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Students wants to use calculator(A problem)

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I think that, students wants to use calculator because their base of mathematics (addition, subtraction, division or multiplication) is not too strong. They can do simple calculatation but when it become large they think calculator is better option but they does not think about that this calculator is invented by human itself. Calculation using conventional methods is really hard to perform when it is long for eg. square of 23847639 or (23874908*789432879).

Above calculation will take a lot of time and it is not necessary that final answer will be accurate. Some students leaves the problem incomplete due to long calculation. At this time calculator is the better option because of its efficiency and fastness.


But students should not be autherised to bring with calculator in examination. It is not good to depend upon machines. It will decrease their mind power.


So what is the alternative. I can suggest an alternative and that is Vedic Mathematics or a resource(www.magicalmethods.com) where it is available. Vedic Mathematics provides various shortcuts to make long calculation short. One can calculate 10 to 15 times faster if he knows Vedic Mathematics. Math Teachers should learn first these techniques and then teach students so that they can calculate much easy and faster ,if they really want to make student to ignore calculator.

Causes of using calculator:

Students always resort to pen and paper everytime they came across a calculation.

They resort to finger counting everytime they need to calculate the answer.

They face calculation nightmare.

They leaves the problem incomplete due to long calculation.

solving physics and chemistry numerical takes more than desired time.

Calculation Speed Builder for Students as well as Teachers(SHYSCSB): Available at www.magicalmethods.com Which uses the Powess of famous Vedic Mathematics which has been designed specially for students who r weak in calculation. It systematically takes the students through the speed building process. Going through the package would help help students to gain substantially. They would be able to solve numerals much faster.


Web based support would help in understanding where and how they can apply it w.r.t Physics and chemistry numericals and how they can make long calculation short.


I am a teacher and know Vedic Mathematics very well. I am from india which is the orign of Vedic Mathematics .


So I think Vedic Mathematics is the final solution above the discussion. What You Think?


Macder magicalmethods rashak_naidu@hotmail.com

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but, you should be taught it from the beginning. i am an engineer and to be honest, i only use my cclculator for just simple mathematics. for instance, although the calculator that i have can execute and figure many different calculations from calculus to trig to graphing to probability, i just use it when i have to add, subtract, multiply or divide big numbers. sometimes when i do the long calculations by hand (ie addition or subtraction), i kinda get lost and forget what the main problem was.


yes, i believe that if i was taught vedic mathematics at an earlier age, learning math would not have been as hard/ difficult as it was. futhermore, i would have sharper skills as well. vedic mathimatics in my opinion stresses the importance of numerical digits. you have to understand the ones, ten, hundreds, thousands place so you know where you have to carry the excess. the way they teach us in school, they just say what is really going on then you just have to follow the patterns. the concept is lost.


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