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Pravitti & Nivritti

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pravritti means to indulge : outgoing of the senses and perception of pleasure and also pain.


nivritti means to look inside: to stop the senses from functioning to perception.


the former is an offshoot for bondage , the latter a concept for renunciation and attainment of moksha.


"The Vedic dharma (religion) is verily twofold, characterised by

Pravritti (social action) and Nivritti (inward contemplation),

designed to promote order in the world; this twofold dharma has

in view the true social welfare and spiritual emancipation of all beings."


-Sri Shankaracharaya (A.D. 788-820)



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All the dharmas (righteous duties) are no different from the dharmas contained in the Vedas. Dharma is frequently defined as a two-way path. One is pravritti (worldly activity) and the other is nivritti (detachment). All activities relating to the external world are pravrittidharmas. Pravritti tells you, when you are hungry, "My child eat." Nivritti tells you on the other hand, "Child, merely because you are hungry, don't eat everything that you get hold of." Nivritti tells you what, when and how, you should eat. Pravritti confuses the mind. Nivritti purifies the heart. That which pertains to external objects is pravritti, and that which concerns your internal needs is nivritti. All the things that you are experiencing through your eyes, ears, mind, etc., are only related to pravritti. Nivritti transcends the sense organs such as eyes, ears, etc.

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