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How come a religion be good when it is destryoing 2 different peoples love? I don't belive in any special religion, she does. I don't belive in her's religion, she don't like that I don't belive it/her.. What choice is it giving us then? Where is the love in the religion? Here it is stoping out love, cause she can't get out of it and I can't get into it. She might get more into is soon, and she might have to leave me more or less OR totaly to be better devotee and get closer to God. Where is the love in that from the Krishna way? Krishna took my love away!

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if you love krishna, then you would not think of marrying or dating one who is not krishna devotee. a marrige between two different cultures or religions work only when one eally does not care about his/her own religion, and does not hate the other's religion or culture.


krishna devotees do satsanga, not duhsanga.

love for krishna has higest priority over any other love.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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If the other person cannot love you along with your religion, then it is not true love. Krsna is helping you stay away from temperory attachments and leading you towards a more permament love. Of course when one is ready then one can forget all wordly attachment and love only Krsna.

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Why love a human being at all then? It's just waist of time to love a person when one can spend that love on krishna. I would feel like being un-faithfull to God if I give some selfishly to a person as I am living on this earth.

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good question.


vedic literature says:


matridevo bhava

pitridevo bhava

aacharya devo bhava

guru devo bhava



thus you have to love father, mother, aacharya, guru, brothers, sisters, relatives, children, servants, your motherland, etc. this love comes natural.


However, if they go against krishna and stop you from serving krishna, worshipping krishna, then there is no need to love them. justt pary that eventually they will become krishna conscious, but fight with them if they are doing asuric activities and hurting or killing krishna devotees or stopping them from serving krishna.

this message is clear from gita.


many saints have sung lines that mean:

give up association (attachment) with any one who stops you from serving and loving naaraayan (krishna.)


arjun loved dorna, bhishma, etc. but he killed them because krishna said that they must be killed because they took wrong side in the war. they took the side of adharma.


hope the point is clear to you now.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest


Hi dear


Please let me know about Krishan in simply way





Amila Munasinghe



Sri Lanka


Tel ; 094 777 646190


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<< How come a religion be good when it is destryoing 2 different peoples love?


what religion you are talking about?


<< I don't belive in any special religion, she does. I don't belive in her's religion, she don't like that I don't belive it/her.. >>


so? is she your mother or daughter?

what is your mutual relation?


<< What choice is it giving us then? >>


it (religion/ gita/ krishna) is giving you choices,

but are you both willing to listen?


<< Where is the love in the religion? Here it is stoping out love, cause she can't get out of it and I can't get into it. >>


if you can't get into religion (i assume you mean krishna bhakti) then why blame the religion for not helping you?

what is it that stops you from becoming a krishna devotee?


<< She might get more into is soon, and she might have to leave me more or less OR totaly to be better devotee and get closer to God. >>


she has her choice, just as you have yours.

if you are crazy enough about her, then listen her.

all have freedom to choose whom or what to love and not to love. love causes one to make a lot of sacrifices.

what sacrifices are you willing to do for her?


<< Where is the love in that from the Krishna way? Krishna took my love away! >>


this is like a thief accusing the judge.


if you love her, then thru her you can reach krishna if not by your own strength. if you want to take away her freedom to love krishna, then you are really not loving her, you want to enslave her.


since the beginning of time krishna has been known to steal hearts of people. once you lost your heart to krishna, it is not possible for you to give away krishna for anyone else or anything else.


so, when a boy and a girl both loose their hearts to krishna, then the bond between them two would be so divine and joyous, nothing compares against it.


a parrot loves fruits, and is vegetarian.

a crow loves to eat human waste.

these two cannot live together.


what would you say if a crow says, "i love this parrot, but her love for fruits has made her hate me the . eater, and i cannot eat fruits?"


a crow can definitely find another crow mate.

everyone, including you have the power to choose.

you just need right intelligence to make a right choice.


wishing you best for both of you.


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if you are asking the 'guest' who made the thread post,

he cannot, but his girl friend can.


simply put krishna is the supreme god.

his word/advice/ knowledge he gave us is in gita, and it is only 700 verses. that is the dharma for all the mankind of all times and places. it is universal.


you may read gita at


or other web sites.


krishna appeared in india 5000 or so years ago, and he appeared as rama (who killed ravana of lanka) some milleniums ago before krishna appeared.


does this help?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like there is no real love between both of you. If she loves you more than anything is this world she would not bother about her religion and so would you. Religion is a path to righteous and if both of you love each other truely surley you could compromise on the religion but most important is do both of you truely love each other to the extend of sacrificing anything for that matter? If not than it only infatuation. It is better for both to part as friends than lovers. In love nothing should come in between,religion, money, parents or society. These are the enemies of love among lovers. Committment must be the utmost important factor in both and there should be no regrets.

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