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Was Krishna "crucified"?

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I've heard some theories that believe that Krishna was crucified by two theives but the whole death of Krishna seems to be very unclear.


I'd appreciate if anyone has any good sites that better explain the death of Krishna as it's always been a bit of a mystery to me.

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Krishna was never crucified, that's Christ you're talking about there.


The 'death' of Krishna was pre-determined as he came to live as a human, he had to die as a human. He was mistaken for an Animal by a hunter and was shot in one of his feet by the hunter's arrow. Of course as we know it is very unlikely to die from being shot in the foot, so I think this little 'accident' was just an excuse for Krishna to release himself. Krishna was born with a bad foot as his weak spot, and pre-determined his own death.

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Excerpt: When the Lord, however, appears in His person as Lord Sri Krsna, His other plenary portions also join in Him by His inconceivable potency called yogamaya, and thus the Lord Krsna of Vrndavana is different from the Lord Krsna of Mathura or the Lord Krsna of Dvaraka. The virat-rupa of Lord Krsna is also different from Him, by His inconceivable potency. The virat-rupa exhibited on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra is the material conception of His form. Therefore it should be understood that when Lord Krsna was apparently killed by the bow and arrow of the hunter, the Lord left His so-called material body in the material world. The Lord is kaivalya, and for Him there is no difference between matter and spirit because everything is created from Him. Therefore His quitting one sort of body or accepting another body does not mean that He is like the ordinary living being. All such activities are simultaneously one and different by His inconceivable potency.

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That website you've given as a link cannot be trusted as it is run by someone who likes to cause trouble with controversial 'ideas'. Plus the book where the french writer tried to make out that Krishna was crucified cannot be trusted either as we already know westeners come up with some weird ideas when they try to research or 'analyse' Hinduism through western eyes. Crucifiction was never a big thing in India, but it was among the Semites, Romans, Arabs, etc.


I must say this is the first time ever, I've heard of something quite as absurd as this, it seems the French writer was trying to equate Krishna with Christ...referring to him as Cristna.

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Don't Hare Krishnas do the same thing? I mean connect Krishna with Christ? Saying Krishna was the father of Christ, and that's why Jesus's last name was Christ since he took the name of his "father"?


Maybe this is a real connection though, if rumors of Christ going to India to study before the crucifixion were true. He could have become a Krishna devotee to a certain extent.

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