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God, to me, is the infinite Being who is immanent in everyone and everything and who transcends everyone and every­thing in the universe; He (or She if you prefer) is thus omni­present; and He is also omniscient and omnipotent.


This life and the worlds we see are the play or display of His infinite powers and potenials; He is the Original Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the worlds; He is the Director of the play of Life and Dispenser of the results of players. He is formless and limitless but can assume any number of forms and limitations. He is the eternal "I" hiding behind numerous "i"s in bodies, minds, etc.


Indeed, God = Man - (false) ego, as Baba has said!


He is free and so has given the individual beings who are derived from Him, freewill. Given this freewill, Beings (known as jivas in samskrit) begin to play the Game of Life and become responsible for all their actions (which are fol­lowed by appropriate reactions as the Rule of the Game re­quires).


If you identify yourself with Him, you enjoy the Game as the Inventor of a Game or as the spectator of a Game enjoys it. But if you have forgotten Him by identifying yourself with your Role in the Game or with your Body-Mind-Intelli­gence, you may be pleased or pained alternately as the Game proceeds in your favour or against your wishes.


When the pleasure-pain cycle fatigues you, you seek release from the Role. But from one Role to another, you alternate and again become tired. Now, God appearing differ­ent from you, understands your agony and slowly makes you realise that you are not the Role but the Role-player, that you are not the body or mind or the intelligence but the one who is using them. At last you become aware who you really are-and there is a big merry laugh! The roles, the pleasures and pains have been self-imposed for the bliss of it!


If you are like the Prisoner in a Jail bound by the results of your actions, you are said to be a bonded Being. But if you are like the Jail Superintendent, you are also in Jail most of the time, but free to leave it when you like (except for the sake of doing your duty voluntarily accepted by you), you are said to be a liberated-in-life person, a Jivan Mukta! As a Mukta or liberated person you are enjoying life! As a Bonded being, you don't!


The Evidences for the omni presence of God are:


(i) Consider the movement of planets and the earth in space: What a precision! What an accurate maintenance of distances, speeds etc.! If a plane or a rocket moves like that in the sky or space, you know that an intelligent man is in the pilot's seat or that some very intelligent man is remote-controlling it. But if a planet is moving, will you say it is an accident? Can't we infer the presence of a Super-intelligent Being behind that?


(ii) Consider what Cressy Morrison, a Scientist seems to have written many years ago:


The Sun to Earth distance is approximately 9x107 miles; if it is less, we will be roasted; if it is more, we will freeze! Similarly the Moon to Earth distance is approx. 2x105 miles; if it is less, the ocean waves will rise up so high that we will all be under water! Again, if the Earth's Crust had been 10 feet thicker, it has been estimated that Oxygen would not have been available in air and there would have been no life on earth! Similarly if the sea had been deeper by some feet, Carbon dioxide would have been absorbed by it and plants could not have grown and Oxygen would not have been available!


Think again of the eel which swims to Bermuda even if it is born near Europe! Who taught it all that?


Think of the Tarantula (which exists in USA in deserts etc.) which seems to be specifically created for the pepsis to lay its eggs on, after anesthetisation and used as the food for the larvae! (If killed instead of being anesthetised, it would decay and be not available as food!).


Again, it seems that in Australia people once used cactus fences; their terrible propagation rate however became a horrible problem. It could not be checked by chemicals etc.etc. Then, a specific Bacteria was found to exist in Nature to eat the Cacti away! It was imported-it killed the Cacti and became extinct itself!


What accurate specificity! What a balance! And if someone says it is all just an accident in Nature, then Shake­speare's plays are accidents too? A computer can write them? Ha!


As a scientifically trained person, I believe it is not at all scientific to say that there is no super-intelligent omnipresent being behind all this! We see Atomic spectral lines and deduce the electron configurations in atoms. We observe some reactions and their rates and deduce their mechanisms.


Using the same sort of reasoning, we can deduce the omni­presence of a Being behind all these phenomena!


What Prevents us from Realising God's presence?


What prevents us from realising this is our total dependence on our senses, instruments and our minds. No, Sir! That is not enough!


Is Newtonian Mechanics enough to understand sub-atomic phenomena? We know that we have to resort to quantum mechanics.


Are ears, noses, skin and tongue capable of seeing colours?! Only the eyes can perceive colours!


So too, God cannot be perceived by senses and the instru­ments (which are extensions of the senses) or by the mind! Only Intuition or Insight can perceive God!


This is present in all of us but because most of us do not use it, it tends to atrophy! How to activate this faculty of Intuition and Insight?


If you like I will use a simile to help you to understand it: Think of a Cinema Theatre where a morning show or Noon show is on. To see the picture on the screen, (i) you have to get the ticket, (ii) the doors must be closed enough (iii) no strong lights must be on, inside; and (iv) no loud talking must be done.


The Human body is like that Theatre. The Screen is the Intuition. The picture is Insight. The ticket is Guru or God's Grace . The doors are the senses which must be suffi­ciently controlled! The inside lights are thoughts which must be controlled or avoided! Loud Talk is Excessive Desires! There must be a ceiling on Desires!


So, if you do all that, by the Grace of the Guru-God, you can have intuition and insight. The so-called Vedas are based on this only.


By intuition and insight only the Vedic Seer-Saint has sung:


"I know Him, the greatest Lord of all! He shines like the sun (in the sky of my Insight) beyond the darkness ( of a closed Mind and limited senses)! He has become or made all that has form and name! Through His creation that can be observed, He is showing His presence, Power and Glory!"




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--god is a very generic and non specialized word.. in vedic science we have:


bhagavan: god as transcendental person

paramatma: god as transcendental person followign the atma in his journey in the material world (similar to christian "guardian angel" concept)

brahman:the effulgence of bhagavan, the omnipervadent aspect (technically speaking, and speaking of the main feature, because also bhagavan and paramatma are omnipervadent)



--we live in a world subjected by innumerable exact laws, the chance is a matter of ignorance, every day science gives a new discovering who takes out a little from chance and adds a little to laws. So if there's laws everywhere, also the giver and sustainer of the laws is everywhere



---maya--- we came in this material world to refuse the supremacy of bhagavan that is natural and unavoidable in vaikunta, so maya (a god's power) gives us the illusion that god does not exist and we are the real isvara of the world. So krsna bhagavan gives us the freedom, through his maya energy, to think ourselves as supreme and to remain here suffering





to think that we are god is the thing that keep us in suffering and ignorance

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Hare Krishna,



Indeed, God = Man - (false) ego, as Baba has said!



I think advaitists are greatly confused.


If the above is true, then how come "Brahman=God=Man - False EGO" is subject to birth and death. How come Brahman is subject to maya ?


How come the ONE BRAHMAN is in all of us, both liberated and unliberated, and yet the ONE BRAHMAN is bound my maya in unliberated beings like me but the SAME ONE BRAHMAN is liberated in liberated beings(I understand as per advaitam liberated persons become ONE BRAHMAN) ?

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Suffering and turmoil befalls a person who thinks he and God are seperate entity. When one merges with the Supreme Brahman one becomes a Mahatma and he sees God in ever living beings. His aura becomes more poweful than any others who think God is somewhere in the heavens. The choice is yours. Do you want to remain a ignorant being seeking God elsewhere or realize that HE is withing reach. Sri Ragavendra, Ramalingam Adikhal, Ramakrishna Pramahamsa, Sidhartha Gauthama Buddha, Shirdi Sai Baba, Manaikavasagar, Thirunauvkarasar and many others are example of human merging with God. They discovered God within them and not else where. The wisdom of truth will not be known to those who live in the dark. Open your mind and heart only than you will see light which burns in you and that light is God who has given you the free will to decide what you want to be. If you want to remain in the dark and take several birth before you discover the real TRUTH or realize it in this birth is you choice. No one can force you to choose. The choice is left to you.

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it is not a matter of choice, you are god or you aren't god, god never stops to be god and never became god (his condition is eternal)


(please give some demonstration... everyone is able to write nonsenses........ until someone wants explanations, if you are god you will be surely able)

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Chapter One


1. The tapas begins when the Siva comes.


2. The tapas succeeds when you identify with the Guru.


3. Find the origin of the mind.


4. Clear the mind of all ideas.


5. In the absence of ideas there is bliss.


6. Yoga is the suppression of the mind stuff from arising.


7. The Lord of the Linga is in your heart.


8. Abide in the silence.


9. There is something in meditation which no experience can equal.


10. The yogi goes into samadhi.


11. The investigation of Brahman leads to knowledge of the first cause.


12. How do we investigate? By going behind the mind.


13. Merge in the light. Reject all ideas from taking form.


14. In the absence of mind there is deep space.


15. There is nothing when God appears.


16. There is a dimension where the soul is free.


17. Stillness is the means of climbing the spiritual ladder.


18. Concentrate on the here and now to find eternity.


19. Focus on the moment of truth when the self disappears.


20. The nature of reality becomes known when the mind is still.


21. What occurs in the silence? The process of God manifesting.


22. The bliss of silence cannot be measured.


23. You are not the body.


24. In the quiet mind I can grow.


25. At the end of the tapas the Mother comes.


26. The peace beyond desire is the road to the infinite.


27. Make room in the house for God.


28. Complete the journey.


29. God works behind the veil.


30. I am calling you.


31. The glory of God is in the heart.


32. I will guide you.


33. Make the mind like an empty glass to receive illumination.


34. Look for the light.


35. I will give you what you can contain.


36. Can you see the eye of the Linga?


37. God is the never ending quest for freedom.


38. Isolation is needed for the soul’s development.


39. The secret of samadhi starts with the suppression of the mind.


40. Samadhi is thoughtlessness in communion with God’s peace.


41. I am in all things as the witness observer.


42. To reach the level of pure consciousness you must dissolve.


43. Search – strive – attain.


44. True happiness lies in not being disturbed by the world.


45. Experience samadhi in pure thoughtlessness.




46. The deity to be worshipped is in front of you.


47. There is no holding back when you are on the path.


48. Do not use the Guru as a crutch.


49. The bliss that you seek lies within.


50. The great search travels the road from darkness to light.


51. The sixth state of consciousness is beyond the five senses.


52. There are deeper layers of unfoldment in self realization.


53. Reality is dimensionless.


54. I am other than this illusion of the world.


55. Become free of the mind.


56. Become a monk and live in seclusion.


57. God is my soul’s magnet.


58. Strive to reach the great peace.


59. What is it that makes you search?


60. Exist in the void and see the light.


61. Forget the body and become free.


62. The true teacher is in the heart.


63. Who sustains the thought?


64. All things return to it.


65. Go into the region of peace where all thoughts cease.


66. Know that upon which all the worlds stand.


67. Aum is the universal song that reflects the divine presence.


68. God is beyond this gross world of matter.


69. There is a region where no thoughts can gain entry.


70. Experience the silence of the divine wideness.


71. Concentrate on the silence.


72. The Lord of infinity lives in the heart.


73. Float your ideas out with the breath.


74. There are infinite worlds of consciousness beyond the mind.


75. The descent of the higher consciousness comes with the soul’s opening.


76. Behave like a tapas yogi.


77. I will bless you through the fire.


78. Samadhi is merging the thought in the subject.


79. When the waters enter the ocean there is unity.


80. The soul’s progression rises to its source.


81. Sit on the seat of true consciousness.


82. Lose the consciousness of self.


83. Begin again. Forget yourself.


84. There are no personal experiences. They come from the Cosmic Whole.


85. Why do you accumulate more karma?


86. Enter the deep space of consciousness.


87. Find that upon which all desires cease.


88. You must expand to grow.


89. Watchful awareness is the way to enlightenment.


90. God is the breath of my soul.




91. Enjoy the state of desireless peace.


92. In the blank state the truth shines forth.


93. Each soul is a pearl on the thread of God.


94. I am you.


95. Meditation is when the subject and object become one.


96. The bliss that you search for is inside you.


97. Pierce through the veil and see the light.


98. I am not limited to the body.


99. Wire into the Cosmic Mind.


100. I lie concealed in your heart.


101. Surrender yourself into His hands.


102. You must try harder to realize Me.


103. Realize your true nature.


104. The kingdom of the white rose calls from afar for you to enter.


105. Become one with that which you aspire.


106. You merge into that which you want to achieve.


107. Samadhi is the means to explore the inner kingdom.


108. Become the witness of your thoughts.


109. I create the galaxies from ideas in my mind.


110. Seek to find the container of thoughts.


111. I am everywhere.


112. Can your body give you bliss?


113. True bliss is when the soul feels God’s touch.


114. The higher identity is realized in deep peace.


115. Guru can light the path but you have to follow the road.


116. Existence is the mask of God thinking a dream in time.


117. Can you hear the voice of silence?


118. Look at the cosmic light.


119. The everlasting consciousness arises out of the space of quiet.


120. It comes from afar.


121. The deliverer is within.


122. What is Samadhi? To be aware of God at every moment.


123. Your destiny is in Siva’s hands.


124. Pure awareness is the key to wisdom.


125. The road to freedom is filled with sorrow turned into joy.


126. In absolute calmness God shines through.


127. Can you feel His presence?


128. Tapas is where my glory lies.


129. Become incarnations of Siva and Parvati.


130. See with the eyes of Siva.


131. Go higher beyond form.


132. Who is it that makes you call?


133. God is the breath behind your life.


134. It is hidden but yet it comes out.


135. The search begins in silence.




136. The one from which many emerge is the goal.


137. The blank mind is the natural state of enlightenment.


138. Samadhi is a journey from the many to the one.


139. The Lord of tapas is inside you.


140. Brahma sahaja is the state of liberation.


141. There is hope in each new day for enlightenment.


142. The higher consciousness is just behind the mind in stillness.


143. Clouded by desire man does not see the truth.


144. The realization of separation is the first step toward the return.


145. Waiting is the way to success when the mind dies down.


146. The entry into the spiritual dimension requires a piercing vision.


147. The gates of Heaven are closed to the arrogant.


148. Eternity consciousness comes in the silent mind experiencing awareness.


149. Turn your attention toward the sound coming from the divine worlds.


150. What is behind the experience of stillness?


151. It cannot be contained since Brahman is infinite.


152. See between the eyes the light of God.


153. He looked behind the veil of eternity and saw God.


154. It is for you to develop.


155. The Guru will aid you.


156. Experience the voidness of the mind.


157. Realize the eternity of the heart.


158. Lift up your consciousness to the infinite.


159. The blue flame points the path to the hall of freedom.


160. The eye of the tiger reveals God’s mystery to the yogi.


161. Face the mountain and finish the task.


162. He glimpsed through eternity and saw the light.


163. Where is God found? On the mountain of stillness.


164. The wisdom of nonduality is the final realization.


165. Make contact with the infinite in deep silence.


166. The bells of thunder vibrate God’s notes in each center.


167. Rings of fire circle the universe of the yogi’s astral body.


168. The power of concentration burns through the worlds of change.


169. Higher than the world of thoughts is the world of bliss.


170. The mind’s turning away from the world is spiritual growth’s beginning.


171. The awakening comes in a flash. The effort lasts a lifetime.


172. The realization of the Absolute comes when all is one.


173. The Guru awakens the chela’s spiritual force.


174. The mind of God transforms words into reality.


175. When samadhi arises the mind subsides.


176. Dissolve into nothingness to experience the all pervading consciousness.


177. When your identification with Guru is perfect then you will realize God.


178. Above the mind is a region of peace where the divine presence flows.


179. Ideas act as barriers to realize eternal peace.


180. Your own self is responsible for your evolution.


181. Who is the witness of the mind’s pictures?




182. Enjoy the peace of quietness that is your true nature.


183. Tapas means leaving the body consciousness for the infinite experience.


184. Watch the mind before each thought arises.


185. The message of God is to change your consciousness.


186. The self is realized in deep meditation.


187. The purpose of meditation is to experience samadhi and know God.


188. Guru is living in a different dimension.


189. In the footsteps of silence God draws near the meditating soul.


190. In the stillness of the soul there is oneness.


191. Discipline the senses to cut the body tie.


192. Enjoy the delight of the void.


193. Pure being is your true nature.


194. In the absence of thought there is peace.


195. The yogi has no possessions.


196. In the deep state of consciousness the world disappears.


197. The form that you see does not reflect the reality.


198. Yoga is the absence of all thought waves from arising.


199. Your innate divinity will lead you to the goal.


200. The Guru works within to show you the way.


201. All the delusions of the mind come up during meditation for purification.


202. The source comes from above the mind.


203. You approach what you do not know.


204. You realize it by opening to oneness.


205. The soul is pulled to God by meditation.


206. Search for God with eyes of fire.


207. Lift up your consciousness beyond the body into the Spirit.


208. Man must go within to find his true nature.


209. In perfect silence there is peace.


210. See the Cosmic Mind behind creation.


211. Climb the mountain of consciousness.


212. The gates open when the seeker awakens to the call.


213. Cross the threshold from humanity into divinity by tapas yoga.


214. Are you ready to make the supreme sacrifice?


215. The unfoldment of knowledge comes when you can listen.


216. The purity of the heart is shown by its selfless actions.


217. I will take you up to the higher regions.


218. Stay with your mind fixed on eternity.


219. Explore the reaches of consciousness by clear awareness.


220. The goal is reached by staying in the light.


221. Wisdom lies in the heart untouched by desire.


222. Wait for the entire being to become full of peace.


223. I will meet you in the deep silence of meditation.


224. Hold all ideas still for illumination to shine.


225. The grace of the Lord flows to the devotee in bliss.


226. Visualize the appearance of the Lord becoming a permanent reality.


227. When your consciousness is constant then the divine form will appear.




228. The one is realized when the many disappear.


229. Behind the world of appearance yogis penetrate many layers of existence.


230. At each level of consciousness the Divine pervades the yogi’s awareness.


231. The mind creates a web of changing ideas that imprison man.


232. Liberation is the severing of the mind from impermanent thoughts.


233. The way of the yogi is to flow with the infinite.


234. He sees the presence of God in each happening.


235. The change of consciousness comes by constant inner striving.


236. Samadhi makes the experience of God a living reality.


237. When the light is one the yogi travels to other worlds.


238. He sees worlds taking shape by the breath of God.


239. Master your mind to attain freedom in the fourth state of consciousness.


240. The source of all awareness is realized in samadhi.


241. The inner path leads to the farthest reaches of infinity.


242. When all is quiet then I will come.


243. Explore the depths of consciousness to find your soul.


244. Stillness expands into the heights of realization during meditation.


245. Carry on your sadhana with diligence until the goal is reached.


246. When your mind’s ideas become still then God fills your consciousness.


247. Walk on the road to self discovery following the light.


248. Know that you are not alone in your quest.


249. In samadhi there are no thought waves blocking God realization.


250. All tapas focuses on merging with the divine bliss.


251. The mystery of God is revealed when samadhi dawns in meditation.


252. Bliss pervades the body of the yogi joining with God.


253. Call for the divine opening with the magnet of love.


254. As time passes grow into the Eternal by forgetting the world.


255. The Guru is the window through which God shines through.


256. The highest realization is that you exist in God.


257. God is the intelligent force that permeates the universe.


258. The direction of the mind determines your spiritual development.


259. Discover who you are in the deep silence of meditation.


260. Sleep is the nature of the mind detached from the world.


261. Awareness is the essence of the soul knowing its identity.


262. Fulfillment comes when the soul ascends to its original home.


263. Those who meditate find the peace which strengthens their life.


264. The yogi finds the path to ecstasy by keeping the mind free of thoughts.


265. Discover the wisdom which reveals God’s presence in your heart.


266. Hear the sound of Aum arising in meditation.


267. Freedom is the peace of knowing God’s presence.


268. Treasure the calm moments when the Spirit is near.


269. Catch the rays of the spiritual sun with the yogi’s third eye.


270. Yogis become equal to all things in life by radiating inner peace.


271. He knows the origin of light who penetrates the void.


272. Right here in the midst of life God calls the soul.


273. The soul awakens by trying to find the source of freedom.




274. The moment the Divine manifests there is absolute calm to receive bliss.


275. Light streams into the heart opened to the infinite consciousness.


276. Infinity meets the mind of man in the quiet of meditation.


277. The waves of the mind become still when God is found.


278. The clouds of ignorance vanish when the light of meditation dawns.


279. The sage’s life revolves around bringing God closer to man.


280. Sweep the mind clean of all ideas for God to walk upon it.


281. See the light that guides your soul to truth.


282. True vision comes in the stillness of the mind focused on God’s light.


283. The yogi knows death as a mask for the life to come.


284. Forsake the illusion of this world for the constant divine presence.


285. The power of tapas reveals all of God’s worlds to the yogi.


286. The flow of divine power opens the yogi’s psychic centers.


287. The atman is realized when only God is witnessed throughout existence.


288. He must overcome all attachments to the world.


289. Before realization dawns the yogi is tested a thousand times.


290. You get strength when you overcome the ego.


291. The yogi goes deep within himself to find God.


292. Realization is being aware of the Divine on all levels of existence.


293. Yoga is overcoming all difficulties by spiritual power.


294. Be that which you strive to be.


295. Open your soul to the living influence of the higher consciousness.


296. The true hero conquers all suffering in the challenge of life.


297. Face the mirror of consciousness and see your true nature.


298. Find the Guru in meditation to liberate your soul.


299. Stop all ideas from forming to experience the truth.


300. Free yourself from all ideas that limit you to the earth.


301. Going beyond the body and mind you enter a realm of stillness and beauty.


302. Use the earth as a platform to ascend to Heaven.


303. The yogi sees the future but lives in the present.


304. Time and space have no constraints of the liberated soul.


305. He sees through the chains of matter who lives by God’s light.


306. Magic moments come when time stands still before God’s presence.


307. The secret of wisdom lies in growing toward the light.


308. In the deep calm before the awakening the soul gets ready.


309. Meditation means focusing the mind on one point that unlocks cosmic mysteries.


310. Discover your true identity when all thoughts cease.


311. Time is the master that must be used to gain freedom.


312. Experience that which you seek.


313. The mind and body must be controlled to merge into the Spirit.


314. How does Swami want you to meditate?


315. Draw upon your inner resources.


316. It is known in the silence.


317. Eternity consciousness is piercing into the infinity of God’s mind.


318. Make your mind pure and tranquil to receive the Spirit.


319. God is an ocean of deep peace.




320. We invoke the powers that are hidden in ourselves by yoga.


321. When all is calm and still then I will appear.


322. Your reception depends upon your awareness.


323. The overhead ascension opens the door to spiritual freedom.


324. Become vessels of peace to light the world.


325. He unlocked the door to eternity by perfection in samadhi’s absorption.


326. They realize their inner nature who perceive God in everything.


327. Those who seek Me in everything know the self of all existence.


328. From the plane of universal intelligence God speaks to man.


329. The full absorption into nothingness yields the light of truth.


330. The end of the search is extinction of the mind in bliss.


331. I am known in the quietness as the friend of your soul.


332. Space and time disappear when God appears.


333. Can you catch the hand of God as a trusting child?


334. Samadhi withdraws the mind into another dimension where all is one.


335. The eye of eternity sees God’s light everywhere.


336. Detach yourself from the body to know the Spirit.


337. The original source calls the soul through Aum’s vibration.


338. The higher planes are reached by climbing the steps to eternity.


339. Long practice brings the goal within reach.


340. Exist in the silent peace waiting for God.


341. God is ever present in the heart.


342. When all is very still you can feel the divine presence.


343. He is untouched by the world who finds God everywhere.


344. Detach your awareness from the body into the soul.


345. Enter the region where all time stands still.


346. Can you see the origin of the mind in meditation?


347. I am revealed when the heart is pure.


348. Follow the path of the master until the goal is reached.


349. The treasures of the heart are revealed by divine love.


350. Tapas is curbing desires to experience God in meditation.


351. The Guru takes responsibility for the chela’s progress.


352. See with eyes of crystal in the cave of vision.


353. You live in the breath of God.


354. The mind wanders until it finds its origin.


355. Listen to the sound beyond creation and merge in it.


356. The yogi gains peace in meditation to see God.


357. Enjoy the peace flowing through the universe within your awakened soul.


358. Pierce through the void and see the face of truth.


359. In the deep silence of total being God is found.


360. The experience of I Am That is the gateway to immortality.


361. You go through many doors until you see the light.


362. Yoga is the bridge to eternity liberating the soul.


363. God resides in the stillness of the soul as the inner guide.


364. You must isolate the mind to become aware of the Spirit.


365. God comes when the inner flame lights the way to self realization

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Of all four categories of beings, from Brahma down to the last clump of grass, only the man of knowledge is capable of eliminating desire and aversion. 4.5


Rare is the man who knows himself as the nondual Lord of the world, and he who knows this is not afraid of anything. 4.6



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Guest guest

Can you explain to me the taste of sugar. Without tasting it one can understand the taste.


the first rule is very simple... do not mistake salt for sugar


so do not mistake you for god

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How do you know how the other person feels about sugar?

Assume a dumb person tastes sugar, he cannot even explain it.


So even if you know god, can you explain it? You have to experience and the experience is unique for everybody.


You dont see the point that there is nothing else but god.



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in a sense there's union... because nothing exist outside god


in a sense there's separation because it is not acceptable that god stops for a period do be conscious to be god


so the more logic answer is that we are qualitatively god and quantitatively not god.. in the sense that we depend from god


he gives maya when we express the desire to forget him, he gives light when we express the desire to come back


and we NEVER lose individuality, because our individuality is emanated by god and it belongs to god.. so we and god are eternal individual



So even if you know god, can you explain it?

••who sees god, if not communicate it directly to persons at his level, is surely able to lead others to god's consciousness.. and this capacity, skill, is surely expressed in perfectly mastering the basics with perfect logic


so if you see god or if you see yourself god, you surely have the intelligence to deal with basics


and to answer to "god is conscious.. how can he stop to be conscious for a while? wich is the maya power that can illude him if he's the source of all powers?"... is surely basic


if i say "i have seen radharani.. siva... mahavishnu" it would be a very difficult matter to deal with... but "how can god be ignorant even for a while" it is a primary school subject




You have to experience and the experience is unique for everybody.

•••we are not saying "make me see god"... we are discussing if we are god or not... very much simpler and understandable with a simple sincere mind


You dont see the point that there is nothing else but god.

•••and you do not see that inside god there's also variety, personality and plurality... and not only in the maya's world


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This Yoga enlivens the psychoenergetic centers and clears Kundalini’s trail, the straight and narrow path of the spine. According to the hoary Sanatana Dharma Shastras, without this Yoga man would need to wait for at least a million years of natural evolution before Self-realization can take place. Self-realization or Enlightenment occurs when the head of the serpent hits the medulla center. A single cycle of this Kriya results in the same psychophysical and emotional refinement that nature brings to pass in one solar year. So, if a Brahman-Atman Yogin can perform five hundred Kriyas per sitting twice a day everyday for three straight years, he will be able to transmute his psychophysical and emotional faculties to that of a human temple that has gone through a million years of purification and perfecting. This is why Krishna said, svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat "Even a little practice of this method can save you from life's greatest fears." — Bhagavad Gita 2:40 Brahman-Atman Yoga aims to awaken the god within by raising the yogin’s awareness level from first chakra to sixth chakra consciousness. Sixth chakra or medulla center consciousness is "I and the Father are one" Consciousness.



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What yoga are you talking about ? It is unclear from your posts. Also, how do you achieve sixth chakra consciousness ?

does one have to "open" 1 to 5th chakra before reaching this level ? Please, substantiate. thanks.

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1) MULADHARA CHAKRA - Muladhara Chakra is the centre of all inactive sensation and coiled up energy and when we practise Meditation, this Chakra is heated up and coiled energy awakens and it starts flowing along with Sushumna and activate the different Chakras in its way up to Sahastrara Chakra.


This Chakra is located in the perinium region i.e. mid point between rectum and penis. This point is the base of spinal cord and is triangular in shape. The Chakra represents earth element and has a four petalled lotus on it. This Charka is also known as Brahma Chakra. Lord Brahma is the symbol of creativity therefore this chakra is the source of Kama Beeja (seed of reproduction). Kundalini rests in the genital organs which stores in the creative potential and helps us in realising beauty, exitement, joy and art.


When the Muladhara Chakra is activated it gives us happiness, strength , health and freedom from tension and stress.


(2) SWADDISHTHAN CHAKRA - This Chakra is located in the middle of naval and penis/vagina. This Chakra has a six petalled lotus on it and represents water element. when this Chakra is activated one becomes fearless, his/her sexual powers are increased and it also helps to get rid of stomach ailments.


(3) MANIPURA CHAKRA - This Chakra is located in the naval region of the human body and denotes fire element. It has ten petalled lotus on it. When this Chakra is activated , it helps a person in gaining deep Meditation. It also helps in abdominal problems.


(4) ANAHADA CHAKRA - This Chakra is located on the Spinal cord near the cardiac region i.e. chest. This Chakra represents air element and has twelve petalled lotus on it. This chakra is the centre of high energy and light and it is as luminious as the Sun. When this Chakra is activated we get a relaxed and peaceful state of mind and a feeling of love and affection.


(5) VISHUDDHI CHAKRA - This Chakra is located on the Spinal Cord near the throat and represents akasha (sky) element. It has sixteen petalled lotus on it. When this chakra is activated it helps us to prolong our Dhyana (concentration) for a longer time.


(6) AAGYA CHAKRA - This Chakra is located at the forehead in the middle of two eyebrows. The Aagya means command and this chakra commands all our spiritual activities. When this Chakra is activated we attain immense divine powers. This Chakra is the place of Lord Shiva and it has two petalled lotus on it. This Chakra is also considered as the third eye or gate of knowledge and wisdom.


(7) SAHASTRARA CHAKRA - This Chakra is located in the brain near the medulla, the part which connects brain and spinal cord. This Chakra has a thousand petalled lotus on it. Sahastrara Chakra is the highest point of spiritual advancements. Lord Shiva, the static masculine and the supreme power permanently resides here and the Shakti the feminine power unites Shiva in this Chakra. This union of the Shiva and Shakti forms a complete supreme power and enables a Yogi to attain the stage of perfection.


Thus the Kundalini Sadhna is the science of divine union of two different forces i.e. Shiva and Shakti. The power of Kundalini is immense because it enables us to attain strength, intelligence, enlightment, divine powers, creativity, beauty, love, affection and a feeling of being one with our beloved either heavenly or earthy.


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