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Why did Hitler use Hindu symbols in his quest to gain power?

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Why did he use the Schwastika and pervert Hindu ideals such as being Aryan?


Also, I've read some stuff from Dalits that talk about Rama as an Aryan invader who subjugated the Dalits and made them his slaves. They describe Hinduism as a very racially biased religion.


Are any of the claims by the Dalits true? Why do they talk about Hinduism like that, if there is no basis for such thoughts?


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so please don't think my comments are inflammatory, or are for inflammatory purposes. I just want to know why the Dalits think the way they do, as I was talking to a friend about Hitler and how he perverted Hindu terms such as "aryan". I want to know why Dalits think that Hinduism is so racial, and how it came to be known that way.

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I donno if there is any need to Complain at all.


Dalits have a reservation for College admissions, Jobs, promotions etc. This means, they need not study, they need not work but still outrun a meritorius and deserving canditate from the so called upper castes.


Dalits are protected by law. Assume you are a boss and a dalit works for you. Assume you ask him to work, he can go to a nearest police station and if he complains that he is being discriminated because he is a Dalit, the Police immediately can arrest you without any orders. Thats one of the reasons why most of the administrators in India fail to take a solid decision.


A dalit student even if he just passes the exams can get an admission to a prestigious college even when others have scored much higher marks, thanks to reservation policies in education.


What else do they want?


Do they want an annihiliation of the so called upper castes? Is it not a sign of hypocracy as to who is getting discriminated against?


In Bihar Lalloo made his own shakaracharyas, they were all dalits. Does he ever care what makes a shankaracharya? How much penance is involved? How much sacrifice is involved? Its not a joke. The only thing they have in mind is, ok Brahmans have this, why not we? They are simply not aware of the sacrifices brahmans have made.


To give you a small example, Tamil language had a MahaKavi ( great poet) called Subrahmanya Bharathi, just because of the reason he was a brahman, he and his works were not given importance by the Government of tamilnadu. Bharathi's poems were a terror in the hearts of the britishers, and he proved pen is mightier thatn sword. Where as people like periyar who have done nothing worthless are being rememberd and garlanded. Now gentlemaen tell me who discriminates against who?


Dalits are being controlled by a bunch of lunatics in India and as long as they keep listening to them, they can never be liberated.


And they have not seen Apartheid, or the racism in other countries, or the negroes of America so they can talk whatever they want. This is Kaliyuga and the brahmans have little power.

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The Dalits are a poeple who are descended from Africans who were enslaved and brought to India. I have read articles about them and it seems that they are assimilated and hindu.

But they are a small group who are impoverished,and oppressed.


As a note,we dont say "negroes" we say either black people,or African,or as in the case of the US,African-American.

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Hitler using Hindu symbols is akin to usama using islam for his personal gains. People use everything to come to power.Why blame a religion for that?


Rama invading dalits is crazy.In ramayan it is said that "every citizen of ayodhya wept for ram and followed him to forest when he was in exile".That every citizen includes dalith.


Rama valued his dalith citizens a lot.Did he not send his lovely wife, mother seetha, to forest since a washerman found fault with her?


THis shows what respect dalits carried as citizens in ayodhya

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  • 3 weeks later...

<< Hitler using Hindu symbols is akin to usama using islam for his personal gains. >>


not at all.

hitler did not love hinduism and the vedic culture. he loved the "aryan" race. (aryan is not a race, many do not know it). so he picked an aryan symbol -swstika - for political reason.


osama on the other hand is a true muslism who loves koran and its message. he did and does exactly as koran says.

he took and is taking a lot of physical, mental, and financial trouble to do what koran says.


the only problem is, he did not study other religions to compare and choose a religion for him.

he just chose islam because he was born into it, and islam does not allow muslims to explore other religions.

not only that, per koran, a muslim must be killed if he quits islam.


as long as islam survives, osama will be remembered with love by the muslims.


no one - hardy any one - takes pride in rememering hitler.


hoep you understand.


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you have made some good points.However,it is not true that one has to be killed if they leave Islam. That may happen in certain countries,but it is not islamic.I converted to islam,and now I do not practice it.But of course I am in the US.


As for Osama loving Islam.Well the only thing that the world really knows as fact about the man is that he is froma wealthy Saudi family who disowned him,and he was hired and then made infamous by the US government.Islam plays no role here.

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We all know that "Aryan" refers to the noble class of the vedic peoples, and perhaps the oldest of them the Dravidians. To my understanding, the reason why the caste system is viewed as racial and induism takes the blasm is because this is the kali-yuga. The caste system has been corrupted and twisted into a system of biggetry today. Originally, as Krishna said, the caste system was a way in which to show people how they best served there communities and peoples. It was one's dharmic duty to serve one's peoples in this way. One belonged to a certain caste based on one's virtues as a person. Nothing to do with skin colour. Do not forget that Krishna and Rama were dark skinned and they were the noblest of the noble. The term Varna or colour refers to the caste system, that is correct. But this does not refer to skin colour, but clour of virtue. When one is white in virtue this means purity and the highest of virtuous people in this world. To this class belonged the Brahmins. But the Brahmins had dark skin as well as light skin. Realize the original intent of the caste system was to provide a practical structure for people to serve one's people not racial agenda. But as the Kali-yuga dwaned and progressed, the caste system became tainted. And the virtuous were not so virtuous as there forefathers of the same caste. It came to pass that one who was born to a Brahmin was also a Brahmin...this is not how the original caste system worked. For a non-virtuous person can be born to virtuous people. So the caste system is now a way to keep one's family on top of the social structure to reap the benefits and oppress the others, for it is near impossible to move up in the caste system of today. Originally one had the right to move up or belong to the caste that one deserved to. It is no wonder that outsiders and perhaps many Hindus see the racism and discrimination in their own ways. This is because the ways are asuric and not dharmic as was originally intended.


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  • 1 month later...
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Hitler never perversely used the Swastika nad in fact was more than justified in using it. the Swastika is an ancient European symbol which was brought to India by ancient Europeans- the fabled Aryan race.

What Hitler attempted was its reincorporation into a more pure Aryan way of life- ie the Teutonic German way of life. And in fact he never borrowed it from India but took it from old European beliefs. It is indeed the 'end of the lays' in the ancient Teutonic alphabet. The fact that the use of the Swastika runs parallel to Hinduism is because both take the Aryan race and its beliefs as their source. The Germans as direct racial descendants (although not entirely pure themselves) and Hinduism through virtue of the fact it was established by the Aryan race.

In fact although one might consider the Aryans to have suffered a complete racial decline in India it seems apparent that at some point they attempted to preserve their European/Aryan racial heritage. This is why the Hindu caste system was established. Confirmed by DNA testing the caste system is staggered so the higher you progress up it the greater the percentage of European/Aryan DNA possessed.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I am shocked to hear your words. well after thousands of years of exploitation, they do have a sense of revenge. there is a reason for everything. the reason why these laws(however unjustified), came into place is because at the time of independence, they were in such horrible condition that goverment had to take some action. also, i suppose you guys are city bred. in villages where most india lives, there is still untouchabilty practiced. thakurs are worst for their behavior agaionst dalits. as far as america is concerned, there is absolutely no discrimination against anyone, i have personally seen it. don't point towards others, you have three fingers towards you. and here you are suggesting that caste system should continue!!

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<< The Dalits are a poeple who are descended from Africans who were enslaved and brought to India. >>



india has never brought slaves from out like american did.

some muslims invaders did keep some local hindus as slaves.


india, in the vedic times did have a system of slavery, but that was 'spiritual slavery'. they were calleed dasas and dasis. some familie voluntrily accept to serve full time to a king or rich families. their generatiosn even would do it. very faithfully. in return theres dasas and dasis were being taken care very well by the masters. there was no incidence of mis-treatment to them. there was no exploitation. no force. no robbing of freedom.



no on dalits.

this term is used to political ends.

some shudras want to remain shudras and wield their political power becaue current laws favor them, give them some more benefits.


anti- hindus, i think xians mostly in inia, use these dalits to defame hindus and hinduism.

dalit word means 'oppressed'.

the constitution is against oppression.

so, these dalits want to remain dalits to ask for more benefits and favorable treatment from gov.


it is all political, and hurts theindu society as a whole.


any shudra has freedom to become any othe caste based on qualification and qualities. no one forces them to remain shudra. but still they say "we are dalits" as it that is their eternal identity. dirty politics.


never use the word dalit,use shudra instead.

that may help to some extent.



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