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Christians Build Church Next to Tamil Nadu Temple

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Hare Krishna,


Christians Build Church Next to Tamil Nadu Temple



CHENNAI, INDIA, February 24, 2004: Christians are building a

"japakootam," prayer hall, just a few feet from the outside wall of the

Kailasanathar Temple in Covalam, near Mahabalipuram, according to this

News Today report. The temple contends the construction is illegal.

This report says, "Interestingly, the construction of the japakootam

began only after some Hindu volunteers began to involve the locals

(mostly fishermen) in the functions of the temple. Just ten day ago,

the volunteers had a function in which even the District Collector

participated. The japakootam was not there then. In the land belonging

to the temple, there are an estimated 36 houses/hutments. Out of these,

four are said to be illegally occupied by Muslim families. The locals

say these families cook and eat beef on the temple land itself. Apart

from hurting the sentiments of the Hindus, the obnoxious odor emanating

from the cooked items effectively drives the devotees out of the

temple, one local said. Further, two of the houses are 'owned' by

neo-converts to Christianity. The one-room japakootam is constructed by

a neo-convert, who goes by the name Mohan. The locals fear the hand of

a local church denomination behind the construction. The provocative

construction and the illegal occupancy have come in the way of holding

Utsavams that were planned by the religious minded locals and the very

strong fishermen community. The Utsava Murthis (parade Deities) cannot

be taken in procession around the parikrama (circumambulation path)

because of the illegal occupants. When News Today broached the issue

with the temple's Executive Officer, Kothandaraman, he said the

construction has been stopped. He also said that the complaints of the

locals against the illegal occupancy would be looked into. The locals

allege that the evangelical groups who are trying rampantly to convert

the fisherfolk are not taking kindly to the efforts of the Hindu

volunteers to involve the locals in the affairs of the temple. 'This is

the reason for their provocative action. They foment trouble and then

try and build a case of persecution against them. This is a typical

ploy,' an angry local says."

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Raghu sir, This problem is very much there in tamilnadu.


Let me quote a few more examples.


Just opposite to Thiruchendur Murugan temple is a very big church.


Just opposite to Vivekananda Rock is another big church.

The list is endless.


These are meant for distracting people.


The Christian missionaries get lot of money, and there is a particular community in tamilnadu who can sell their souls for money ( I think you know what I mean).


So just give them some money and buy them.


Every sunday I see these people going to Slums and converting people.


There was an annachi in our area, who got converted in the recent past, and his humble house transformed into a multi storeyed complex. So you get the point?


They approach helpless and disillusioned people and who out of compulsion get converted.


I was a witness to some of the programs conducted by them, and I couldnt help laughing.


As Gokul said we have to pray to Hanumanji to put an end to all these.

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personally, i dont see the problem with having a church next door to a temple....all of god's children can pray peacefully. we should advocate against the forced conversion of people. educating the uneducated will be the way. christians and hindus must live in peace together in india and education is the only way. education and tolerance and understanding...may god bless us all, hindus muslims and christians.

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When they stand outside the temple and distribute leaflets for conversion, and conduct a mass or a program when you want to pray peacefully or conduct an awakenong mass when you want to pray during a featival, you will know what it means to have a church next to you.

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It's not a good idea to have a church build next to a temple. This would only leads the church to be destroyed, and then they'll claim that Hindus did it because they wanted to rebel against christianity. And it would be a big disturbant for both christians and hindus. When specially, christians try to conver the hindus.

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i think u are Madhav.


Dear Madhavji,


what action do u expect from me ? i dont wanna take arms against anyone. also i dont trust these "politicians & law" to take action.


so i thought its better to complain to Lord Hanumanji, so that lord will take action.


is it passive thinking ??? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

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Politicians are the very personification of Satan.

They will make a fool out of both Hindus and Christians.


Also , once cannot take up arms.


But One can lodge a formal complaint with the agencies concerned. For example, if you feel that they are encroaching, then there are laws to prevent encraochment.


But In Tamilnadu and in India, there is no law. This is Kaliyuga, and there is Adharma everywhere.

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The question why do they convert? Is there not enough information that they need to know about Hinduism or is their poverty driving them to embrace another religion? They Hindu authority should wake up and do some field work instead of just preaching in their four walls. How much of charity work or social service have they done in their community? There are many question unanswered. I am not form India but I do read news about the country of my forefathers. Do not just complain get you butts out there and do what is necessary.

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They convert because it is the nature of man to run from suffering. It's often a knee jerk reaction.


Basic survival instinct quite often makes us the most frightened of physical suffering. If you are hungry or poor and someone offers some relief (even if it is through taking out a credit card that will enslave you to debt for the next 5 years for a few meals here and there) most often you will take it.


Hinduism however has never been about running from suffering.


India though may be well advised to look at the living condition of the aboriginal people in other lands such as the Americas, the South Americans and Africa following the Christian coversions.


It would be terrible for human consciousness should the last shreds of a great enlightenment culture-Hinduism- be obliterated.


In order to keep your tax exempt status in India a good chunk of the cash must go to social projects such as orphanages and hospitals. Previously Christians just pulled into Goa and cut off the legs and tongues of the priests and converted with horror and the sword. If they could scavenge devotees in India without such large investment would they? Billions of dollars been allocated for the conversion of India.


Now they will kill with "kindness". It is a more subtle horror now. Threats of hell-and a whole host of shoulds and should nots to further enslave man and annihilate any potential for enlightenment or high philosophy and great discoveries in the realm of consciousness.


Christ's light..... Where is this fellow Jesus Christ? His people are suffering.


Like the pope who was elling tickets to heaven to subsidize his building projects and debauchery. No one will ever ask for their money back. Pie in the sky.


Helping the people of India is not the agenda. Christianity is a communal religion like most one omnipotent God religions. Meaning there must be missionaries and it must always have new converts to survive. Communal does not mean living in communes but is more refering to the realm of consciousness and dynamics of belief.


Boiled down belief is little more than ignorance. Once there is experience or personal discovery like that of the sages, saints and mystics then belief is annihilated.


Belief or ignorance will battle to the death to perpetuate itself.


The interesting thing about Christianity is that it does not generally accomodate personal discovery or experience. Historically those who had personal encounters with God were burned at the stake imprisoned or tortured. Then after death they were considered Saints. But Heaven forbid someone should walk and talk with God while living.


Such experience in essense annihilates religion.


Hinduism is experiential in nature. It does not accommodated belief (ignornace). It is the personal experience and discovery the annihlation of ignorance-enlightenment that is its very essense.


What can be witnessed in India in part with the invasions of Christians is ignorance battling for continued survival. Failing in the USA, forced to close churches left and right. allegations of child abuse and skyrocketing divorce rates is not contribution to conversion attempts in Western lands.


A communal religion such as Christianity must seek sheer numbers of recruits to survive. Like the military. Onward Christian soldiers.......


Otherwise it can be like what happens to Tinkerbell in the story Peter Pan when no one believes in fairies.



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