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ISKCON (and) Hinduisim

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<< except for the gaudya vaishnavas

i have not met any other religion based in india

who said he/she is not a hindu. >>



only the HK's do it.

hardly any one in india before 1965 would say he is not a hindu.


<< Every one calls himself a sanatana dharmi, but the meaning is, for each one, extremely different


so there's not a common concept of sanatana dharma that you can use for a common ground for everyone >>


cannot agree based on truth i know.

i have given ground once here, and i will not repeat.

we hindus know it, and are happy.


it is ok what ever you want to belive.


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only the HK's do it.

--hare krishna is a name used in the west for any gaudya vaishnava sampradaya math.. and no math has mixed himself with the denomination hinduism.. even chaitanya mahaprabhu who was obstacled more from the so called traditionalist advaitins than by muslims



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