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the major COMMON belief of hinduism and of all schools in the general opinion connected with him... is that we are "spirit" and the body is only a dress that we change within this life and the next according our desires and behaviour...

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no, but with the realization of truths.


there is sun. it is our direct experience.

it is not a matter of belief.

the truths realized by rishis, yogis and saints are taken as truth, and a hindu lives by that truths.


when one's mother says, "this is your father,"

then that is the truth passed down from mother to child.

it is not a matter of belief, but a matter of truth.


a remarkable thing about hinduism is that

it does not enforce these truths upon others,

like islam does or xians do.

this is tolerance.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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a remarkable thing about hinduism is that

it does not enforce these truths upon others,

<<<but you are doig a good job for reverting this statement (are you thinking everyday of how muslims and christians (why Xians? X for christ? you do not like christ?)? if you do like that at the death moment you will become a . or a muslim!!!)


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  • 2 weeks later...

plz help me im doing ur religion and i need to know what celebrations you have

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Hare Krishna,


What is your age ?


Some hints. Try doing a google search.




1. Deepawali(Rows of light)

2. Nava Ratri

3. Kartika

4. Pongal in South India


There are so many even we Hindus do not know.

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'krishna to bhagavan swayam'


Lord KRSNA Vishnu is the Supreme Personality Of Godhead.




September 24, 1968, Seattle


Interviewer: What are other major beliefs besides love, understanding of Krsna, understanding of oneself, which you would like to impart to me?

Prabhupada: Love is the basic principle of Krsna consciousness, and love is the basic principle of all our activities. So love is there, dormant, but that love is not being properly utilized. So Krsna consciousness is the movement to revive that original love and the original person with whom that loving transaction can be executed.



There you are in a nut-shell love is the goal of life.

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  • 8 months later...


Hinduism is the major religion of India, practiced by more than 80% of the population. In contrast to other religions, it has no founder. Considered the oldest religion in the world, it dates back, perhaps, to prehistoric times.


No single creed or doctrine binds Hindus together. Intellectually there is complete freedom of belief, and one can be monotheist, polytheist, or atheist. Hinduism is a syncretic religion, welcoming and incorporating a variety of outside influences.


The most ancient sacred texts of the Hindu religion are written in Sanskrit and called the Vedas (vedah means “knowledge”). There are four Vedic books, of which the Rig-Veda is the oldest. It discusses multiple gods, the universe, and creation. The dates of these works are unknown (1000 B.C.?). Present-day Hindus rarely refer to these texts but do venerate them.


The Upanishads (dated 1000–300 B.C.), commentaries on the Vedic texts, speculate on the origin of the universe and the nature of deity, and atman (the individual soul) and its relationship to Brahman (the universal soul). They introduce the doctrine of karma and recommend meditation and the practice of yoga.


Further important sacred writings include the Epics, which contain legendary stories about gods and humans. They are the Mahabharata (composed between 200 B.C. and A.D. 200) and the Ramayana. The former includes the Bhagavad-Gita (Song of the Lord), an influential text that describes the three paths to salvation. The Puranas (stories in verse, probably written between the 6th and 13th centuries) detail myths of Hindu gods and heroes and also comment on religious practice and cosmology.


According to Hindu beliefs, Brahman is the principle and source of the universe. This divine intelligence pervades all beings, including the individual soul. Thus the many Hindu deities are manifestations of the one Brahman. Hinduism is based on the concept of reincarnation, in which all living beings, from plants on earth to gods above, are caught in a cosmic cycle of becoming and perishing.


Life is determined by the law of karma—one is reborn to a higher level of existence based on moral behavior in a previous phase of existence. Life on earth is regarded as transient and a burden. The goal of existence is liberation from the cycle of rebirth and death and entrance into the indescribable state of moksha (liberation).


The practice of Hinduism consists of rites and ceremonies centering on birth, marriage, and death. There are many Hindu temples, which are considered to be dwelling places of the deities and to which people bring offerings. Places of pilgrimage include Benares on the Ganges, the most sacred river in India. Of the many Hindu deities, the most popular are the cults of Vishnu, Shiva, and Shakti, and their various incarnations. Also important is Brahma, the creator god. Hindus also venerate human saints.


Orthodox Hindu society in India was divided into four major hereditary classes: (1) the Brahmin (priestly and learned class); (2) the Kshatriya (military, professional, ruling, and governing occupations); (3) the Vaishya (landowners, merchants, and business occupations); and (4) the Sudra (artisans, laborers, and peasants). Below the Sudra was a fifth group, the Untouchables (lowest menial occupations and no social standing). The Indian government banned discrimination against the Untouchables in the constitution of India in 1950. Observance of class and caste distinctions varies throughout India.


In modern times work has been done to reform and revive Hinduism. One of the outstanding reformers was Ramakrishna (1836–1886), who inspired many followers, one of whom founded the Ramakrishna mission. The mission is active both in India and in other countries and is known for its scholarly and humanitarian works.




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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

hindusm is dharma, not a religion like others with a set of beliefs that you accept or reject.


it tells about the spiritual truths.

it does not matter whether you belive it or not, the truths do not change (like gravity is there whether you believe it or not).


this dharma is for the all the people of all the time and places, but because it is kept and followed and understood best by the people of india (the Vedic people), it is mistakenly thougt as it is India's. But any non-hindu most likely cannnot undersstand it correctly unless a hindu spiritual master explains it to them.


it is with us since the time of cretion.

it is not manmade.

hindus do not have interest in any manmade religion.

it give a lot of freedom of thought and action.

one gets happiness or suffers due to wht he does. if actions are done in accordance with the spiritual laws,

one moves closer to god, else stays where he is or moves away from god.


hindus can think of god and his/her abode in a variety of ways, each way is valid and proven true.


hope it helps.

if you hate hinduism,

then do not talk about it to any one.

we have no interest, then to tell about it either.

a hindu has no interest to convert any one.

a he/she will not appreciate any attempt by other

to ceonvert him/her.



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