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A great master on non hindu religions

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Letter to: David B. Richter-Hughes




                        8 September, 1976


World Christ Consciousness Organization


David B. Richter-Hughes, Founder


Dear David,


   Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 6, September, 1976 and have noted the contents with care. Thank you very much for your kind offer to have me as your Permanent Acarya and Honorary Chairman. I will accept this if your organization and members are agreed to follow the four regulative principles which discriminate animal life from human life, i.e. no eating of meat, fish or eggs; no illicit sex life outside of marriage and then only for the begetting of God conscious children; no intoxicants, including coffee, tea, or cigarettes; no gambling, not even bingo. Unless one follows these principles, spiritual life is not possible.


   I can give you all guidance and direction for there are millions of Christians in the world today. We are not concerned with how, so much as the fact that one must develop his dormant love for God. This is alright that you will chant the names of Christ for after all he was the representative of God. People are lost due to not following a bona fide religious system. If you can revive their God consciousness that will be very good service.


   I hope this meets you in good health.


Your ever well-wisher,


A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami












Arrival Lecture, Calcutta, March 20, 1975


Prabhupada: Tehran. Yes. I forgot. He has come. Here is the Tehran representative. Yes. So there was very nice meeting in Tehran. Many scholar, Mohammedan, came to see me. So everyone is understanding the importance of this movement. So in Tehran I discussed about chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that there are many names. Namnam akari bahudha nija-sarva-saktih: Krsna's name, manyfold. So I pleaded to the Muslim audience that “You can chant the name of Allah also. Not necessarily that you have to chant the Krsna name, but any name indicating the Supreme Lord can be chanted.” Because in the sastra it is said, harer nama, harer nama, the holy name of the Lord. But it must be the name of the Lord.


Actually, Krsna has thousands of names, and His names are enumerated by His activities. Just like Krsna accepted to become the son of mother Yasoda; therefore He is called Yasoda-nandana. Krsna accepted Vasudeva as His father, or Nanda Maharaja; therefore He is called Nanda-nandana, Vasudeva, or Devaki-nandana. Krsna acted as the charioteer of Arjuna; He is called Partha-sarathi. So Krsna's name means attached with the activities along with His devotees. This is Krsna's name.


So if the Mohammedans aim the Supreme Lord, Allah akbar, “God the great...” Just like we say Parabrahma. Brahman means the biggest, brhatvat brhannatvat. On account of being very big, including everything, that God's another name is Parabrahma. Param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan. Arjuna addressed Krsna as Parabrahma. So Allah akbar means Parabrahma.


So we do not make any distinction that ‘this type of religion is better than that type of religion.’ Any religion which teaches how to love God, that is first-class religion. That is the injunction of the Srimad-Bhagavatam.

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“You can chant the name of Allah also. Not necessarily that you have to chant the Krsna name, but any name indicating the Supreme Lord can be chanted.”


Well if that's the case I wonder why he would have a problem chanting the name Shiva as the supreme lord, or the Gayatri mantra or Jai Ganesha? Some of these Hare Krishnas are so 'tolerant' (or afraid) of other religions but don't tolerate other sects of Hindus.

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gayatri mantra is chanted because in gaudya vaishnava sampradaya is given diksa initiation


siva and ganesha are not the supreme lord, they're subordinates (and they are happy in this way!!).. chant their name.. along hare krsna mantra


(you are not so informed on the people you are judging....)

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"siva and ganesha are not the supreme lord, they're subordinates (and they are happy in this way!!).. chant their name"


I know what I'm talking about, but your point of view is that of a typical prejudiced vaishnava. If I ask a Shiavite or Shakti equivelent they will tell me that Vishnu is not supreme and their God is. The point I'm making is how can Krishna and allah be the same where their respective Holy books give contradictory revelations? I think prabhupada was too scared to tell muslims to chant Krishna, because he knew what would have happened to him! So he tries to make out that chanting Allah is the same, and this is the same man who looked down at all other Hindu sects!

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I know what I'm talking about, but your point of view is that of a typical prejudiced vaishnava

--not it is adifference of opinion with you based on reading shastras.. i do not even imagine to say that your idea is a prejudice, i accept opinion differences


If I ask a Shiavite or Shakti equivelent they will tell me that Vishnu is not supreme and their God is

--and it is not a big problem, there's not a war, we can discuss, change idea or remain each one in our own position


The point I'm making is how can Krishna and allah be the same where their respective Holy books give contradictory revelations?

--allah means the greatest,,, and the greatest is the supreme god that we call the all attractive (krsna), the one who has all the opulence (bhagavan) and so on. So god is god.. then we will speak of the autenticity of koran, the autenticity of muslim leaders and so on... but who's "the greatest"? george bush?


I think prabhupada was too scared to tell muslims to chant Krishna, because he knew what would have happened to him!

--prabhupada was not scared to go alone in old age in usa to start a world wide movement, so he was not scared in a iran with a good government and no religious fanaticism to say what he wanted to say to some group of muslim spiritualists... you are simply not informed and competent


if you are envious and not happy for the fact that a religion born in india is spreading all over the world, even in muslim countries, even if you find it anti some "hindu" ideas... who is who hates hinduism or who looks down to it? ... maybe you





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Well koran says to call all non-muslims kafirs, who are the worse of all created creatures and they are non-belivers following false gods in a false religion. Muslims believe Hinduism is a false religion. They believe in smashing images of any gods (including Krishna's idol).

Do you agree with this kind of behaviour? Did Krishna say these things in the Gita. So how are they the same? How can the same God give such contradictory information? You can only accept one or the other.


"a religion born in india is spreading all over the world, even in muslim countries"


In muslim countires? I doubt that is true!

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Do you agree with this kind of behaviour?

..chanting means also to take a sattvik behaviour, so a muslim, if he take the vaishnava way of life (read the first part of message about christians) he can chant allah and there's no problem, it is a valid name of god


"a religion born in india is spreading all over the world, even in muslim countries"

In muslim countires? I doubt that is true!

..very slowly, but true, i have personally a friend of mine, brahmana, devotee, initiated by srila prabhupada, giving vaishnavism lessons in teheran university, he was also in the iran newspapers


it is not surely a paradise, butt something is moving

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