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Moksa, always detramental, always impersonal?

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It seems that in many places it is described that to accept moksa is spiritual suicide.Merging with Brahman takes away ones ability to serve Krsna, Ive heard it explained that that is because when a jiva merges they lose theyre senses and mind so they cannot cultivate Krsna Concioussness.But what about when one relizes Brahman while in a body before death?Cant they advance to pure devotional service?Also Srila Prabhupada explains that pure devotional service is the purified activities of a liberated soul. So how does one achieve pure bhakti without first accepting moksa?

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moksha for advaitis is merging with brahman.

that is spiritual suicied for vaishnavas.


when a vaishnava (devotee) gets moksha,

then after, if he is here, he will do everything for krishna only, and for His devotees only. when he quits the body, he goes in golok vrindavan spiritual planet where as a liberated soul, he constantly engages in loving service of krishna.


hope it helps.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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