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Interview With Enlightened Master Sri Kalki

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In the ancient sense of the word enlightenment is very clsoely realted to liberation from suffering. It is more of an emptying rather than a receiving something.

--no, vedic philosophy is very precise, do not concoct things .. liberation is liberation from suffering, spiritual realization is literally darshan, the vision of god and the vision of ourselves as servants of god.. so emptying from material suffering and regaining our original life in the spiritual world vaikunta


vedas do not make any confusion




I am curious of your perception that enlightenment has to do with receiving light. It is more an unlearning than a learning.

--i don't know why receiving a light, a vision or the possibility to see is to be considered an unlearning, it is very strange..


the root of all suffering is ignorance

--yes, we came in this world to be fogetful of god, so he, kindly uses his energy, maya, to make us blind and see us as isvaras instead to see god as isvara and us as servants. From this ignorance comes all suffering, illusion, then delusion , then frustration and again


It is much easier for the mind to see ignorance and enlightenment as opposing realities than suffering and enlightenment.

--no, it is not so difficult to see that from suffering, delusion, we can have doubts on the meaning of our existence and then desire to find enlightement to end suffering and obtain the vision of our true nature


Go to see and see for yourself then you will be in a postion to debate

--there's thousands of people claiming to be god and saying that everyone's god, i cannot go to everyone and it is enough to recognize that they and their followers are ever singing the same pseudoadvaita song, that they start with the same flowery words, thet they cannot answer even to simple questions, and that, after this, they starts to insult, to judge with prejudices and to say that one has to experience. You has come in a forum, forum means discussion's place. So you cannot expect to say your idea without being able to answer to simple objections like : "how can god who is omnipotent forget to be god?"


It is apparent from your words that you are writing from concepts and beliefs rather than experience and that sir is merely perpetuating datkness and ignorance.

--darkness and ignorance is to be unable to answer to little and simple questions and to judge people without knowing them to divert the attention from the fact that there's no logic in what we are saying


mine is not belief.. i have given logic and made logic questions... and you are not able to answer


learn to serve better your "kalki", you are very weak in explaining your faith if you are put in the angle by a simple question:


god is cit, eternally conscious, how can he forget? how can maya who takes his power from god , make god blind and forgetful of his existence and role?


showing weakness in answering you are showing the weakness of your belief

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"showing weakness in answering you are showing the weakness of your belief "


Lol! Who made that up? Kind of like the old Buddhist saying that to answer whether or not a dog has a Buddha nature is to lose one's Buddha nature. /images/graemlins/smile.gifOr at least another way of saying I double dog dare you.


I will not even pretend to be strong and answer. Kalki cares little of faith or belief or servitude.


Any answer I would give you would have to be from some strange logic, the truth of another, so I would say I do not know. It has not been my experience that God is not at times blind and forgetful.


There is little logic in experience. That is the beauty of it. It surpasses logic.


Is God logical? Looking at kangaroos and the evening papers, it's anyone's guess.


There is the omnipotent one taking the form of a burning bush or an elephanted headed god riding on a mouse. What is, in a dependently arising creation, truly absolute and omnipotent? (Although this statement will inevitably lead to a rousing debate over who has the best most powerful omnipotent invisible friend that still can do nothing about the fallen state of man Indian politicians, the astocity of meat sprayed on the french fires at McDonalds or any number of other logical debates that have come down on this forum).


Historically, the accounts of the manifestations and the appearences and the hand of god seem marvelously illogical). Enough to break the mind. Beautiful!


The mind and its strange logic seem more like the Satan of the Bible. Like the Christ in the wilderness battling with it 40 days before it finally broke. 40 days and he was a Christ! What chance does a common man have without some kind of divine intervention such as that Kalki Bhagavan is giving?


In any case sorry of you took offense. It was the title "not surprised just bored" of a previous post that indicated the level of suffering as boredom is a very high state of spiritual suffering-among the hardest to bear. A hundred times worse than anger, hatred greed or any physical suffering. It is the suffering that must be managed at all costs.


We at least seem to agree on the connection with ignorance and suffering and boredom is a very intense state of suffering so logically the connection was made. Yet is is indeed the nature of the mind to judge. That old devil, logic.



Definately Kalki (the one you have been writing about yet have not even bothered or intended to bother to find out about for yourself ) could maybe help you with the boredom. If he were to give you a state where you were to see the entire Universe in a leaf or a grain of sand it perhaps it would not all be so boring for you.



As for men and women calling themselves God, it might not be so upsetting to you-it might even be thrilling to experience that state for yourself and to understand the perception of why anyone would say such a thing. It's not a bad thing really to attain that state and have that perception. Not to mention the impact on human consciousness on the whole.


Still why wouild I care that you are suffering-that you do care so much about it to attempt to turn others off to the possibility that a being can help them to be liberated once and for all from suffering in this lifetime in a moment?


That some hope Kali Yuga would last 420,000 years. And some will inevitably believe you and sadly nevr bother to find out or seek enlightenment for themselves.


It is well understood that misery loves company. If someone threatens to take someone's suffering from him he often will act like an addict. Ignorance will battle at all costs to perpetutae itself.


Crabs boiling in an iron pot will inevitably grab a crab who is attempting to climb from the pot and drag it down to death. The "Annihilator of Ignorance" as they call him is bound to be met with tremendous resistance.



Man preferes his gods to be incarnationally challenged (dead or manifestations) and if a few believe its not possible from reading your words then it's their misfortune. He will continue giving enlightenment as it was done in ancient times to others reguardless of your dissaproval and scorn.



Yes, definately there are many claiming to be god and that was the point in part. That is a common perception in the state of enlightenment that is most common to Hinduism. God and man are no longer perceived as opposite ends of the same reality. If god is in all that enlightened master sees and he looks in the mirror then is he not god?


Ekam sad vipra: bahuddha vadati.........


Is it not true?




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There is little logic in experience. That is the beauty of it. It surpasses logic.

--of course you can refuse logic.. but why have you choosen to communicate in a farum? forum is made by words and discussions, and a discussion is made by communicating ideas through logic. So if you do not believe in the logic as a source of consciousness, in discussion as useful exchange of experiences, why come in a forum? My opinion is that for some time you have tried to use logic to discuss with me.. now, that you have understood the weakness of your reasons, you are saying that logic is not all, that experience.... bla bla bla....... so go to make experiences, why come in a forum to discuss?


The mind and its strange logic seem more like the Satan of the Bible

--this is your belief.. this despise of mind and rationality is more on the side of fanatism than in spirituality or religion... and why are you writing? to speak you have to use the mind, so why are you criticizing the mind but you are using it. Be coherent


What chance does a common man have without some kind of divine intervention such as that Kalki Bhagavan is giving?

--no chance, but the intervention has to be really divine, not from common humans or cheaters. Then you need to clarify yourself a little.. god is eternally conscious, so if you're god, you do not need another god to make you conscious of your condition


In any case sorry of you took offense

--offense? why?


It was the title "not surprised just bored" of a previous post that indicated the level of suffering as boredom is a very high state of spiritual suffering-among the hardest to bear

--too poetic... i was only saying that you are not so creative with all this "we are god" stuff... it is the same song of many "neo bhagavans" hitting the streets in our kaliyuga and you have a way to answer and to avoid answers with the obligatory final claim that mind is useless, that is very typical.. and a little boring


Yet is is indeed the nature of the mind to judge. That old devil, logic.

--that logic is a devil is all to demonstrate... if we use our mind and the capacity to use the logic to understand spiritual matters mind turns in a great friend and helps us to find our real nature. The surprising fact is that your ideas are some mix of advaita tattva, but advaita tattva is a great school of logic, rethoric, discussion and great consciousness of vedas and scriptures... so it is a paradox that you are using advaita style to negate the value of logic and debate who is essential in advaitism. Like you were speaking of orange juice without orange.


(the one you have been writing about yet have not even bothered or intended to bother to find out about for yourself )

--it is your fault not mine.... in the same moment there's thousand of people claiming to be god and thousand of people preaching about them. So it is your responsability to show the science given by your master in a way to make it worth to investigate...

so, no logic, no science, not even answering to the simplest questions, but i have to believe because you are saying to me "come.. it is so nice"

so learn to show better the doctrine of your "god kalki" or you will take the bad karma of making he a farce in the internet. So respect your master, explain better or stop to do it


could maybe help you with the boredom. If he were to give you a state where you were to see the entire Universe in a leaf or a grain of sand it perhaps it would not all be so boring for you.

--i repeat, do not make all this poetry about my boredom, i am not everytime bored, i have not said it, i have said that your ideas and the way to showing them are a little boring. If you come in a discussion it is your advantage if you try to understand what it is said to you..


It's not a bad thing really to attain that state and have that perception. Not to mention the impact on human consciousness on the whole.

--that perception is impossible, god does not forget to be god, so there's no perception of becaming god, your perceptions are maya, illusion, like drugs and who teach this to you is a cheater..... some take drugs and they think to be birds, spaceships.. even god... and you take a drug in the shape of illogical teachings and you illude yourself to be god..... against any rational evidence that we are controlled even by our bathroom... when nature calls all our illusion to be the supreme vanishes


And some will inevitably believe you and sadly nevr bother to find out or seek enlightenment for themselves.

--you simply do not know if i am following a path of spiritual realization and if i am not giving it to others... so why imagine or speculate? and even if i had nothing to offer, i consider your theories a problem for spiritual advancement, not an help at all.. so better doing nothing than follow concocted and blasphemous teachings.

otherwise why i had written? only to bother you? no


Ignorance will battle at all costs to perpetutae itself.

--and in my opinion you are perpetuating ignorance... 1)because you are not able to answer to simple questions, 2)because you are negating the use of the rationality... so no rationality=no culture=ignorance..... so why you are saying that others are bringing ignorance?


Yes, definately there are many claiming to be god and that was the point in part.

--it is a problem.. people are innocent and searching for spiritual enlightement and they find in these rascals the darkness of ignorance... very sad


That is a common perception in the state of enlightenment that is most common to Hinduism

--not true and, it were like that what's the problem if many people do illogic things? the founder of "one with god" school, sri shankara acharya, as his final instruction says "you are wasting your time if you do not worship govinda who is the supreme lord". So it is very clear that neither he is an adept of his school, and that idea was created to make a little step away from buddhism who says that existence is illusion


God and man are no longer perceived as opposite ends of the same reality.

--of course, who said it?


If god is in all that enlightened master sees and he looks in the mirror then is he not god?

--god is not in all... all are within god.. the opposite. So if you look in the mirror you see yourself, not god. God is conscious, he's omnipotent... he does not need even the mirror to see god


so i suggest to make a better propaganda to your "god"

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Actually I am a Siva devotee so I am not sure aboout the so "i suggest to make a better propaganda to your "god part. The "devotees" of KB are of many religions.



When you speak of Kalki Bhavagan of whom you know nothing about and then blame your ignorance and laziness on another though how logical is that?


Are you saying that another should take responsibility for your discovery of truth or untruth? I am assuming that you are an adult but if not then I do apologize.



In retropsect I cannot say the the "go to him" was really a direct invitation. Authentically speaking it is very difficult now to get in the door.


Tremendous courage, authenticity and energy is necessary to find out for one's self. It is often a nightmarish task of confronting oneself. Many have run away screaming. Like putting a jet engine into a volkswagen. Alot of things can happen. Like when you read the accounts of Siddhartha on the night he attained it was quite fearsome for him and he was a Buddha.


Many are addicted to their suffering and when sometime tries to remove it they do indeed act like addicts. It can get pretty ugly.




There is little focus on quantity of people though-probably why that particular spiritual movement very silently grew to close to 15 million strong globally by the turn of the century in less than a decade and no one had or even still has for the most part heard of Kalki Bhagavan. That type of growth does not occur from scriptures, debate and logic. Only pure experience.






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When you speak of Kalki Bhavagan of whom you know nothing about and then blame your ignorance and laziness on another though how logical is that?

••it is enough that one claims to be an avatara that will come 425.000 years from now to say that he's a liar


Are you saying that another should take responsibility for your discovery of truth or untruth?

••so why are you following this "kalki"? if you can do it without a teacher abandone him and do it yourself


That type of growth does not occur from scriptures, debate and logic.

••a big fan club does not demonstrates the autenticity of a "spiritual" master... but scriptures and logic

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  • 2 months later...
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I went, I sought enlightenment, but came back empty-handed! Why??? Always some reason is given, I am not interested in that...just give it, as promised!



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"I went, I sought enlightenment, but came back empty-handed! Why??? Always some reason is given, I am not interested in that...just give it, as promised!


Disappointed "


I'd be interested in knowing where you went, who did you want to meet, what did you do there, etc.

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if people go there and really become forever blissful and enlightend what raised the question of "do people really get enlightend"?? Its obvious. they really are enlightend. Ive never know anyone who can promote enlightnment such as him.the only way to really find out is to go to him. See if hes true. you cannot know the truth anyway else. or if he says he will bring enlightnment in the next 12 year just sit back and wait till 2012. we'll see then.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 8 months later...

hello sir please read upanishads to know meaning of avatar.and please read this answer carefully.












Question: Are you the Kalki Avatar? Sri Kalki Bhagavan: You must be very clear that I have never claimed to be Kalki. In the beginning when the retreats were at Somamangalam (a place where retreats were conducted in the initial stages of the movement) a lot of people began to have visions, they began calling me Kalki. The world Kalki is just a title given by people to Me. And I have come to accept the title.


But Avatar, yes. I claim to be an Avatar. The Hindu scriptures are very clear as to who an Avatar is. You see, basically, it is like this: GOD per say can never be comprehended, can never be related to, other than through the manifesta-tions. Let us take the case of light as an example. We will go into a little bit of science. Suppose, a light ray was to pass through a vacuum tube, you are not going to see the light at all. So light as such can not be seen. But, if that light were to strike an object and come back to you, you see that object. Now, the question is, are you seeing that object or are you seeing the light. The photons do hit the object and they come back into your eyes, therefore we can say you are seeing light, you can also say you are seeing only the object. There is an ambience here. So, what stand can you take here? You really cannot take a stand. You can say, “I am seeing light, yet I am not seeing light”. The same ap-proach applies to the understanding of an Avatar. When you are looking at an Avatar, you can say, “I am seeing GOD; yet I am not seeing GOD”. Both are equally true. Like without light, you are not going to see anything at all, yet light itself cannot be seen.


Therefore, we maintain that only Avatars are the nearest you can get to God or whatever you want to call it. Let us take another example. You can never know or perceive electricity itself. What you can comprehend are its manifestations, for example, the tube light is the light manifestation of electricity, a fan is the mechanical manifestation of the same electricity, the iron box is the heat mani-festation.


Similarly, what you call GOD has over a thousand aspects. A few of them can manifest in an individual. For instance, Ramanujam is a mathematics manifes-tation of the Supreme consciousness. He can outbeat the fastest computer ef-fortlessly. He had antaryamin of a Goddess called “Namagiri”. That is why, even today, he has not been fully understood. You take Einstein; he never studied Physics and mathematics. He simply knew what was space and time. Only later, came the mathematical formulations. He was basically a mystic. So, one can call him an Avatar for physics. If you take Karl Jung, he is an Avatar for psychology. Thyagaraja – an Avatar for music. Similarly Beethoven in the west. So, people who manifest certain aspects of the Divine and Supreme con-sciousness is called Avatara Purusha.


So, I am a Spiritual Avatar. The experiences, miracles and grace people have experienced across the globe are proof of that. From my miracles and grace one can understand what kind of an Avatar I am. My thirst is mostly on En-lightenment.


This is my area of specialisation, though; I can fulfil your desires and solve your problems. My vision and purpose is the enlightenment of mankind. In that sense, I’m an Avatar, but not the mythological Kalki Avatar. I am not going to be riding on a horse with a sword as they say he will come after 140.000 years.

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