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Islam is intolerant

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Hindu and Islam can never win over each other,both will be at loggerheads as long as this planet exists. Hinduism is such a great religion but it is not practised properly. .we give more importance to blind rituals instead of understanding the real meaning of these rituals. Also the common man is completely unaware about the existence of the Upanishads and is comfortable only with religious stories

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<< Hindu and Islam can never win over each other,both will be at loggerheads as long as this planet exists.>>


No. There will not be Islam on this earth one day.


The Hare Krishnas are vaishnavs and so they are hindus.

They know the religion well and parctice well.

Soon, the Hindus of India will also know and practice dharma well.


jai sri krishna! - madhav


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Islam would leave from this universe....

Hinduism would forever in this world....

Our Lord Krishna is the Supreme God...no one can change ...


Jai Krishna.....Hare Krishan....

Jai Sri Krishna....

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Allah is none other than Krishna. The real religion is not Hindu, Muslim, Christianity, etc. But the real thing is love for God i.e., Sanatana Dharma, Whether it is Allah or Rama, or Krishna, Prayer will ultimately reach Krishna only, but due to ignorance that Allah is Krishna, Muslims will not reach godhead but will be born as so-called muslims again. A devout muslim following the 4 regulative principles will become a Krishna Conscious devotee in the next life and will get a chance to go back home back to godhead.

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I agree that common man is almost completely unaware of the one reality of which vedas speak. However, the hindu stories about Gods are very important because they promote bhakthi.


Bhakthi is essential and is a necessity for a true spiritual seeker. If there is no bhakthi, there is no true happiness and that is a fact.


I think once you gain bhakthi, then you don't need anything else.

The reason we learn about the "one reality" is to promote loving kindness toward that principle, if this does not develop then what is the use of such knowledge?


So, I think these stories are more important than upanishads which are really long and boring.


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<< Allah is none other than Krishna. >>

Have you convinced this to any muslim?

Why not try to Ben ladin and wahabis?


<< But the real thing is love for God i.e., Sanatana >>


Muslims's love for allah makes them kill or convert all teh non muslims. gita/krishna does not tach anything like it.



<< Dharma, Whether it is Allah or Rama, or Krishna, Prayer will ultimately reach Krishna only,>>


no muslims or . will believe this.

and they are very active to wipe out sanatana dharma.

what you would do?



<< A devout muslim following the 4 regulative principles will become a Krishna Conscious devotee in the next life and will get a chance to go back home back to godhead. >>


No. a devout muslim must kill or convert others after ramdan. do HK's kill or convert after janmastami?

the point is: koran and gita are totally at opposite poles.

to say both are same (only a hindu says so) deludes hindus, only not musmims, not xians. and the result is that hindus keep tolerating these asuric people. we do not have to.

NO MORE. krishna say clearly what to do with the asuras.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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<< Bhakthi is essential >>


yes, for the hindus.


muslims are bhaktas of allah or koran.

that does not help in any way to the world.


jai sri krishna! -madhav



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Why should we go and teach the muslims? If it is written in their destiny that they should convert into a KC devotee then they will surely become a KC devotee. Thakura Haridasa was a devout Muslim, but ultimately he chanted the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra 3,00,000 times a day! Did any one had to convince him? Why should we stoop to their levels to convince them to force others to become KC?


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<< Why should we go and teach the muslims? If it is written in their destiny that they should convert into a KC devotee then they will surely become a KC devotee. >>


if we don't they will keep on killing us hindu sand other non muslims and will keep on invading and occupying othres' lands.


also krishna says:


na cha tasmAn manushyaeshu kashchin me priya krittamah

bhavitA na cha me tamAd anyah priyataro bhuvi


gita 18-69


This is the benefit of preaching to interested.

So, first, the muslims must be made interested,

one way or other. else we will suffer from the barbarians in this life and in our homes and lands.


also, they have not become muslims by intelligent choice of religion. their parents produced children like pigs and enforced islam on them. HK's on the other hand have chosen KC very intelligently and by free choice. in contrast a muslim is not allowed to quit islam. if he does, then koran says he/she must be killed. they are in darkest ignorance. if no one cares to enlighten them, then all non muslims will suffer death and destructions.


jai sri krishna! - madhav



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sri madan v rao ji,

my humble responses are below.


<< And on what basis you say that we are hindus? >>


- madan rao and madhav are hindu names.

- this is hindu forum

- i assume you are not a muslim or .. you are probably born in india or in a hindu family (or you are cheating here.)

- hindu is one who accepts the authority of the vedas and lives by it. gita is the summary of the vedas, and hindus' book is gita. i assume you do not hate krishna, nor do i.


<< How can the muslims kill us? >>


- by sowrds, knives, ka-47's, and bombs, poison, arson, etc. do you not know the history of constant invasions of the muslims in hindustan since year 990 or so?

- they kill us because koran says them to do it.

- if you do not belive it, then go in pakistan or saudi arabia and chant a mantra in street. then see what happens to you. why go else where. go in a muslims' dense location in any big city in india and see what treatment you get.

visit http://www.hinduunity.org and see pictures how they kill us.


<< I think you are identifying yourself with your body and not the soul. >>


are you eating everyday? if so then you are identifying with your body. soul never gets hungry for food.

body is a tool for moksha, bhakti. no body, no chance of doing bhakti in this world.

are muslims identifying with the soul?

what makes you love muslims, hindu killers?


<< Why should we be afraid of the muslims when Krishna is there to protect us. >>


krishna is not our servant.

(is he your servant?)

if you do not belive this, then

go in front of a nearby mosque and tell loudly that allah is not god but satan. then see if krishna comes and protects you. come here if you stay alive and tell your experience.


if krishna does everything for us, then we do not have to do anything. you do not have to come here and make any posts either.


jai sri krishna! -madhav

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Hare Krishna Guest,


I think you might not have read the Science of Self Realisation, where Srila Prabhupada clearly says why we are called hindus. We are basically called hindus because we are on the other (eastern) side of the river Sindhu. Because the Pakis were not able to pronounce the word Sindhu properly, we are called by them as Hindus. Before the advent of Islam, or Christianity or even Buddhism, what were we called as? Please go to the origin of the word Hindu. Islam had a founder, Christianity had a founder, Buddhism had a founder, but who founded Hinduism? Vedas are to be read only by those who sincerely love Krishna. Basically if you say that I am a Hindu, I am a Christian, I am a Muslim, etc. that means you are identifying yourself with your body.


Yes, we are eating good food (or as our soul desires) to maintain our body given by Krishna and so that we can get enough energy to serve Him. We actually get our bodies according to our past desires and it is absolutely necessary for us to maintain it. That is one of the reasons why non-veg food is forbidden - (prime reason, because all living entities have a soul and we incur sin if we kill them) as all non-veg foods are carcinogenic.


It is our prime duty to love Krishna that's all. But somewhere down the line especially if you see only after Kaliyuga started all different kinds of faiths emanated


The basic reason for this may be because the lower castes felt that they had the necessary intelligence to behave like Brahmanas and they did not get the opportunity to behave like Brahamanas and that is why they must have got frustrated and started various types of faiths. These different types of faiths have started only after the advent of Kaliyuga and look what a mess they have made.


Lord Buddha who was the incarnation of Lord Sri Krishna advocated the philosophy of voidism, why because when he stepped out of his palace, he saw only miseries everywhere.


Why did Lord Jesus Christ say at the time of his crucifixtion "Oh Lord, Forgive them for they know not what they are doing". This means Jesus Christ accepted that he was the son of Krishna.


If our devotion to Krishna is as sincere as Prahlad's devotion to Krishna, then Krishna will definitely protect us, and why not. It is because we are not sincere in our devotion to Krishna we feel "Why should he protect us? Is he our servant" Just leave everything in the hands of Krishna and do your duty, that's all is required - nothing else. Krishna knows what you need, so there is nothing to be afraid of.


Hare Krishna

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madan rao ji,


i know well the origin of the word hindu.

the fact is that hindu is a new name accepted worldwide for a sanatana dhari or varnasrami. hinduism is a new mane for varnasram dharma (that includes vaishnavas too).

becaue it is a new name it is obvious that it is not mentioned in any scriptures. no muslim or . calles himself a hindu even when he is born in bharatvarsha.


bhagavatam describes how paakhand dharmas were made.

islam or . are not created by shudra class of hindus.

the poitn is that they exist and are bitter enemy of hinduism. so, we need to fight to keep them under check.

else they will drive out hinduism from india.


<<If our devotion to Krishna is as sincere as Prahlad's devotion to Krishna, then Krishna will definitely protect us, and why not. It is because we are not sincere in our devotion to Krishna we feel "Why should he protect us? Is he our servant" Just leave everything in the hands of Krishna and do your duty, that's all is required - nothing else. Krishna knows what you need, so there is nothing to be afraid of.>>


islamist's devotion to allah sincere.

they do not tell that allah will kill all the kafirs.

they say that allah or mohammed has said to kill kafirs. so they kill kafirs.


most people are not like parhlad but are karma yogis.

a karma yogi does for krishna what krishna has said in gita to do. now there is no instruction that every one must be like parhlad only.


muslims follow words in koran .

what is wrong for hindus in following the words in gita?


assuming you are a devotee with faith like prahpad,

are you able to:

- suvrive in boiling oil pan?

- jump from a cliff and survive?

- hold your breadth for an hour and survive?


if not, then your faith also is not like prahpad,

and therefore you cannot preach what you do not have.


some say we are the soul not the body.

ok, then why not go to pakis and have them kill all of us unamred and un resisting. they would love to kill us and go to islam'a haven, and we will go to haven while remembering krishna at the time when the sword hits our necks. do you think this is a good idea? in my view this is most foolish idea. what you say?



<< Why did Lord Jesus Christ say at the time of his crucifixtion "Oh Lord, Forgive them for they know not what they are doing". This means Jesus Christ accepted that he was the son of Krishna >>


have you met any . who agrees to this?

if not, what is the use of such interpretation?

it can only delude other hindus like you.


do you know how many times the xians have dragged Hk's to court since 1965? Why so? becasue you failed to convince them that jesus was a son of krishna. why tell non xians that jesus was a son of krishna?


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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Dear Guest,


Srila Prabhupada has said that if we are able to convince even one person about Krishna, then we would consider the ISKCON movement a success. The entire concept of ISKCON is to love Krishna, worship Krishna and above all teaches us tolerance.


In today's fanatical world of religions, it is very difficult for us to convince others about SP's philosophy as it is absolutely pure. Today people are used to many types of faiths which are (you can say) concocted and hence acceptance of pure religion is rather difficult.


Lord Chaitanya has thus given us the ultimate weapon of chanting the Maha Mantra for this age.


To tell you frankly, I am not a pure devotee of Krishna, I still have to understand Krishna properly and I have a long way to go. It may take many births for me to reach the level of Prahlad or not at all, I am only a one year old in this.


Violence is to be used only as a last resort and certainly not on fanatics. If you want to preach Krishna to fanatics, then god alone should save you.


So many Americans, Britains, Germans, etc. have joined ISKCON, why because they understood what is the real position of Jesus Christ and Krishna.


Plus, we have a muslim family friend who have left Islam for the sake of Krishna. They follow all the regulative principles and are regulars at the Bangalore ISKCON.


It is our duty therefore to present Krishna with grace and panache.


Hare Krishna

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<< The entire concept of ISKCON is to love Krishna, worship Krishna and above all teaches us tolerance. >>


True, but when terrorists are around and active,

this does not work. Time is for kshatriya spirit, not brahmana spirit that cools down kshatriyas. arjun was not a fanatic. was he in your view?


<<Lord Chaitanya has thus given us the ultimate weapon of chanting the Maha Mantra for this age.>>


It would work only when there is no terrorism.

Even in chantanya's time when there was not as much terrorism as it is now, chaitanya was about to invoke sudarshan against jagai and madhai. see, that is kshatria spirit. he fought non violently against the kazi who had banned sankirtana. that is kshatriya spirit.

so presently we need strong kshatriya spirit, not brahmana spirit to cool down kshatriyas. if no one fights, the asuras get free field to do their thing, and we suffer in our own homeland. and no gov. can fight terrorism alone. not possible. it needs full and active support of the polulation.


<<If you want to preach Krishna to fanatics, then god alone should save you.>>


all i wish is that every one should invoke their kshatriya spirit within them and fight - non violently, but violently if that is the only way left. to keep on suffering from the invader ideology is not acceptable. not a bit.


<< Plus, we have a muslim family friend who have left Islam for the sake of Krishna. They follow all the regulative principles and are regulars at the Bangalore ISKCON.>>


excellent! make sure that they are not acting as spies.

(koran or hadith tells then to spy.)

when it is determined that they are truely KC, and no more muslims, then encourage them to preach KC to muslims.

however, they should understand that krishna's message is clear in regards to how to treat asuras. they should not have any heart burn about kshatriyas fighting muslim asuras.

they should help expose islam, how barbaric it is.


bottom line: time is to preach krihna's message at this time. it is not right time to preach chaitanya's message when terrorism is all around lurking here and there.


if the asuras become 30 or 50 % in india, then it would be very difficult to keep the vedic culuture there. it is better time now to clean bharat of the invader hostile ideologies.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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i am pleased we could agree.


<< In today's age at the slightest provocation there is violence. That is the way society is progressing and call themselves advanced. >>


This fits much more well to islam than to hindus.


islam has killed us hindus without any provocations.

and we have behaved cowardly for a long time.


so now, if we react with kshatriya spirit to this inveder ideology in our own homeland, then it is not the influence of kali upon us but the influence of dharma (krishna's message) upon us.


would you agree?


jai sri krishna! -madhav






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Yes violence has to be applied, but it has to be applied from the position of strength. Violence has to be applied in such a way that those who are terrorising us should piss in their pants, but ask yourself are we in a position to do it now? Are you in a position to nuke pakistan and Afghanistan, with a view to terrorise the terrorists, if you are then go ahead.


If you go and tell Osama Bin Laden that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead then next moment you will reach Godhead /images/graemlins/grin.gif


Actually today religion has become a tool for violence. Everyone is involved in forcing one to his or her religion and if a person does not yield, he is killed. This is the way nowadays of preaching about various kinds of gods.


Basically God (Krishna) has to be understood by theory and practice and by anyone who is willing to learn and is submissive to Him.


But today we have so many fake gurus or tantrics who are fanatics and fool the public into believing that they are God, by showing them how to do difficult yogic asanas. Sai Baba is one such specimen. The amazing part is that people are getting fooled. You can only feel sorry for them.


Hare Krishna

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<< Are you in a position to nuke pakistan and Afghanistan, with a view to terrorise the terrorists, >>


i or you are not the gov.,

but in india we are majority, and those who support terrorism in india are minorty. every neighborhold in india has to be organized and active to curb/finish neighboring terrorits.


<< Everyone is involved in forcing one to his or her religion >>


we hindus dont. but we have every right to keep bharat free from the invader islam. there are many non violent ways to do it, but violence is last option too, according to dharma.


<< Basically God (Krishna) has to be understood by theory and practice and by anyone who is willing to learn and is submissive to Him. >>


yes, and i am saying we all hindus need to follow gita and cleanup bharat of islam.


<< But today we have so many fake gurus or tantrics who are fanatics and fool the public into believing that they are God, by showing them how to do difficult yogic asanas. Sai Baba is one such specimen. The amazing part is that people are getting fooled. You can only feel sorry for them.>>


yes, but we should not stop our efforts to help the hindus wake up.


hindus need to give up thining like:

- ham kya karega? kuchha nahi.

- hota hai, chalta hai.

- ham kuchha nahi kar sakte.

- vo kuchcha nahi karte to ham kya karega.


this thinking must stop.

every hindu can do something about it, small or big.


jai sri krishna! -madhav



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Yes, I agree we should not stop our efforts to help hindus wake up, but even among hindus, there is such a lot of confusion that some really do not know what is what or who is who.


I am the only person in my house who is a KC devotee and I am facing a problem where others deride me. When I told my dad about the science of soul, my dad said that there is no thing such as a soul! Could you believe this! Its shocking.


How do we convince people about Krishna who are by nature in Tamasic mentality?

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it is more likely that your parents are from the west,

and you are not born in a hindu famiy.

most hindus (vedic people) know the soul, and supersoul.


<< How do we convince people about Krishna who are by nature in Tamasic mentality? >>


with our own people we have to be gentle.

with agggresor enemy invader ieology holders

we need to be aggresive to ensure they do not bother us or our activities or destroy our religious infrastructure.

that is where we need kshatriya spirit in us.


all brutes and barbarians respect force and strength

becaue that is the only thing they have to convince any one anything.


jai sri ksishna! -madhav


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No, I am from Amchi Mumbai. It so happened that my father has lost faith in God. I do not blame him. It is because I was born with certain physical deficiencies and my parents undertook yatra of Udipi, Subramanya, etc for my sake. Then my mother passed away due to cancer and I myself was a problem child a very stubborn and a hard nut to crack, even now I am a hard nut to crack.


It took me 10 months after joining ISKCON to leave onions - reason being medical conditioning as onions are considered to be good for the heart and blood circulation - but at the end I cracked /images/graemlins/grin.gif


Hare Krishna

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dear madna rao,


i have my sympathy for you.

me ichchha karato ke tumala panduranga saghale sukha dile.

like that i know little bit of marathi.

you remind me of chhatrapati shivaji and swami ramdas.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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Please do not sympathise with me or any physically deficient person. This is not liked by any of us. Sorry to tell you this, but this is a fact. We dont want to be sympathised.


Marathi mala jaste mahit nahi, tari me thode bolayala prayatna karto.


Its just sad that I found English so easy that I neglected Marathi altogether and what a gift I got, I can read all Prabhupada's books which are written in easy understandable English.


Hare Krishna

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yes, i have heard that special people do not like to be sympathised. sorry that i mistakenly told what i really felt.


yes, prabhipada's english is easy and it is not purely perfect either, although it does ot miss teh messge intended. have you read sri aurobindo's books?

it is very difficult english, even rfor he english common people. some a sentnece is half a page long. it just dazzles, but the reader cannot learn. the so called philosophers feast on it in arm chair. howevver, i respect aurobindo. he was a very patriatic yogi.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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