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Advaitam is a idiotic concept

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is prabhupada iscon of vaishnavam ?




Lord Ramanuja, Lord Madhvacharya & Lord Vallabhacharya are icons of vaishnavam .


prahupada started just a organisation called iskon. just because it became famous, dont mix it with general vaishnavam.


ok if u want to talk about prabhupada/iskcon , i too can talk about lot of advaite/muslim/christian private organsation who have insulted vaishnavam. thats not the topic here.


dont talk about a organisation/its leader to blame vaishnavam. from ur speeches it is clear u dont know much about vaishnavam. dont tell that prabhupada stated vaishnavam.


ok. close the topic, since you are not hving anything to blame vaishnavam. dont bring iskcon again to this topic.

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ok you can think whatver u want. just because u are telling this, vaishnavam is not going to be degenerated in any way.


you may blame wahtever u like. we are least bothered.


u people has also insulted vaihnavam in one or more ways. if i open the topic, then it will lead to big arguement/issue.


dont argue that christianity are genuine & vaishnavam is false.


we dont want to argue with a christian/muslim/athiest.


i too have proof that ur bible is false. but i dont wanna open the big topic. just close it.


i am gonna request the moderator to lock/delete this thread.



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I thought hinduism preached that there is only god supreme god, and that god is without form, shape, gender,colour.etc.

And that the concept of god cannot be comprehended by the common mind, so how come everyone is fighting over what one god said to another when we all know that there is only one god.

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The term itself 'encompasses' different spiritual, religious viewpoints, because it's more of a 'cultural' designation than anything else. Ther'es even arguments about the origin of this word, making it even more vague.

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i already know what you said,

but did you get my point?


let me say it again.


-we have advaita and all the different dvaita with us since brahma's time.


- none of the debating party did terrorism upon the other. in contrast, histiorcially, we had numerous public debates, without anger and calling names and violence by any side.


one way to avoid the argument is this:


one of the party has to say, "why argue it here when we are so far from god and his abode? let us both practice our sadhana and live by the phylosophy we believe, then when we reach god, we will know who came first."


anotehr way to avoid the argument is to say this:


"sanat kumaras were advaitis initially, till they saw vishnu in person. shankaracharya was a great aacharya who saved hinduims from biddhism. he even said - bhaja govindam. after him came five vaishnav aacharyas. each of them debated with the top most avaitis of their times, and the vaishnav aacharya did refute advaita argument. now, you and me are not as smart and sharp an advanced as these acharyas. so why not accept what their conclusion was? at least I would, and wish you get your final destination soon by advaita practice. even chaitanys said that he was a moodha. so i am very very moodha. so as shankracharya said, 'bhaja govindam,' i would bhaja govinda. have a great day!"


in any way, we need to stop argueing about it at this time of terrorism. because, islam is the threat to advaitis and dvaitias and any one in between and out of it if one is non-muslim.


once i saw on tv that two sea lions were fighting on the shore. then a whale came and swallowed both.

you see, they did not realize the real danger.

one sea lion is not a danger to another.

there is time to argue, and there is time to unite.

this is time to unite for a purpose.


unity does not mean one party needs gives up his/her sadhana or philosophy.


unity means we need to work together to defeat the asuras and their asuric ideology.


i cannnot make any more clearer than this.

i hope the readers understand.


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gita is the summary of the vedas.

see below wht krishna says V. 12.1, 1.2



Arjuna inquired: Which is considered to be more perfect, those who are properly engaged in Your devotional service, or those who worship the impersonal Brahman, the unmanifested?


The Blessed Lord said: He whose mind is fixed on My personal form, always engaged in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith, is considered by Me to be most perfect.


advaitis worship impersonal brahman.

they say - aham brahmasmi, so aham, etc.


do you understand why it is not worth argueing /debating the issue at this time?


if you are so fired up, still, to argue with advaitis,

then how much happy you are with islam?

koran says krishna is not god, allah is.

you must be converted to islam or killed.


is it a priority to argue with hindu advaiti or islam?

advaiti will not come with ak47 to you home.

a muslim terrorist will.

koran says the property you own is allahs, and you ahve stolen it. so a muslim has right to take it way from you.

and they will do it as soon as they get oppertunity.

france has a muslim minority population. now all of a sudden they realise it will wash away france's local culture.


so, save you energy, please, to debate with the barbarians.

once the asruic ideology is removed from our lands,

then I will join you in debating against advaita, if necessary.


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Yes you are right.


we have to follow our prescribed sampradayas rather then seeing fault in other philosophies/sampradayas.


i agree with that.


why fear terrorists ? we love all.


let us be united. at same times theres no need to be afraid of terrorism , do u think Lord Vishnu & Lord Shiva will be just watching if the terrorists come & kill us. surely, not Lord Vishnu / Lord Shiva will definitely come to our help & save us. Remember how Lord Narashima saved Lord Prahlada.


Jai Shri Krishna

Om Namah Sivaya


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Yes you are right.but not fully.


we have to follow our prescribed sampradayas rather then seeing fault in other philosophies/sampradayas.


i agree that advaiti arguing with a vaishnava (or) a vaishnava arguing with a advaiti is not healthy in current situation.


i agree with that.


why fear terrorists ? we love all.


let us be united. at same times theres no need to be afraid of terrorism , do u think Lord Vishnu & Lord Shiva will be just watching if the terrorists come & kill us. surely not. Lord Vishnu / Lord Shiva will definitely come to our help & save us. Remember how Lord Narashima saved Lord Prahlada.


moreover i have already regretted for starting this thread & also stated reason for it. then why are u blaming me again ?


i think you can tell ur message to advaitis/atheists also because they are kindling my mouth even if i keep my mouth shut.


Jai Shri Krishna

Om Namah Sivaya




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till now no muslims have knocked my door & irritated me.


only these advaitians & christians did many times. thats why i got irritated & started this thread in a mood of angry. i think u can understand my feelings.


as soon as i cooled down i realised my mistake of starting this therad.


i also regretted my mistaked in this thread itself. without understanding that, some advaitians/atheists are kindling my mouth in this thread.i can see no muslim here.


so u can ask the atheists/advaitans to shut up rather than asking me to cool.



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I thought hinduism preached that there is only god supreme god, and that god is without form, shape, gender,colour.etc.


no, if you have form, shape, gender, colour.. also god who have created you has them

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"unity means we need to work together to defeat the asuras and their asuric ideology"


if i think i can help someone there's no need to belong to the same religion... so do your political fights against muslim or whatever, i do not care... but do not use religion.. and do no attempt to artificially unite people in the same religion when, actually, one part is religiously more close to muslims than to advaitins


so fight if you want... but do not mix it with religion

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if you are so fired up, still, to argue with advaitis,

then how much happy you are with islam?

koran says krishna is not god, allah is.

you must be converted to islam or killed.


why mix? if i see a person in difficulty i can help everyone without asking the religion... so help or not help the nationalist cause, there's no need to artificially unify everything

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i have many muslim friends.


they are too close to me. but till now, they havent irritated me or me to them. till now, they havent spoken of vaishnavam.


i used to go hindi movies with them. we enjoy movies with same spirit.


we even watched "Gadar" (hindi movie) together & we enjoyed the movie equally without any difference. because they knew that "movie Gadar was targetting pakistanis not muslims".


but same time i have some advaiti friends. they always use to make fun of "Nama/Govinda". that irritates me. so i stopped having friendship with them. i keep distance.


no vaishnavas make fun of "thiruneer (holy ash)" as saivatees make fun of namam.


i am sure saivaites agree my view. because they knew i am speaking the truth.


i also had christian friends. they too were nice to me without irritating. i learnt about "Jesus" with them. they learnt about "lord krishna" through me. they started to like krishna & said Lord Krishna is very cute.


so for me no muslims or christians are irritating/problem for me.


Even in bollywood "Aamir khan" & "Shahrukh khan" used to sing "Krishna Bhajans". Hindu heroes used to sing "Islam ghazals". Lets Praise Bollywood.


I am a fan of "Shahrukh khan".


any comments ?


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Once a shaivatee guy came to beat me with his gang, just because i scolded him when he made fun of "Lord Krishna".


At that time, only my muslim friends came to my rescue and seeing them saivatees ran away.


now say ,whos better ???


dont talk about islam terrorism alone. theres also veerppan , naksalites & assam terrorists among whom are many hindus (mainly saivatees).


shiva sena has also killed many innocent muslims. in past sometime i was close to them. learnt about their true nature, i kept away from them.


u should not forgot americans killing thousands of innocent muslims in order to capture a few terrorists.


of course some christian preachers sometimes walk into my premises & irritate me.




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In my premises, i have two temples closeby. both are "Shiva-Vishnu" Temple ie., having both deities.


this temple is divided in two complx - Vishnu & Shiva.


Since in shiva complex, there were many sculptures & paintings degrading / humilating Lord Vishnu, so i get irritated & stop entering that complex.


In Vishnu thers also a small shivlinga near to Lord Krishna. i used to worship the linga. in vishnu complex, theres no sculptures/paintings insulting to shiva. so saivatees dont get irriated.


There are many shiva temples that have sculptures,paintings humilating vishnu. if i ask why is like this , they simply tell that it is the sthala purana (????) of the temple.


Can anyone point out any vishnu temple having sculptures/paintings humilating shiva. og course we too have sthala purana, but we dont use our sthala purana to hurt other gods ?


so clearly we can see the difference between saivatees & vaishnavas.


moreover, just because i used "idiotic" in this thread, all of em pounced on me. but what about the people who make fun of "Govinda/Namam" ? Do we (vaishnavas) pounce on them ?


So you shaivatees dont overact yourselves as goody good & dont think we vaishnavas (including iskcon) as baddy bad. okee


if you want to point out faults in iskcon we too can point many longgggggg list on u. okeee.


just stop this pouncing.


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