. For Indian indentured workers and

their descendants it was expected that they would be christianised,

anglicised and eventually be assimilated and absorbed into the existing

imperial society. A well designed programme by the Roman Catholic,

Anglican and Presbyterian et al establishments working with the

plantation owners, was implemented to bring this about. The educational

system operated by these denominational organisations and later the

state,(colonial and neo-colonial (independent) state), are instruments

in this agenda. The mass media is engaged in this information war

against Hndus and Indians. Indians have put up a successful defense and

only limited successes were obtained so much so that even the most

successful effort by the Presbyterian Church, with their many primary

and secondary schools, have failed miserably and this organisation is

now in deep crisis. In fact, many Presbyterian are now returning to

their dharmic roots and are now emerging to be even defenders of Indian

civilisational presence here.


It is with background in mind that one must read David Frawley’s paper A

Call For An Intellectual Kshatriya (1997) and use some of the points

raised to direct Hindu action. He suggests that in this age of the

information revolution and in a mass media dominated society “the front

line of the battle in the world today is no longer on any particular

battlefield with the exchange of bullets or bombs. It lies now in the

media and in the information field.” And in this information war a

“different kind of warrior is necessary and a different strategy is

required.” It is well known that in the Caribbean Hindus and Indians

have failed to really “create a defense for their culture in the media.”

As Frawley stated: “Each culture has its intellectual defenders. These

are its great thinkers who articulate its cultural values. These

intellectual defenders serve to challenge negative views of the culture.

They also serve to present a more favourable image of the culture and

define its future. Hindus traditionally had their Kshatriya or warrior

class to defend them. There has always been an intellectual Kshatriya

as well, those who defend the culture from attack in the realm of ideas,

which usually precedes or accompanies physical attack.” In the

Caribbean the first challenge was to establish an Hindu and Indian

presence here and to preserve this presence, to preserve Sanatana

Dharma. This was largely an internal matter for the Hindu society. No

attempt was made to go beyond the Hindu community, to be expansive. In

fact, when Hindus become socially active or operated in the world of

work they normally do not do so as Hindus openly and challenge

anti-Hindu expressions. Now this is changing.


It is a fact, other than routine and ritualistic preservation of

elements of Sanatana Dharma in Trinidad an Hindu and Indian

intelligentsia is absent, especially at the university level. Many

educated Hindus and Indians quickly abandon Hinduism and imbibe and even

advocate thought systems hostile to Hinduism. Most of our politicians

in the Caribbean are of this ilk the most notable example was Dr Cheddi

Jagan. They never looked within their tradition for inspiration or

direction and educated Hindus do not attempt to really think Hindu and

look at issues from an Hindu and Indian point of view, or to develop

this where it is lacking. For many of them Hindu means the strictly

religious and must be confined and limited in its reach. The challenge

facing the Hindu world in Bharatavarsha (India) and the Hindus and

Indians in the Caribbean has been outlined by Frawley: “Hindus must

create a new intelligentsia that has the power to overcome and absorb

the alienated and Western dominated intellectuals…Hindus must project an

intellectual view that is articulate and compelling. They must bring the

influence of Sanatana Dharma to the intelligentsia of the world. …A true

Kshatriya will help and lead, giving a positive direction for others to

follow, not merely appease and accommodate in order to gain popularity.

A true Kshatriya is devoted to dharma and cannot be won over by name,

fame and influence or money.”


Koenraad Elst in his book “Ayodhya And After: Issues Before Hindu

Society” (1997) observed that “except for disinterested and esoterical

studies of the past, there is no academic articulation of the Hindu

approach to any relevant issuue” that there is no “Hindu ideology that

can stand up to the modern world.” He suggests that Hindu

“intellectuals have to create an intellectual climate in which the

aspiration of Hindu society can be put forward as a realistic political

as well as cultrual programme” and that “Hindu intellectuals should

address the modern world and show the world that there is nothing

shameful in looking at world affairs from the Hindu angle.”


David Frawley is suggesting the same: “An intellectual Kshatriya must

not merely be defensive but creative and expansive. It must project a

positive view of Hindu Dharma and give it a futuristic vision. Its

purpose is not merely to adjust present or historical wrongs but chart

out a new direction for all to follow….” As such, “an intellectual

Kshatriya must be based upon deep thought. It cannot be developed

through mere rhetoric, character assassination, or slogans. It requires

not only a well thought out critique but a positive program of action.

It requires not only a Hindu examination of religion, science and

politics, but the creation of a Hindu alternative to existing systems.

It also requires a model for revitalizing Hindu society itself.”

Frawley further called upon Hindu groups “to cultivate and honour their

intellectual Kshatriya, which not only includes listening to them but

promoting their views, and funding their work if necessary. They must

stop hiding in thee veil of spirituality and allowing the forces of

adharma to rule the world…”


The Hindu Writers’ Forum, Trinidad and Tobago, is an attempt to develop

this Hindu path and to produce the Hindu Kshatriya in this country and



Kamal Persad

October, 6, 2000 e-mail: kampande @tstt.net.tt


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Does anybody have a link to the Intellectual Kshatriya article? i have tried to do a search but cannot find a direct source. Although I have found articles speaking highly of David Frawley and this article but cannot find the original!


Hari Krsna!

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<< The Secretary General of the Sanatana Dharma Maha Sabha Inc., (SDMS) Shri Satnarayan Maharaj has called upon Hindus in Trinidad “to sing their battle songs” in defense of Sanatana Dharma >>


I totally agree with the above call.

I further say that HK's are Hindus simply because vaishnavism is a major part of sanatana dharna or varnasrama dharma.


I would also say that the call is not for just the hindus living in trinidad but for all the hindus of the world, inclding india where most hindus live. The hindus of bharat varsha need to feel pain when any hindu any where in the world is hurt or attaked or if the hindu culture and religious infrastructure is attacked. if the hindu fail to unite in this manner, then it will not survive for long and every tom dick and harry will kick any hindu anywhere in the world.


The Chief Secretary of USAF Gen. Jumper has recommended books to airmen to read, the books that he says will shape the strategic decisions of US for future. One of the book is - War at the top of the world by Eric Margolis.

Eric has misrepresented Hindus and Hinduims in his book, and

the book gives very wrong and bad impression to US airmen. This promotes misguided subtle discrimation. Therefore I request all Hindu org.s of the world to protest against this.


Unite, and dharma will win;

disuite, and dharma will loose against the asuras.


jai sri krishna! - madhav










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For Indian indentured workers and their descendants it was expected that they would be christianised, anglicised and eventually be assimilated and absorbed into the existing imperial society. A well designed programme by the Roman Catholic, Anglican and Presbyterian et al establishments working with the plantation owners, was implemented to bring this about. The educational system operated by these denominational organisations and later the state,(colonial and neo-colonial (independent) state), are instruments in this agenda



my parents & grandparents are from trinidad & they said bible school was mandatory for them
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